February 1, 2004
22 Weeks
(5 months and a half) preg.

"I'm gonna tell my son to
grow up as pretty as the grass is green
and whip-smart as the English Channel's wide...
and write my whole life story on the back of his big brown eyes..."
--Liz Phair
(Song I kept thinking of this week)

This week has been very exciting--I was surprised how emotionally exhausting (for lack of better word) it was to find out the sex.  "It" was now a "he". Jen's gonna have a son. Chris is gonna have a son. Jen's son. Chris's son.  The Culver boy (yet another! Ha). 

During the ultrasound, Chris kept rubbing my leg and neither one of us could take our eyes off the screen.

After the ultrasound, and after a very boring wait for the doc to come and tell me everything is okay---amnio fluid is good, weight of mother and child (son) is good, etc. (Thank God!), we went to Toys R Us, just to look around.  We probably shouldn't have done that---we both got overwhelmed by everything--all the stuff we would eventually need and/or want.  We got out of there and went home for a longggg nap.
Mom and I DID go shopping on Friday evening, and I bought a few items and she bought lil bud some blankets.  Target rocks.  Speaking of Target, I decided that the baby's room won't have a theme, as much as a color scheme--blue and green--the Amy Coe collection.
Big Thanks go out to my mother-in-law, the fabulous Mimi Culver---
for the care package she sent us! She sent some maternity clothes she bought for me, plus the cutest Auburn outfit for the boy!

Let's Get Physical:
I've been feeling pretty good, except for the pressure on my bladder---I'm hoping this will let up some.  Yesterday I had to use the restroom about every half hour.  I'm guessing I will just have to stop drinking so many beverages!  (And it's not that much!)  Oh, and a new sensation: back pain and the occasional headache.

The baby is moving around a lot---more at night than in the morning.  It makes me very emotional when he starts doing that.

"Your baby now weighs about 12.25 ounces. Crown to rump length at this time is about 7.6 inches"

"Your uterus is now about two centimeters above your bellybutton."

A few female students regularly greet my belly on their way in the room now--pausing to put a hand on it and squealing.  One calls it "little buddy." 
Oh, and the due date thing is anyone's guess. Ultrasound lady says June 4, Doc says June 11, so look for it...I mean HIM...at some point around those dates...if it...HE doesn't come earlier and break my water during teaching...SCARY!
last next

A baby around five months in utero.
Shoutout to Ethan Thompson, son of Davis and Emily--friends in Auburn
What a cutie!