13 weeks
(3 months, 1 week)
December 3, 2003

"Your baby's face is beginning to look more human, even though he is only about three inches long and weighs aout half an ounce.  The eyes, which started out on the side of the head (scary) have moved closer together.  The fetus squirms if your abdomen is prodded, though you cannot yet feel movement."

Today I felt great.  I had no nausea and had lots of energy. That is, I had lots of energy until after I ate a huge dinner and fell asleep on the couch while watching Jessica Simpson massacre classical Christmas songs, but that's another story...
        I met Chris at the doctor's today for our third appointment.  He was there before I was, sitting in their tiny waiting room, reading a magazine, while a white woman, her black husband, and two little mixed babies ran around and made noise.  For a gangsta wannabe, the dad was a pretty good dad...I swear, he looked like a rapper. Anyway, on to the exciting news:
We got to hear the heartbeat! 
         My doctor wasn't there (called to deliver a baby) but the nurse took us in to a room and used her magic wand (oh yes, it's magic!!) to smear the little clear gel on my belly. First she found my heartbeat (slow heartbeat) and then she found the baby's.  I was looking up at Chris when she found the baby's---his mouth dropped open and looked like a kid on Christmas day. 
          "Neat!!!"  It sounded like galloping hoofbeats to me, and Chris thought it sounded like a little washing machine.
            It made it more real to us, hearing that little sound.

       In other baby news, our son/daughter's cousin, Dylan, was born on Tuesday.  He was seven pounds and four ounces and 21 inches long.
        We are going up to Decatur this weekend to check out the latest Culver addition. Also, Jasmine is being induced on Friday and her son, Gavin, will arrive.
          In naming news, Chris is real hepped up on the following names for girls:
          Mallory and  Madison

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Below: Chris's brother, Casey, meets his son Dylan.