Gordon of Braichlies' Neighbours
By Dr John M. Bulloch
The Gordons O' Girnoc
My Family - 'Camlet John'
The Girnoc Farms
Past Research
Location Map
Gordon Tombstones
Some of Gordon of Braichlie's Neighbours.
By Dr John M. Bulloch

The Huntly Express
Part I - 22nd April 1910
Part II - 29th April 1910
Part III - 6th May 1910

Inadequate attention has been paid by local historians to the early tenancy of farms. It is true that the data are difficult to get, but the subject is none the less interesting, and that for two reasons. In the first place it will be found that the younger sons of the predominating landlord were frequently placed on such farms. Secondly, the tenant frequently founded a little dynasty of his own, which remained on a particular farm for a hundred or two hundred years. This is still the case among the crofters on the Duke of Richmond and Gordon's Glenlivet property: but for the most part it has ceased to exist, for the possibility of movement, both economic and locomotive, has made tenancy a constantly varying contingency.

All this is strikingly true of the Deeside valley. At one time Gordons were to be found on a great many farms: but the number has almost vanished. The value of tracing those people is demonstrated by the fact that some families have distinguished themselves in other branches of activity. For instance, the Littlemill Gordons have made a name for themselves in the (hard-pressed) world of brewing, and also in machinery invention. The Aucholzie Gordons have displayed mechanical genius, although they have stuck for the most part to farming, immigrating to Ross-shire for the purpose.

The following notes indicate the widespread distribution of the Gordons in the Deeside valley.

The Aberdeen Commissariot Testaments contain the inventory of Alexander Gordon in Aldihash, sometime Merchant in Aberdeen, who died in November 1751. Charles Gordon was his executor dative qua creditor, in satisfaction of the following sums:
" �165.13s.4d. Scots, as expenses for the deceased's grave linen, coffin and other funeral charges.
" �36 Scots, as payment for his doctor "for his pains and in trouble in coming about 18 miles and attending the defunct during his sickness whereof he died."
" �6 as his servant's fee.
" �10.10s. contained in defunct's order (dated 24th July 1745) on the said Charles Gordon, to place to his account.
" 20s. stg. Contained in defunct's obligement to the said Charles Gordon, dated 24th July 1749.
" �6.12s. Scots, contained in defunct's order on the said Charles Gordon, to Charles Stewart, dated 15th December 1750.
" �12.9s. Scots, contained in defunct's order on the said Charles Gordon, dated 8th March 1751, payable to James Glass.
" 20 merks, as the price of two bolls of malt, contained in the defunct's order, 11th November 1751, on the said Charles Gordon, to James MacAndrew.
" 22� merks, as the price of two bolls, one firlot of malt, contained in defunct's order, 11th November 1751, on the said Charles Gordon, to Thomas Ogilvy.

The INVENTORY contains the sum of �225.8s Scots. As the value of the defunct's household furniture, cow, calf, and an old house, as rouped by Samuel Gordon in Milntoun of Braichley and Charles Farquharson in Drumnapark, on the 24th of December 1751. The inventory was confirmed on the 27th February 1752.

John Gordon had two oxengang and Thomas Gordon one oxengang in 1600 ("Spalding Club Miscellany," ii., 311)

John Gordon in Allanquoich died August 1782. He married Elspet McKenzie, who as his executrix gave up his inventory on the 1st of July 1783. There were owing to him debts due by Duncan Calder in Allanquoich, in a bill dated 16th March 1772;
by John Gordon in Camlet, in a bill dated 21st of December 1781. His "stocking, corns, and cattle were valued at �10." The will was confirmed at Aberdeen, on the 19th of March 1784, Donald McKenzie in Allanquoich being the cautioner ("Aberdeen Commissariot")

ARDMEANACH (Glenmuick):

An account of this family, which ultimately migrated to Forfarshire, was given in the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal,' 2nd March 1910.

AUCHOLZIE (Glengairn):
An account of this family, connected with Aucholzie from 1750, appeared in the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal,' 22nd December 1909.

Thomas Gordon was tenant in one "pleuche" of Aucholzie in 1600. It was wadset under reversion for 2000 merks ('Spalding Club Miscellany' ii., 811.)

