Gordons in Camlet
By Dr John M. Bulloch
The Gordons O' Girnoc
My Family - 'Camlet John'
The Girnoc Farms
Past Research
Location Map
Gordon Tombstones
A follow-up article:

By Dr John M. Bulloch.

1st January 1910
'Aberdeen Weekly Journal'

"There is some mistake. My information to Mr Bulloch was that Margaret Gordon, born 11th August 1784, did not marry John Gordon, Camlet, but John Brown, Leavel. (Glenmuick Register, 3rd December 1809.) Her gravestone in Crathie Churchyard is inscribed:
"Sacred to the memory of Margaret Gordon, wife of John Brown, Farmer, Leavel, who died 12th January 1826, aged 50 years." This Margaret Gordon had a sister, Mary Gordon (Mrs Morgan), died in Glenmuick since 1854, and Margaret Gordon (Mrs John Gordon, Camlet) had a sister Nicholas Gordon (Mrs Joseph Gordon), died in Crathie, also since 1854, therefore the new registers will give the parents of each of these Margaret Gordons, and prove who they were."


I am much indebted to Mr Brown for his correction, and only wish other correspondents would come forward with the facts they know. Mr Brown also points out in a letter to me, that there is some mistake about the age of John Gordon of Camlets wife,  Euphemia McAndrew. She could not have been 71 in 1801, if she was the mother of Margaret, born 1790, and Jean, born 1795. As to the sons by the second marriage with the above Margaret Gordon, Mr Brown adds some facts:

i. Alexander Gordon, born 1803, and married when an old man about Bucklyvie, and died there without issue.
ii. James Gordon, not given in my list: married Isabella Simpson, Shennach, Strathdon, and had issue.
iii. Elizabeth Gordon, the twin of James (not given by me), married James Kennedy, "from the south," and had issue.
James Gordon succeeded his father in Camlet, and Alexander stayed with him. Their sister, Elizabeth, and her husband Kennedy, got a house on the place, and certain land. Ultimately Kennedy got the whole place. His brother-in-law, Alexander, went south, and James became a cattle dealer on Deeside, and died in Aberdeen, where some of his family are still living. Others of them emigrated.

The Gordons of Camlet have already been dealt with in these pages (1st December 1909 and 1st January 1910). The following however, is an earlier piece of information:

25th January 1700 - Decreet after Letters of Suspension, William Erskine of Pittodrie, against John Gordon in Camelet and James Gordon of Daach as assignee (Mackenzie Decreets, vol. 131.)

This has since turned out to be a RED-HERRING: It relates to Cormalet near Daach (Daugh) in Huntly, and appears to have been mistaken for Camlet! (Dr Peter Gordon: personal comment)

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