Section 5:
Family Group Two - Civil Bonnets the Innkeeper
"Don't Leys Me Out!"
Gordons o' Girnoc

'Camlet John'
The Girnoc Farms
Past Research
Location Map
Gordon Tombstones
This chapter moves on to cover a family of true influence upon the upper reaches of Deeside. The patriarch was a certain James Ley, Innkeeper at the Inver Inn, and older brother of the Charles Leys who married May/Marjory Fleming.

Despite the role as sole hosteliers to this reach of Upper Deeside, it was a sad surprise to discover that so little documentary evidence to this family was to survive. Indeed there was to be no recorded tombstone to James Ley Innkeeper, or any of his family. The family likewise left behind no testamentary or inventorial article.

In previous chapters the tombstone to Francis Leys of Inverarder has been cited as of clear significance, yet the dates of his lifespan have sat marginally with the family groups discussed so far:

Here lies interred FRANCIS LEYS farmar (sic) at Inverarder d. October 1787 aged 75 as is also interred ELSPIT CLARK wife of CHARLES LEYS3 Aberarder d. 1st January 1888 aged 81. The above CHARLES LEYS3 d. 12th July 1904 aged 91

However the following parish record tells us that a Francis Ley at Inver did have a son William baptized in 1762. It is certainly possible that this is the same Francis Leys (he of the tombstone) who would then be aged 50yrs at the time William was born. 

A further son (this time to Francis Leys and Mary Gordon), called Charles was born in 1757. The original parish entry is yet to be viewed, but it seems likely this was the SAME Francis Ley who had William born at Inver in 1762.

" 7th October 1762: Francis Ley in Inver had a child had a child William baptised"

It thus seems possible that Francis Ley of the tombstone (1712-1787) had a son Francis Leys who married Mary Gordon. Could it be, if this hypothesis is correct, that this couple in turn were the parents of James the Innkeeper and Charles (who later m. May Fleming.) Sadly however one fact sits truly at odds: it has been recorded (by a contempary researcher) that Charles Leys was born in 1770 NOT 1757. One has to wonder if the 1770 date can be correct. Something amiss here!

Further Parish records do find a Francis Leys at Inver: but again the dates do not quite tie-in: we have been told Charles Leys was born c1770 and his older brother James apparently in 1757: One assumes then that the Francis Leys below, was a further brother of James (b1757) and Charles (b1770).

This Francis Leys of Inver had, as his first recorded child, Mary, born at Inver in the summer of 1783. Although no matrimonial record can be found, one assumes, Francis married Janet Michie, within a short window of this date:

" 1783: Leys Francis and his spouse Janet Michie in Inver had a daughter baptised June 8th and named Mary."
" 1785: June 17 Francis Leys and Janet Michie his spouse in Inver had a son baptised John."
" 1787: June 25 Francis Leys in Inver and Janet Michie his spouse had a daughter baptised named Betty"

James Ley and his wife Margaret Farquharson were better at producing daughters. Out numbered more than two-to-one, three sons were brought forth: Charles was to be the continuator of the Inn as his older brother Francis was to emigrate with his first wife to Canada. This Francis was later to marry twice again!

The Inver Inn survives as a truly ancient coaching inn, guarding the North Deeside road two miles west of Crathie, witness to the ceasless tumbling of the Feardar river, and yet (one imagines) even more untold Deeside tales. Here truly we must wish that the Inn walls could speak! For surely the folk of Crathie, Glen Feardar and Glen Gairn would have served our dear Inver Inn oh so well: indeed the Inver must have been one of their few pleasures.

Robert Smith resurrected these days of galore:
"The Landlord at the Inver was a 'venerable patriarch' called James Leys, who was more commonly known by the name of 'Civil Bonnets.' He was said to always have a 'whisky bottle and bow' ready for visitors."

Deacon Alexander Robb, (Robert Smith tells us) an Aberdeen tailor, used the nickname in a verse about a coach which took him to 'our lov'd Queen's retreat':

Now ceased the drivers, or pipes their din,
Till we arriv'd at Civil Bonnet's Inn.

So how did our James Ley aquire this name?
Robert Smith postulates:

"It is obvious that he was a well-known and popular landlord, a civil man, a 'noble host,' said Robertson, but where bonnets came in is anyones guess. It becomes more confusing when you remember that the word 'bonnet' has an unhappy connotation at Inver, for it was near here at Ballochlaggan that eighteen bonnet lairds were hung from rafters of a 'gyrt barn' for upsetting the laird."

