What do you get points for and how many?

Bulletin Board - You get 1 point each time you post a msg.

Chat - You get 1 point each time you enter the chatroom. (but only if I am in there when you are too)

Problems Page - You get 1 point for posting your own problem and 10 points for giving an advice to someone else's problem.

Embarrassing Moments - You get 5 points for posting your EM + the points you get from votes.

Touching Moments - You get 5 points for posting your TM + the points you get from votes.

Horror Moments - You get 5 points for posting your HM + the points you get from votes.

Writters Corner - You get 5 points for submiting a story and 10 points for submiting a poem and also the points you get from votes of the members + you get 20 extra points if your poem is published on the front page as the poem of the week or 50 points if your poem is the poem of the month (if you're the winner of the competition "poem of the month").You also get an award for that!

GZ-Mail - You get 1 point for sending a GZ-Mail to a friend (5 for sending to me),1 for getting a GZ-Mail from a friend (or me) and 5 points for replying to the GZ-Mails you recieved.


Check how many points you or your friends have.

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