The Gordons O' Girnoc
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INVENTORY of JOHN GORDON of CRATHIENAIRD who died in the year 1766
EXCC1/6/41 (Register House Edinburgh)

At Aberdeen the Twenty Eight day of February, One thousand seven hundred and sixty seven years; In presence of Mr David Dalrymple, Advocate Sheriff Depute of Aberdeenshire compeared John Durno Advocate in Aberdeen as Prior and gave in the Latter will & Testament under written desiring that the same might be insert and registrated in his Loss Court Books in Terms of the Act of Parliament made amend the Registration of writes after the Granter's Decease which desire the said sheriff found reasonable and ordained the same to be done accordingly whereof the Tenor follows viz:

I, JOHN GORDON of CRATHIENAIRD being at the present time sick in Body but by the Blessing of God sound in memory, judgement and understanding and considering myself subject to mortality with the rest of mankind have thought fit to make my Testament and Latter will as follows:

I hereby nominate and appoint
Mr Thomas Gordon my eldest son to be my Sole Executor and universal Intromitter with all the Debts, Sums of money, Outsight and Insight, Plenishing, Corns, Cattle, Horses, Holl and Sheep, and all and sundry, the moveable Goods and Gear that shall happen to pertain and belong to me the time of my Decease, with full power to him to Intomitt therewith this present Testament to confirm and Generally to do everything requisite and necessary there amend that to the Office of an Executor is known to belong by the laws and practice of this kingdom.

ITEM: I appoint my said Executor to pay my funeral Expenses and all the just and lawful Debts that shall be vesting and owing by me the time of my Decease.

I appoint my said Executor to pay my other children the Legacies underwritten at the terms after specified. Viz:

Janet Gordon my Daughter the sum of Two Thousand and Three hundred merks Scots money at the first term of Whitsunday or Martinmas after her attaining the age of Twenty one years compleat or within year and day after her marriage, if it shall happen before that time, he being oblidged to afford her a Decent Aliment and support as her Fathers Daughter ay and until her said portion become payable, which portion is then to bear annual rent during the not payment after the terms above expressed.

John Gordon my Second Son the sum of One Thousand and Eight hundred merks Scots at the first term of Martinmas after the years of his apprenticeship are expired with the ordinary annual rent there and during the not payment after the said Term of Payment. And to support him in clothes and other necessarys until the saids years are run.

Charles Gordon my Third Son the sum of One Thousand merks money foresaid at the first term of Martinmas after the years of his apprenticeship are run with the ordinary annual rent thereafter during the not payment.

I appoint and ordain the said Mr Thomas Gordon on his own proper charges and expences  to Aliment and Educate
George Gordon my Fourth Son and Patrick Gordon my Fifth Son and by the advice of his and their nearest Relations and Friends on the Father and Mother side to put them to such Trades and employments as their Genius's and Inclinations lead and incline them to and whereby the divine Blessings they may gain their Bread and livelihood in the world and to pay their apprentice fees if they shall be bred Artificers  and Mechanicks and then to pay to each of them the sum of One Thousand merks money foresaid at the first term of Martinmas after either their attaining to the age of Twenty one years compleat or after the years of their apprenticeship are expired with the ordinary annual rent thereafter during the not payment.

This I declare to be MY TESTAMENT and LATTER WILLS requiring All persons concerned the saids: Thomas, Janet, John, Charles, George and Patrick Gordon to Acquiesce therein and temper and fulfil the same in all points as they would not wish to Counteract the will of their dying Father In Testimony whereof I have subscribed these presents (written on this and preceeding page by Mr James Lumsden, Minister at Towie) at Milntown of Rippachie the 19th day of December in the year One Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six Before these witnesses:

Alexander Taws, Millar at the Miln of Rippachie, and the said,
Mr James Lumsden,
Witnesses to the subscribing the marginal note on the first page.

So signed.

Extracted upon this and the Two Preceeding pages by John Gordon.