Alexander Gordon in Aucholzie, was delate on 17th January 1664, for adultery. On the 7th of February he was convicted and ordained "to enter ye profession of his repentance in Sackcloth" (Glenmuick Session Register: MS)

In 1539, Alexander Gordon and John Gordon were tenants of Balmoral (Exchequer Rolls of Scotland)

In 1633, James Gordon of 'Balmurell' brought an action against Elizabeth Seton, widow of William Gordon of Abergeldie  (Littlejohn's 'Sheriff Court Register,' ii., 327)

In the same year (1633), James Gordon of Balmoral was returned as owing money to Alexander Keith, portioner of Duffus ('Book of Annualrentaris.')

On the 7th of August 1635, James Gordon of Bomurrell was charged to keep the peace ('Privy Council Register.')

James Gordon of "Balmorro" was one of the cautioners for the appearance of Alexander Gordon of Abergeldie before the Privy Council under the pain of 5000 merks, 4th March 1637. (Privy Council Register)

John Gordon in Balmoral, died in 1750. He made his will on the 9th of October 1750. There was owing to him 600 merks in a bond of the 22nd of November 1714, granted by the late James Farquharson of Balmoral. "It is my express will and order that previous to the divisions specified (to his two sons and daughter) my sons and spouse cheerfully pay and deliver to the Kirk Treasurer of the Session of Crathie out of their common stock, the sum of 10 merks Scots money to be divided among the greatest objects of charity in said parish."  The testator could not write. The will was confirmed on the 4th of February 1676, James Gordon, Belnacroft, being cautioner. John Gordon married Margaret MacDonald, and had two sons and a daughter, as follows:

1. James Gordon, "my eldest son," was to have and enjoy as his property the equal half of the crofts of the tack "presently possest by me for the year 1751, and the other half of the said croft to be divided by equal shares between Margaret McDonald, my lawful spouse, and Donald Gordon, my second lawful son."
2. Donald Gordon. He is probably the Donald Gordon in Easter Balmoral, who had three sons and four daughters, baptised between 1750 and 1769.
3. Jean Gordon, "my youngest daughter," got �50 Scots under her father's will. She married Robert Mitchell on the 28th May 1750.

Balmoral had a Gordon in it (Sir Robert Gordon) at the time of Queen Victoria's introduction to it.

In 1592, Thomas Gordon, here, was killed along with the Baron of Braichlie. There were other Gordons at Blaircharrish at this time, though I cannot say whether they were his sons or kinsmen. In the year 1600, James Gordon had two oxengang, and Alexander Gordon had four oxengang (Spalding Club, Miscellany, ii., 312)

BLAIRS (Maryculter):
George Gordon in Blairs, and his wife Margaret Duncan, had a son George, born 27th April 1734 (Maryculter Register.)

John Gordon in Blairs, and his wife Agnes Milne, had Christian, born 20th april 1720 - witnesses: Alexander Milne in Blairs and Hugh Gordon in Milntoun (ibid).

An accont of the well-known family of flockmasters connected with Bovaglie, on the Abergeldie estate, appeared in the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal,' dated 29th September 1909, and 12th December 1909.

Donald Gordon, died February 1897 aged 85. The 'Free Press,' in noting the occurrence, said:
" He was an elder in Crathie Parish Church, and was greatly respected as a clear-thinking, upright, and far-seeing business man, and as possessing wide sympathies and largeness of heart. His residence near Balmoral brought him into contact with many of the distinguished visitors to Deeside. For a long period he had been entrusted to supply mutton for the Royal household, and for years he had been a favourite with the Queen and other members of the Royal family." He was well known at all the big sheep fairs. During the winter he resided in Dee Street, Aberdeen.

This family was described in the 'Aberdeen Weekly Journal,' dated 1st December 1909 and 12th January 1910.

James Gordon, Clachenturn, founded the Bovaglie family.


This was one of the few land-owning  families of the name of Gordon in this region.