Robert Smith in his wonderful recent book
"A Queen's Country" confirmed two solid facts regarding James Ley, Innkeeper at the Inver:

1. He was an Older Brother of Charles Ley (who married May/Marjory Fleming)
2. His wife, Margaret Farquharson (who he married at Ballochlaggan in 1781) was the daughter of Colonel John Farquharson.

Children of James Ley and Margaret Farquharson (married 16th June 1781):
1) Barbara Leys christened 10th November 1783  - died 1865 (married Peter Coutts)
Francis Leys* christened 22nd November 1785 - died 1853 (emigrated to Toronto, Canada)
Janet Leys christened 6th November 1787 - died 1883 (married John Morgan)
Margaret Leys christened 3rd December 1791 - died 1863 (married Duncan Cumming 1820)
James Leys christened 13th December 1793 
Betty Leys christened 22nd March 1797  (married Alexander Collie) 
Charles Leys christened 1st June 1800 - died 1879 (married Janet Coutts)
William Leys christened 28th September 1802
Clementina Leys christened 5th August 1804 (married Joseph Riddle 11th  September 1830)

The Parish Records confirm that at least some of James and Margaret's children were born at
Ballachlagan in Glen Feardar. This of course the same farm-toun where brother Charles raised his family!

" 1787: Leys James and his spouse Margt Farquharson in Ballachlagan had a daughter baptised December 3rd  1792 Margaret"
" 1793: Leys James in Balachlaggan and his spouse Margt Farquharson had a son baptised December 13h named James."
" 1794 James Leys in Balachlaggan and his spouse Margaret Farquharson had a son Baptised December 13th named James."

***Note: John Gordon in Belachlagan had a child James baptized on the 20th March 1763 (so one deduces that the Gordon family did domicile the large farm-toun of Balllachlagan in the mid 18th century)

Francis Leys* was born in Strathdon - why? And where were the other children born?


Children of Barbara Leys and Peter Coutts:
1. Charles Coutts christened 20th September 1814 Crathie and Braemar
John Coutts christened 5th September 1816 Glenmuick
Mary Coutts born 1822 - died 1868 (married Francis Leys 1842)
James Coutts christened17th December 1823 Glenmuick

Barbara Leys
Widower of Peter Coutts, farmer, at Rattlich
Died 27th June 1865 at 4pm
At Coldrach, Crathie
Age: 86yrs
Father: James Leys (D) - Farmer
Mother: Margaret Leys m.s. Farquharson (D)
Death cause: Acute Ascites (6 days)
Informant : Margaret Coutts or Edmondston (daughter of the deceased - present)

Mary Coutts
Married to Francis Leys, farmer, Crofts
Died on the 9th August 1868 at 1am
At Crofts, Aberarder, Crathie
Age 46yrs
Father: Peter Coutts - farmer (D)
Mother: Barbara Leys (D)
Death Cause: Gastric fever (3 weeks)
Informant: Francis Leys (husband)
Certified by Wm Marshall M.D

Francis Leys
Farmer (retired) - widower of Mary Coutts
Died 27th May 1886 at 9pm
At Balchlaggan, Crathie
Age: 75yrs
Father: Charles Leys (D) - Farmer
Mother: Marjory Leys m.s. Flemming (D)
Death cause: Pneuumonia (5 days)
Informant : William Thain (son-in-law - present)


Children of Francis Leys and his 1st wife Helen Farquharson (married 4th August 1805)
Emigrated to Canada:
1) Elizabeth Leys
Catherine Leys

Children of Francis Leys and his 2nd wife Hannah Ernst:

1) Mary Ann Leys

Children of Francis Leys and his 3rd wife Rachel Ernst (married Ontario circa1833)

1) John Leys
Rachel Leys
Francis Baxter Leys
Eliza Leys
Peter Leys


Children of Janet Leys and John Morgan:
1. James Morgan christened 9th March 1817 Crathie & Braemar
John Morgan christened 20th November 1820 Crathie and Braemar
William Morgan christened 12th April 1823 Glenmuick
Charles Morgan  born 12th August 1827 Glenmuick

