November Girl's Birth Family Search
This page will be updated as I get new or updated information on anything having to do with my search for my birth family.

Soon I will begin adding links to various adoption search and reunion groups, web pages, and databases. I will try to put only links that I have checked out to be somewhat active, but archived sites will be put in a separate section so you can search their old databases, just in case...

Today is

I was born on

This photo appeared in the Times Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Ash Wednesday, 1962. I was 12 years old, and everyone called to tell me they saw my photo in the paper. This looks exactly like me, but it isn't me. I was supposed to wear a flapper outfit (different from the one worn by this girl), but I wore something else instead.

I think this might be my birth mother.
She might have been around 30 or so here.

I was told by various cousins and friends of the family (yes, everyone knew but me) that my birth mother was young, and a college student up north, who may have had relatives living somewhere in the New Orleans area, and she gave birth at LaRocca's Hospital in Algiers, across the river from New Orleans. She may have stayed in a Maternity Home, but maybe she stayed with relatives. I don't know.

The person who told me she was going to college up north didn't say if up north meant as north as New York, or only as north as Shreveport, Louisiana, so she could have been going to college anywhere. Also, I don't know if her immediate family lived up north, or if she lived down here and just went to college up north. I do think she had some family down here, though.

I was also told she was from a wealthy family who didn't want their family's reputation tarnished by an out-of-wedlock pregnancy.

I don't know how much of this information is true. Different people told me different things. One said she was about 16 at the time of my birth, but she wasn't sure of that. She just said that number stuck in her head. If my b-mom was in college, she may have been closer to 18 or even older when I was born, but two people told me she was a fairly young girl, so I can only guess.

If you think you know this girl, who might be in her seventies now, please let me know. E-mail [email protected] with information.

November Girl

Me, Age 6 weeks, or so I was told

Wedding Reception. Photo on wall is me at Age 1.

Me, Age 2

Me, Age 3

Me, Age 4

Me, Princess in the Krewe of Alla Mardi Gras Ball, Age around 4 or 5

Does she look like me?

Me, age 5 or 6

Does she look like me?

Me and Dion (of Dion and the Belmonts) taken when I was 13

Does she look like me?

Me and my husband in the limo

Does she look like me?

These pictures are faded now. The photographer did a terrible job.

Does she look like me?

Can't remember when this was taken. Several years ago.

Does she look like me?

My and my favorite and first cat. She died in January '05.

See next photo.

Senior Pic of Me

Does she look like me?

Click HERE to view my daughter's photo.

Click HERE to view my son's photo.

I blew up this photo so I could compare the left leg to the one in the newspaper of the girl who looks like me. I have lymphedema, and her ankle looks just a little bit swollen, and I think my left leg in this photo looks a lot like hers, kinda swollen at the ankle. I could be mistaken.

Another blowup. I was hoping if I blew up the picture I could see my ankle through the sheerness of the outer layer of the dress near the hemline, but I can't tell anything, except that's my pose!

This guestbook is for those searching for birth families, those with lymphedema, and anyone else interested in my page. Welcome. Please sign my guestbook. Thanks.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook


Work in progress. Page will be updated when I have new information, new links, and when I have time.

Beauty and the Beast TV Series, Season One

Beauty and the Beast TV Series, Season Two

Beauty and the Beast TV Series, Season Three

I'm beginning to add groups and mailing lists here, to help with your search.

(in order of state where adoption took place, where possible)

I'll be adding more Lymphedema sites soon.

Yahoo! Links

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