Wednesday, November 12, 2003
10th Week/2.5 months pregnant

"By the end of this week, your baby will have verifiable fingers and toes.  The tadpole appearance diminishes as the tail completely vanishes.  Eyelids fuse and will stay closed until weeks 25-27. Both the external ear and the upper lip are complete.  The beginnings of external genitalia appear."
       "Your uterus is the size of a grapefruit."
           I'm definitely having trouble buttoning my pants.  In fact, I had to go to Motherhood Maternity on Sunday to get some with a comfy waist.  They are, thank God, not ugly. They are still bigger than I need, but I can sure grow into them. 
          Chris has noticed that I'm getting a booty for the first time in my life. Before, it was just a back with a crack, as they say.  I practiced a few dance moves in the mirror with my new butt. 
          Let's hope the new butt doesn't take on a life of its own....
         I'm irritated because my geocities account is giving me problems at home so I can't log on. Here at school, it won't let me upload darn.  No picture for you right now...(I fixed that problem!)
          Speaking of right now, as I type, I'm eating a Wendy's chicken sandwich.  It's so good I can't tell you how good.  I now look forward to food the same way I
once craved a cigarette after dinner. 
That's about it for this week.  Mild nausea here and there, but hopefully I will only have a few more weeks of that.
