Girls Undercover no.6

This show has a perfect bar concetp for any nightclub!

It's for everyone who likes parties to get wild in the bar!

Girls Undercover no.6 is titled:
En Barshow i Coyote anda!

You'll get Sophia or Linda (up to you!) as your Tequilavärdinna!

And original Miss Coyote as your outstanding Guestbartender!

And Fia our superb showdancer, as a Go-Go dancer to fill your dancefloors!

This trio will keep your club crowded!

Nobody forgets them, they'll get your customers coming back for more...

The poster can be downloaded here!. You may need a new version of Acrobat Reader from Adobe if it dosen't work.

To book a show, get more info on available dates and prices contact us!! Or call Liza directly at: 0739-918822

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Girls Undercover no.6

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