Thomas Gordon of Crathienaird wrote on the 24th July 1781, a letter to the Commissioners of Scottish Forfeited Estates relative to a proposal (by Farquharson of Monaltrie and his nephew Farquharson of Bruxie) for a march dyke between his estate and the forfeited estate of Monaltrie. He speaks as to the hardship to him of having to build perhaps six or eight miles of such a dyke over hills and stony ground, and a thing quite new in that district, for which there would be no return, and the petitioners would perhaps never think of it if it were built at their own expense (Forfeited Estate Papers: Scottish Hist. Society: p.155)

On the 22nd of February 1632, William Forbes in Kinmundy brought an action against William Gordon, formerly of Breddiauch, then in Culter. Certain rents were claimed, and a proportion decerned for, but the interesting part of the decree is the specification of what the defender had to supply for the food and clothing of a herd during the period from Riudday to Mertimes 1630 (Littlejohn's Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court Records, ii., 849)

DORSINCILLY (Glenmuick):
In 1631, Mr Alexander Gordon and others were occupiers of "Torsensillie" (Littlejohn's Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court Records, ii., 347)

Samuel Gordon in Dorsincilly had a son Alexander, born in 1733.

EDDIESTON (Peterculter):
William Gordon, Mid Eddieston, had (according to the Peterculter Register) the following issue:
1. William Gordon, baptised 12th October 1760
2. Patrick Gordon, baptised 11th December 1763
3. Francis Gordon, baptised 8th March 1767
4. Janet and Mary Gordon, twins, baptised 13th February 1758.

Thomas Gordon was the tenant in 1600, paying as maill �25.13s.6d. and as oustom "tua kyiddie, ane dosan pultrie, with ane horse, tua large careaigis" (Spalding Club, Miscellany, ii., 312)

HILLOCKHEAD (Peterculter):
Robert Gordon in Hillockhead had (according to the Peterculter Register)
1. Jean Gordon, baptised 7th May 1758
2. Ann Gordon, baptised 24th February 1760.

KINTOR (Crathie):

James Gordon was the son of Donald Gordon, Tornouran, and father of Donald Gordon of Bovaglie (who died 1854)

For some reason or other a mass of tradition has clustered round the Gordons of Knock. Of historical data we have very little, but the castle of Knock (Glenmuick) even as a ruin strikes the imagination. It is illustrated by Mr John Mitchell in "
Under Lochnagar," 1894, and a callotype reproduction of it from a photograph by Bisset of Ballater appears in Mr Michie's 'Deeside Tales,' 1908, page 148. The castle occupies one of the finest sites possible for a fortalice. "Situated on the spur of Ardmeanoch, midway between the valleys of Dee and Muick, it commands," says Mr R. A. Prrofeit in "Under Lochnagar," "an extensive and uninterrupted view in every direction except towards the west, so that it would be difficult to overestimate its strategic importance in the times of feud and foray."

Perhaps it was this physical fact that gave rise to the traditions. These are told with minuteness in broad Scots by Mr Michie in "
Deeside Tales," 1908 (pp. 119-149.) The story told there begins with Harry Gordon of Knock, and his quarrels with 'Black' Arthur Forbes of Strathgirnock after the battle of
Corrichie in 1562. Black Arthur managed to bridge the Girnock with a huge stone which four Gordons were unable to "mudge," and it remained till the great flood of '99 took it out of sight. The Gordons were so angry that one night they "cleaned Strathgirnock o' every cattle beast in't." Then a weaver called Muckle Fleeman captured Gordon's cattle, and would not deliver them back till Knock restored Forbe's herds. In 1592, Harry Gordon was killed by the Clan Chattan - which is a fact recorded by Sir Robert Gordon in the "Earldom of Sutherland."

Forbes was supposed to be involved, and the Gordons of Auchindoun, to avenge Knock and Braichlie's death, killed Black Arthur's servants and burned the house of Strathgirnock - Forbes himself remaining in hiding meanwhile. By 1593 he had "creepit" back, and narrowly escaped capture by the Knock family when he was staying with a tenant at Loinchork.

Harry Gordon was succeeded by his brother Alister, who had a lot of sons. One of them, Francie, fell in love with Black Arthur's only daughter, and sent the Baron of Braichlie, "a gentleman o' discretion that everybody respeckit" to break the news to Arthur. Francie himself ultimately went to see Forbes, who took up his sword "to drive him awa' like a hungry dog, as he said. But in drawan' a blow at him, the scabbard flew aff, an' Francie Gordon's head row'd like a ba' on the loan." Another fierce vendetta followed, and Forbes was captured by Gordon of Auchindoun, who kept him prisoner for over a year. When he was released he slunk back to the house of his tenant at Loinchork, only to find that Knock's sons had occupied his lands. One day he found seven of them in the very act of casting divots on his land. "Drawing his sword, he killed the whole seven, stuck their heads on the flaughter spades, and set them up on a row on the hillside." Then 'Black Alister Gordon' of Abergeldie, who was the 'Baillie Mor' of Deeside, took a band of armed men to Strathgirnock, shot down Forbes, and then hanged him and his henchman, Wattie McRory, "on the balks o' his ain house." The house of Strathgirnock was never inhabited after this. Abergeldie served himself heir to the lands of Strathgirnock, and came into the lands of Knock as nearest of kin. Very much the same account is given by Mr Profeit in his article on Knock in 'Under Lochnagar' (pp. 156-9)

