~ A Letter From Me: ~
            Dear Readers,

          Thanks for visiting my site. I hope you all like it and if you do feel free to send comments on what you like or don't like. Since this site is new and I still don't have everything that I want to have on it you can send in suggestions as to how to improve it. I also encourage you to send in your material such as poetry or stories,(for the cre-8-tive writing section) embarrassing moments,(for Embarrassing Moments!!! section) questions(for the advice column) and anything else that you may want posted. If you want something posted thats not listed above simply e-mail me explaining what it is and I'll get back to ya. This site is updated very frequently on a weekly basis. Maybe even more after school is out. Yes, I have a life I usually update after school or on the weekends. Also everything on this site is copyrighted or gotten from another source. (in which when or if any of those cases occur I will aknowledge the source 100 %) . Thanks for visiting.
                                                   Jackie( ~ Girls' Inn ~ ) a.k.a. -GI
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