Hello! This is the first in something I want to make a regular series eventually. ADVENTURES IN MORMONISM!

I made this first cartoon in church the other day when, while the Sacrament was being passed, everyone heard this young baby coughing and sputtering. It was obvious to all that the baby was choking on the sacramental water that her mother was giving to her from the little cup. Everyone sort of chuckled and looked at eachother and smiled warmly. I chuckled too, but probably not for the same reasons. So I made this cartoon later.

After church a woman saw the cartoon and asked if she could see it. I reluctantly let her. She was obviously displeased by the poor taste of the it. Her comment was a half-disguised bitter thing; "Well, it's nice to see a mother and a baby in church at least! It's more than my parents ever did. They went inactive after I was born!"

So she tried to look on the bright side, I guess.

...I have a weird life.

Adventures in Mormonism
Story #1 - Baby and bread