So much for tradition. Let me now turn to the facts, for which we have actual data. The lands of Knock belonged in the beginning of the 16th century to the Gordons of Abergeldie. James III of Abergeldie, who was killed at Pinkie in 1547, had a daughter Beatrice, who got a liferent in the lands of Knock, as mentioned in the precept of sasine given to her in 1556. She married, as his second wife, Alexander Gordon (third son of James Gordon, I of Lesmoir). This Alexander Gordon was I of Birkenburn, he and Beatrice of Knock had:
1. Harry Gordon in Knock - killed with the Baron of Braichlie in 1592. According to an old genealogy of the Farquharson family, quoted in the "Records of Invercauld" (page 8), John Farquharson of Invercauld 'married a daughter of Barclay, brother of Barkley of Gartley, and widow of Harry Gordon of Knock.' John Farquharson died in 1632.

We have no means of knowing whether Harry Gordon left issue. So I give the other facts about the Knock Gordons in chronological order without attempting to solve their relationship, if any.

1605 - James Gordon of Knockespock paid �26.13s.4d yearly of feu maill on Tulliche, Ballader, Muir and Knock. On Ethnick, with Croft (Inchmarnoch) he paid 10 stones of butter and five "kyiddis." (Spalding Club, Miscellany, ii., 313)

1613, August 3rd - Thomas Gordon in Knock had an action brought against him by William Gordon of Kennertie being cautioner (Littlejohn's Aberdeenshire Sheriff Couret, ii., 196)

1631, December 7th - Alexander Gordon appears as one of the occupiers of Knock in an action (ibid., ii., 347)

- No Gordons appear on the estate ('Poll Book')

A Forfarshire family of Gordon claims descent from the Knock Gordons. In a family bible, belonging to William Gordon, Leightnie, Lethnot, we read, apropos of his uncle James G. Gordon, Forfar, as follows (translated by the late Mr D. S. R. Gordon):

"Inserted here this 23rd day of August 1853.
His great, great, great grandfather was Gordon, proprietor of Knock, Deeside,
His great great grandfather was tenant in Etie, parish of Clova,
His great grandfather was ------ Gordon, tenant in Leightnie.
His grandfather was Thomas Gordon, tenant in Leightnie,
His father was James Gordon, tenant in Leightnie."

LASTS (Peterculter):
Lasts came to the Abergeldie family towards the end of the 16th century.. It had belonged to the Irvine family, Robert 'Irving of Lastis' figuring as pursuer in the Aberdeen Sheriff Court in 1574. On the 20th July 1584, James Gordon of Lasts appears as a pursuer in the same tribunal. In 1595-6, Janet and Mettie Irving, daughters of Robert  Irvine "in the Lasts," were to be served heirs to their grandfather and grandmother, Alexander Irvine and Margaret Allardyce, in the lands of Badinecoth and "the Lasts" (Littlejohn's Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court, i., 346, 347.) An echo of this connection is found under date 13th April 1617, in an obligation by John Gordon, "sone to the late John Gordon of Lastis," to John Irvine, horseman under the company of Captain Alexander Wischeard, signed at Utrecht, the witness being John Scott, sergeant to Captain Alexander Wischeard's company, James Cheyne, corporal in Arthur Forbe's company, and William Keith, burgess of Aberdeen. It was registered in Aberdeen, 28th May 1617 (note from Dr David Littlejohn)

According to the Balbithan M.S., James Gordon of Lasts was a son of James Gordon III of Abergeldie, and married a daughter of Donald Coutts of Kinarnie, with whom he begat four sons:
1. Thomas Gordon
2. John Gordon in Letach, Skene
3. James Gordon, burgess in Aberdeen
4. Alexander Gordon

Charles Gordon in Lasts, had a daughter Elspet, born 20th March 1751 (Peterculter Register)

LAUSIE (Crathie):
John Gordon was one of the King's tenants in Lausie as long ago as 1539 (Michie's Deeside Tales, page 279.)