At Aberdeen the Third day of March - In the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine in presence of William Thoms Commissary Depute of Aberdeen:

Compeared Mr Thomas Gordon, Eldest Lawful son of the deceased John Gordon of Crathienaird his Father as the Executor Nominate and confirmed to him by and before the Commissary of Aberdeen upon the Twenty Eighth day of February One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty seven, And with and under the protestations contained in the title of the Inventory of the said Defunct confirmed Testament.

Added and Eiked to the sums of money and others contained in the said Principal Inventory the sums of Thirty Six pound Fifteen Shilling Scots money and annualrent thereof since deceased contained in a Bill of date the Eighteenth day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Four, drawn by the said Defunct upon and accepted by the now deceast
John Ross at Mills of Lairny and James Low in Tu'rfins conjunctly and severally payable against the terms of Martinmas Seventeen Hundred and Sixty Five, of which Eik, the Commissary foresaid accepted and hereby accepts and Ratifys and approves of the same so far as is truly given up.

Giving Granting and Comitting to him, the said Mr Thos. Gordon Esquire foresaid full power and warrand of (gets harder to read here�..) Intromissare on the foresaid prinncipall sum and annualrent thereof and has received
Jo. Davidson of Piableck in Tarland as Cautioner for him that the same shall be made forthcoming to all parties having interest as accords of the Law, and the Executor lends and oblige him his heirs � upon to free and relieve his cautioner of his cautionary above written and all that may follow thereon.

And both the Executor and Cautioner hereby subject themselves to the Commissary of Aberdeen's jurisdiction in all matters and things relative to the Executory.

And in case they or either of them shall at any time hereafter happen to reside without the Commissary's jurisdiction then they affix the Commissary Clerks office of Aberdeen as a Domicile for laying on all Citations for them or either of them relative to the Executory which shall be as Effect as if given and delivered to themselves personally and they living and residing within the Commissariat of Aberdeen.

Thomas Gordon
Will Thom
John Davidson

INVENTORY of the Debts underwritten which were resting and owing to the Deceased John Gordon of Crathienaird who died in the month of December last seventeen hundred and sixty six Given up by Thomas Gordon his eldest son and Executor Testamentary Nominated by the said Defunct conform to his latter will and Testament dated the Nineteenth day of December and year foresaid.

Under Protestation to add and eik as after wards comes to his knowledge and that he be not farther liable than according to his Intromissions and have Retention in his own hand of the Inventory under written of the referable and priviledged Debts due by Laws of all Charges and Expences which he has already debursed or shall happen to deburse in Reference to or managing the said Executory any manner of way.

The said Executor under the Protestations above written gives up as belonging to the said Defunct at the time of his Death the sum of THREE HUNDRED pounds Scots money and annualrent thereof since the Term of Martinmas one thousand seven hundred and sixty one being the balance remaining due of the sum of six hundred merks Scots money contained in a Bond granted by the
Deceast James Farquharson of Balmorall to William Young in Riebraik and his heirs therein mentioned dated the Nineteenth day of January One thousand seven hundred and thirty seven years. And to which bond the said Defunct acquired right by Assignation from the said William Young and James and Margaret Young his Churdren dated the Thirteenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and sixty five years.

At Aberdeen the twenty eighth day of February one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven years in Presence of Alexander Innes Commissary of Aberdeen.

The Commissary foresaid hereby confirms the said Thomas Gordon Executor Testamentary to the said Deceast John Gordon of Crathienaird his father Conform to his latter will and Testament above specified and received
John Forbes Esq of Bellabeg Cautioner for him that the debt above mentioned shall be forthcoming to all Parties - Having Interest as accord of the laws and the said Executor hereby oblidges himself to Relieve the said Cautioner of his Cautionary above written and of all that may follow thereon.

Nine pounds Scots
Latter Will

Alexander Innes
Thos Gordon
John Forbes
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