
Welcome to GirlZone - one of the coolest online clubs for kids & teen girls.This club is made for girls of age 8-18 (mainly),but 1-2 years under or over are also welcome.Please consider that this club is ONLY for girls,so if you are a boy you can't be a member,sorry.But you can still be our guest.If you are a girl and want to join this club click the "Join" link pls.To read the rules and conditions of the club click the "Rules" link.If you are already a member of GirlZone club (or not yet but want to know something about us),then click the "Members" link.For a short map of the site and pages explanations,click the "Club" link please.

The "Members Area" is the members area ONLY! Please join this club - so you will have either access to these areas.

My name is Angie and i'm the webmaster of this site and the owner of the club (but also a member in the same time).If you have any questions,comments,suggestions,petitions or anything like that,E-mail me at [email protected] using our GirlZone e-mail service. (this service can use ONLY the members of the club because you need a username and password for it).If you wanna contact me as a member,talk to me,know something more about me or be my friend,you can freely GZ Mail me at [email protected] (also using the girlzoneclub e-mail service!).But if you want to you can send all your messages to [email protected],no matter what kind,because i will be mostly using THAT one!

Each of you,members of this club,will be able to use this e-mail service which has been made just for the club and it's members.You will all have your own GZ Mail address ([email protected]) just like i do,which you will be able to access from this site BUT ONLY form this site,and you'll get your own free inbox so you can contact the other members of the club and make friends.PLEASE DON'T USE OUR CLUB E-MAIL SERVICE FOR CONTACTING THE OTHER SERVICES AND E-MAIL ADDRESSES LIKE YAHOO,HOTMAIL,AMEXMAIL...ETC.USE IT JUST IN THE CLUB AND TO CONTACT ME OR THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CLUB!

Also remember that the username and password that you get when you join the club is the one you have to use for all the club areas which require it,like our chat and bulletin board,including your GZ Mail Inbox. Join the GirlZone club and have a lot of fun here! :)

lots of love,
xxx Angie xxx
| Join | | Rules | | Members | | Club | Suggestions |
*Members Areas ONLY*
|| Bulletin Board || Chat || Poor Patricia || Embarrassed Emily || Felicity's feelings ||
|| Terrorized Tiffany || Write-o-Mania || || GZ-Mail || || Members List || Points ||
Tip: You are a junior member when you join the club.In the start you have 100 points (you get them just for joining!).You need 1000 points to become a senior member.But there's a lot of more statuses to reach & pass. MORE
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