John Gordon
"of Laso" signed a bond of the heritors of Kincardine and Alford for the peace of the country in 1700 (Allardyce' Historical Papers, p.21.) In the Invercauld Charter Chest there are documents (pafced xv.) relating to the lands of Lawsie, given in security by John Gordon to John Farquhuarson of Invercauld, for money lent in 1707 (Records of Invercauld, p. 506.) John Gordon had an only son Patrick, but as the latter was a Roman Catholic, John Gordon was succeeded by his nephew, John Gordon in Inchmore, who was served Protestant heir portioner- general on the 21st of February 1741. John of Lawsie, as noted, had an only son:

1. Rev. Patrick Gordon, born 24th June 1706. He entered Douai on the 2nd of October 1720, and "Embraced" the Society of Jesus at Tournay on the 27th September 1727, returning to Scotland on the 8th March 1736. On the 2nd of February 1745, he made Four Solemn Vows at Achoill. On the 28th February 1751 he was taken from Braemar to Aberdeen, "on suspicion of being a trafficking papist, Popish priest or Jesuit." He was bailed for 200 merks to appear within six months. On the 11th May 1751, he was ordered by the Circuit Court judge to be banished from Scotland (Aberdeen Journal, 5th March 1751.) Father Dawson, in "The Catholics of Scotland," says he was "Provincial of the Jesuits in Scotland," and that his connection with the expedition of Prince Charles had made him change his name to "Johnston" and "obliged him to live some time in exile. By ability and tact in his management he consolidated the goodwill of the secular clergy. He claimed to be a poet, and wrote spiritual and controversial songs, the greater part of which Bishop Hay collected and published (where?)" He died in 1780. In his will which is dated 25th November 1775 (when he was at Edinburgh) and registered the 11th of November 1793, he describes himself as "Patrick Gordon, alias Johnston, only son of John Gordon, some time of Lawsie." He made over all his property to his executors, George Maxwell, William McLeod, John Peppier, and Alexander Strachan."

This family was described in the "Express" on the 18th February 1910. It has produced several mechanical inventors.

The Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater, presented by Alexander Gordon, brewer, London, was opened on the 28th Sept 1875 - "a red letter day," as Carnie notes in his "Reminiscences" (iii., 175). The Marchioness of Huntly laid the foundation-stone, and at the opening ceremony speeches were delivered by the donor, by the Marquis of Huntly, and others.

MICRAS (Glengairn)
Gordons have been connected with Easter and Wester Micras for more . Baillie Gordon's grandfather was:
Alexander Gordon, Wester Micras, who for some reason was known as
"the King of Micras." He is so described in a document written by the lady of Invercauld, in the possession of the family. This Alexander Gordon married Janet Macdonald, "the Queen of the Micras," who is referred to in the 'Records of Invercauld,' in which there are many references to Micras, Easter & wester.

