Me in Switzerland: isn't nature beautiful?!
Picture taken back in Summer of 2002.
I discovered that I love to travel summer of 2002 when I went backpacking all over Europe. I went to a total of 7 countries and 20 some cities. 

Later in summer of 2003 I went to Mexico for a month and a half! It was awesome!

I highly recommend backpacking to anyone that doesn't have any huge responsabilities (i.e. house payments, families, huge bills, job contract, etc.).  If you have two months to kill and around $3,000, you should definetly consider it!

As mentioned on my home page, I am about to embark on a 4/5 month long journey! I'm extremely excited! If you need motivation for travel, talk to me or click on this
Also, check out my
travel blog!

If you would like to get some info as to where to stay, how to get there, where not to go, where to go, etc, send me an email. I'll be happy to give you some advice!
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Some day I'll add more the mean time, check out the travel blog.
Updated February 6, 2005
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