The Intro Section

If this is your first visit to my page, welcome! This is where you should start. I don't know why I have this section, but I feel there are a lot of recurring things I feel people get used to and if you haven't visited before you should know. Plus, a little explanation on the sections and how to navigate them, since I think I confuse some people. Well, let's get started.

Right now, my main navigation is based on a bunch of 3D blocks in rows of 3. Simple - ya click on a block to go to the section. Whithin the sections, a text version of the menu is on the bottom of every section.

Now the hard part - explaining what the sections are. It's hard, beacuse I strive to make really unique sections. I guess I'll tell you about the more inexplicable ones. Note: some of these may not be up yet.

People Who Shoot At Nothing!: A rather different name for an animated GIFs section, no? But really, if a ya think about it, they really are shooting at nothing. Credit goes to an anonymous person who sent them to me in a ZIP a long time ago. Whoever you are, arigato!

Misc.: Where I present my thoughts on the site, anime, issues, and other stuff. Sort of a news/updates thing mainly.

About Trunks: As if you didn't know, I present info on my fave Dragon Ball character. Right now, its got some basic facts. I'm thinking of going deeper, like telling an accurate life timeline and a summary of the Mirai Trunks TV special (which I've seen about 6+ times).

About Girl Trunks: Its like About Trunks, except with me. Not that I'm that interesting, but its there in case ya wanna know about the owner of the site.

Link Me!: That's my little plea to you all, that anyone with a site do me a favor and put up a banner. I don't much like the design either, and 2 of them are rather big, but no one said you have to.

Ult Cult: If this section is still up when you read this, consider it a failed attempt at a webring. It was so cool when i thought it up, but it didn't sprout as much as I'd hoped. There is -some- stuff there, so I don't think I'll close it too soon.

TSBTP (The Story Behind The Picture): Basically what I do is take a picture, make up a scenario based on the pic, and write a funny story. I personally like these a lot. If you get a chance, read "The Dragonball Disco", its off the hook!! But maybe I just think so cuz I wrote it.

The Trunks Shrine: Probably won't be up for a while, but it's just what you think - my self-indulgent little homage to the 1&only Trunks. As if the entire page dedicated to him wasn't enough. It is in a whole 'nother directory, so it's kinda detched from the site itself. It's a lot deeper and more personal.

Collages & Comedy: There's a slim chance that I will ever release this section, but in case pigs every fly, C&C has 1) picture collages, done by various people, and 2) hopefully funny facts, jokes, lists, etc. A good mix? You'll know if you ever see it released.

Japanese 101: I wouldn't look for this one for a while either. But face it - we all wanna learn Nihon jin. It's an incredibly useful tool for any otaku or gamer. Here you'll find links to resource sites, as well as my explanations of katakana & hiragana.

ATFYS (A Treat For Yor Speakers): The most incredibly dorky title i've ever thought up. But at least it's original. You can download a whole bunch of MIDIs of songs from all 3 series, and if I can ever get on Napster, MP3s too.

Wow, that was more typing than I thought! Well, if you paid attention, you are acquainted with the weirder sections. The rest of the site is self-explanatory.
And now, on to the index, to check all this stuff out!

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