Alexander Gordon, and his wife Janet Macdonald, whom he married in 1804, had two daughters: Mary, who married Lachlan Gordon (no relation); Mrs Coutts who emigrated to America, and a son James Gordon.
This James Gordon married Margaret Rattray, and moved to Aberdeen in the thirties (1830's). They had six children including:
1) Charles Gordon (1827-1904.) He was educated at a school in Holburn Street, and began life as a Gardener, one of his employers being Sir Alexander Anderson. For some time he worked at Murtle, Glassel, and Slains Castle, and subsequently at Edinburgh, in the West Highlands, at Hopetoun House, and to Mr Frank James, M.P. at Walsalll. Charles Gordon then decided upon a change of occupation, and opened a shoe shop in Wolverhampton, at the time when gutta percha foot-wear was coming into fashion. For a number of years he carried on a lucrative business, and then his health breaking-down, he removed to Aberdeen, where, about 36 years ago, he started business as a shoemaker in Union Street, his shop being on the site of the present 'Free Press' buildings, where he built up a prosperous trade. His entrance into municipal work was made in 1878, when he was elected a representative of the First Ward. At the close of his three years' term of office he was returned to the council as a representative of the Third Ward. In 1883 he was elected a Baillie. In 1886 he was promoted to the Second Baillieship. Mr Gordon represented Rosemount Ward up to 1891, when he was returned as one of the representatives of Ruthrieston Ward, but in 1894 he failed to retain his seat against Mr taggart, after which he did not seek re-election. He was a member of many bodies, including the Aberdeen Educational Trust, Chalmer's Trust, the Old Machar and St Nicholas Parochial Boards, and the Coal Funds. In the work of the Parochial Boards he took a very special and active interest. In 1901 he accidentally fell down a stair, and never really recovered from the full effects. He died at 9 Braemar Place on the 7th of July 1904. He married an English woman, by whom he had an only daughter, Cameli Margaret Stafford.
(2) John Gordon - died young and unmarried
(3) William Gordon (1832-1909), traveller to William Davidson and Company, Broad Street, Aberdeen. He sat in the Town Council 1883-1886 being returned at the top of the poll for Greyfriars Ward. He died at Woodcote, Torphins on the 17th July 1909. He married Agnes Bain, and had one son and nine daughters:
(i) William Gordon - died 1893, unmarried
(ii) Mary Connon Gordon - married Alexander Manson Ingram, of Ingram & Mortimer, Commission Merchants and Produce Brokers, Adelphi, Aberdeen. He was the son of Dr Ingram, Old Meldrum and cousin of Sir Patrick Manson. They had one daughter, who was born & died in 1882.
(iii) Johanna Margaret Gordon - married Clarence Haslewood, son of Rob William Maude Haslewood. He was born at Great Harwood, Lancashire on the 8th March 1866 and took his MB.CM. at Aberdeen University 1896. He is now a doctor in Yorkshire. He has one son, William Gordon Haslewood, born in 1899 (?)
(iv) Agnes Ann Gordon - died 1869 (?)
(v) Barbara Jane Gordon - died 1909
(vi) Jessie Lyon Gordon - now a co=partner in a nursing home at 9 Mandeville Place, London
(vii) Agnes Gordon
(viii) Elizabeth Barclay Gordon
(ix) Helen Hector Gordon
(x) Alison Alexandrina Gordon
(4) George Gordon - married: had three sons and four daughters
(5) James Foote Gordon - bootmaker, Broad Street, Aberdeen. He married (1) Jean Smart, who died in 1889, and (2) in 1894, Ann Innes, and has:
(i) John Henry Forbes Gordon - born in Old Machar on the 10th October 1871. He took his MA at Aberdeen University in 1891, and was admitted as a member of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen in 1901. He married Hilda Easterbrook Grant, and has no issue.
(ii) James Foote Gordon - by first marriage. Married Isabella Forbes Nicoll, and has a son James Foote Gordon.
(iii) William Ernest Gordon - by second marriage
(iv) Margaret Jane Gordon: the twin of James Foote Gordon: unmarried
(v) Agnes Annie Gordon - by first marriage: unmarried
(vi) Barbara Walker Gordon - by second marriage: unmarried.

Margaret Gordon, Micras, married John Brown and had a daughter, Janet baptised 27th November 1808.

Charles Gordon, Easter Micras, had:
(1) Elizabeth Gordon - baptised 27th June 1778
(2) Isobel Gordon - baptised 22nd December 1784

Alexander Gordon in Milton of drum had (according to the Peterculter Register) four sons:
1.  Alexander and James Gordon, twins: baptised 20th May 1752. In the 'House of Gordon' (i., 145) these boys are given wrongly as the sons of Robert Gordon of Logie, who belonged to the Coclarachie family, the mistake having arisen from the fact that James (who died in 1841) once farmed Logie in Crimond. Alexander Gordon was a famous army surgeon, and wrote a classic essay on puerperal fever. He died at Logie on the 19th of October 1799. He married in 1783, Elizabeth Harvey, who was born the 21st of February 1760, and died 18th March 1848, and had two daughters. His brother James Gordon farmed Mains of Orrock in Belhelvie, after being at Logie (in Crimond) and died on the 6th of November 1841 aged 81 (stone in St Nicholas Churchyard, Aberdeen)
2. Charles Gordon - baptised 25th February 1755
3. Robert Gordon - baptised 28th February 1758
4. Jean Gordon - baptised 14th January 1751

Hugh Gordon in Milntown of Maryculter and his wife Isobel Milne, had a son William, born 26th June 1718: witnesses - Major Menzies, uncle to the laird of Pitfoddels and William Reid (Maryculter Register)

John Gordon in Whitehouse of Maryculter had his will proved 13th July 1792 (Aberdeen Commissariat.)

