Camping in NAPA in Feb 2002: From left to right: Angel, Rael, Catalina, John, Ernesto, y Giovanni. On top of Ernesto's Explorer.
I believe that college life must be lived to the fullest, and that's what my friends and I have done.  Not only with college friends, but friends from all over.

The best thing is I have friends from meeting them at the beach, college, family, etc.

If you would like to see pictures of my friends and I having fun, click here.
A little about my UC Berkeley latino friends (aka LAM):

In November of 2001, somehow at random, around 14 latinos(as) met at a house party at Berkeley.  I was extremely happy to find so many latinos in one place so I decided to mingle with them and we had a blast that night. So much that I invited them to my house for a BBQ a week later. From that day on, we were unseperable. 

The semester of Spring 2002, it was constant going out, EVERY weekend. From Friday afternoon until Sunday at night. NO KIDDING. So much, that some of us suffered severe concequences with school.

Now a days, we all keep in touch and strong bonds. 
Click here for some LAM pics.
Latinos A Morir (LAM)
Day of Grammys 2000:  Giovanni , Mariela y Carlos.
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