Alexander Gordon: Vintner in Dundee
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As yet much research remains to be done on this man. His origins have been made out as 'Deeside.' He ended up in Dundee, where the maternal Abergeldie family spent long periods.

Here is what was recorded on his HOWFF (Dundee) burial:
Name: Alexander Gordon
Burial Date: 2 Sep 1830
Age at Death: 68
Birthplace:  Deeside
Occupation:  Vintner
Cause of Death: Dropsy
So all that is known was that this Alexander Gordon was born circa 1762 presumably 'Deeside' and that he died in Dundee as a Vintner in the Autumn of 1830.

He left a one page Inventory - which has yet to be seen:
Alexander Gordon  4/10/1830   Vintner at Dundee   Forfar Sheriff Court
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