In the sixteenth century there was a James Gordon of Monaltrie. He appears in the decreet of exemption of John, Earl of Athole, John Grant of Freuchie, and others from George, Earl of Huntly's Commission of Justiciary and Lieutenancy, 20th January 1590 (fraser's 'Grants,' i., 178.) One of the charges cited in that document was as follows:

"In lik manner for the overall slauchter of vmquhill ---- Grant, sone to Allester Grant, alias Moir, being also ane of the said perseueris John Grantiskyn, at the leist ane of his surname, committit in the moneth of Maii 1587, he hinging him to be bagestanes, binding of his heid and feitt togidder in the cruik, smuking of him to the deid be Patrick Gordon, brother to James Gordon of Monaltrey, and his complecess to the number of five or sex, at the special command, hounding and resetting of the Earl of Huntly."
(Fraser's 'Grants,' i., 178)


James Gordon of Steain (Sterin?) and others were accused on the 13th of January 1607, of resetting the Frasers, of the Durris family, who had committed a murder two years before.

Alexander Gordon of Abergeldie, on the 8th of June 1574, brought an action against George Gordon of Lesmoir and others, as principal tenants, about removing from the davaucht town and lands of Stering (Littlejohn's 'Sheriff Court,' i., 201.)

William Gordon of Abergeldie was served heir on the 15th of July 1613, to his father Alexander, in the lands of Stering, by annexation held blench of the Marquis of Huntly; the lands called Lurgis in the parish of Midmar and barony of O'Neill, formerly held by the Rectors of Kincardine O'Neill, canons of the Cathedral Church of Aberdeen, afterwards of the Crown, in feu farm for payment of certain feudal services in non-entry since the death of ancestor in July 1594. His widow, Janet Irving, was conjunct feuar of Stering (ibid., ii., 68.)

On the 2nd of August 1613, William Gordon of Abergeldie brought an action against Thomas Gordon in Knock about the moss of Stering (ibid., ii., 196.)

TOLDOW (Glenmuick):
Alexander Gordon of Toldow was murdered along with John Gordon, Baron of Braichlie, in 1592.

John Gordon was tenant in Toldow in 1600, paying yearly in maill �26.13s.4d. and as casten
"tua lange careagie and with tua hors." (Spalding Club Miiscellany, ii., 911.)

TOMBREAK (Glenmuick):
Tombreak, which means the speckled knoll, has been associated with several Gordons. In 1639, sasine was granted to Alexander Gordon in life, and to Patrick Gordon in fee (Records of Invercauld, page 507). A Patrick Gordon 'in Tombroich' witnessed, at Aberdeen in January 1680 a document relative to Patrick Gordon in Auchinleith which is in Auchindoir (ibid, page 246.) Samuel Gordon, son of John Gordon, Ardmeanach, was tenant of Tombreck, and died December 1798, aged 48 years, leaving a daughter Jane Gordon, who died at Newton of Tullich in 1874 (Jervise's Epitaphs.)

James Gordon, who married Mary Brown, had several children in Tomindoes during the last decade of the 18th century.

Donald Gordon was the son of James Gordon in Clachenturn, who founded the Bovaglie family.

WARDHEAD (Glenmuick):
Nathaniel Gordon, Wardhead died 1798, aged 50 and was buried at Glengairn (Jervise's Epitaphs, ii.' 166.)

WARDHEAD (Peterculter):
Duncan Gordon in Wardhead,
"married man aged thre scor years or thereby," gave evidence in Aberdeen, January 1680, about the Gordons of Braichlie (Records of Invercauld, 246-7.)


There were Gordons in the parish of Tullich, but it is very difficult to distinguish them from the Gordons of Tulloch, which is the name of land in Peterculter, Keig, logie, Coldstone, and Lumphanan, and at present my information does not permit of my attempting to identify them.


James Gordon in Keandtoris had an action brought against him on the 7th June 1606, by Mr John Leslie, at the Kirk of Glenmuick, about the half vicarage of the parish of Tullich belonging to Gordon (Littlejohn's Sheriff Court Records, ii., 87.)

Kindrocht was the old name of Castletown of Braemar; but there was also a place of the same name in Rathen. It is difficult to say which place belonged to the family of Kindrocht. Dr Littlejohn calls them of Rathen.

J. M. Bulloch
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