~ Girl Advice ~
Welcome to the ~Girl's Inn~ Advice Column!
        Welcome to our advice column. This is where you can get advice or read about what other people have already asked. Just feel free to ask about anything, and expect to get an answer.

                                                  ~ Girl's Inn ~
Featured story:
I Need some Cheap Spring Flings!
Dear, GI

     I'm going on an overnight trip with my school and I want to look good because we have to wear uniforms in school. This will be my only chance to show of my regular clothes. The trip is for five days and its in may. I want to know what's gonna be hot for this sping and if you have any suggestions.Try to keep in mind I don't wanna have to spend a lot of money on this.

In need,
No more uniform
Dear, No more uniform

     Dread no more, because I've got some great tips and cheap finds. whenever you want a qick fashion find just visit the "Quick Tips" section of the site. Anywayz
accessories is definately in this spring . You can turn a whole outfit completly around just by accessorising a little. Power Beads are really good for adding color and style. If you want you can try adding rine stones to some of your pants or shorts. If you don't like it just take em off. Also white and other colored eyeliner is in this year, if you haven't tried it I suggest you do.Check out some fashion sites like *Delias, just to see what you like then go to department stores and find similar combinations for cheap, or see what you have at home to imitate the look (you'd be surprised at how much you can work with when you just take time to compare.) And don't be afraid to try new things, cuz after all thats what makes you unique.

Hope this helped,
~ Girl's Inn ~
     E-Mail me your Qs
     E-Mail your question. Everyone's story will be posted within a week of me recieving your Q. So get to sending. I also have more that I've just recived. Those will be posted to, very soon.
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