1817 March 9th John Morgan Roadside and Jannet Ley his spouse had a son baptised named James

1820 November 20th John Morgan Roadside and Jannet Leys his spouse had a son baptised named John.

Janet Leys
Pauper - Widower of John Morgan, Mill Wright
Died 17th January 1883 at 5am
At Coldrach, Crathie
Age: 98yrs
Father: James Leys (D) - Farmer & Innkeeper
Mother: Margaret Leys m.s. Farquharson (D)
Death cause: Exhaustion from old age
Informant : John Edmonston, occupier (present)

1851 census - Balchlagan
Janet Morgan (Leys), Head, Widow, age 69 years, Laundress, born Crathie
Charles Morgan, son, unmarried, age 23 years, Wright, born Glenmuick
Ann Coutts, Lodger, unmarried, age 61 years, Pauper (errand woman), born Glenmuick

1851 census - Coldrach
John Edmonston, Head, Married, age 48yrs, Farmer 7 a / 30 hill - 1 lab, born Crathie
Margaret Edmonston, wife, age 40yrs, born Crathie
Ann Reid, General Servant, age 17yrs, born Glenmuick
William Murphy, Agricultural Labourer, Married, age 50yrs, born Ireland
William Loyd, Agricultural Labourer, Married, age 52yrs, born Ireland

1881 census - Coldrach Farm, Crathie & Braemar
John Edmonstone, Married, Head, age 76 years, Farmer 50 Ac 9 Arable Emply 1 Boy & 1 Girl, born Crathie & Braemar
Margaret Edmonstone (nee Coutts), wife, age 69 years, born Crathie & Braemar
James Mitchell, age 14yrs, Farm Servant, born Crathie & Braemar
Margaret Burness, single, age14yrs, Domestic Servant, born Aberdeen
Janet Morgan5, Widow, age 97 years, Blind Pauper, born Crathie
Elizabeth Mitchell, unmarried, age 70 years, Imbecile Pauper, Boarder, born Crathie
John Ross, unmarried, age 33yrs, General Servant out of employment, born Laurencekirk, Kincardine

Is John Edmonstone just a friendly neighbour to old Janet Morgan (nee Leys)?? Or is there a family relationship�perhaps through his wife Margaret Coutts?

A Margaret Coutts was born on the 26th September 1811 in Crathie and Braemar, to James Coutts and Anne Bowman.  (see page 42)

Farm of Coldach
John Edmonstone


Children of Margaret Leys and Duncan Cumming:
1. Margaret Farquharson Cumming christened 6th December 1821 Crathie and Braemar
. Ann Cumming christened 21st August 1823 Crathie and Braemar
William Cumming christened 21st January 1825 Crathie and Braemar
Clementina Cumming christened 24th November 1826 Crathie and Braemar
Betty Cumming    christened 14th November 1828 Crathie and Braemar
James Cumming   christened 3rd June 1830 Crathie and Braemar
Donald Cumming   christened14th February 1832 Crathie and Braemar
Cathrine Farquharson Cumming christened18th August 1834 Crathie and Braemar

Margaret Leys
Married to Duncan Cumming
Died 23rd September 1863 at 00.15am
At Castletown, Braemar
Age: 72yrs
Father: James Leys (D) - Farmer
Mother: Margaret Leys m.s. Farquharson (D)
Death cause: Disease of heart; Dropsy (6 months)
Informant : Clementina Cumming (daughter - present)

House and Land Castleton, Braemar
Duncan Cumming

CHILD SIX: BETTY LEYS (born 1797):

Children of Betty Leys and Alexander Collie:
1. Alexander Collie  christened 8th November 1823 Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen
William Collie  christened 8th March 1826 Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen
Elizabeth Collie    christened 1st March 1828 Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen
David Collie  christened 31st December 1835 Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen

Now there is some interest with this Betty Leys, for it appears that she was the lass, who (prior to wedlock to Alexander Collie), had a
'natural son' to William Alexander Gordon (later Lt. General.) Her illegitimate son was born in Crathie on the 26th May 1821 and was christened Charles Alexander Gordon.

Charles Alexander Gordon grew up to be an
outstanding man who was rightfully honoured with Knighthood for a distinguished career as an army doctor.

One has to wonder how William Alexander Gordon of Strathdon came to be in Crathie Braemar in 1820 and who was he staying with in the district.  He did not marry Elizabeth Leys, marrying in 1823, Mary Anne Gordon, daughter of James Gordon of Rosieburn of the Cairnfield family."

Well it must be reasonable to speculate that their liaison centred upon the
Inver Inn. This was after all Betty's home, and her father, James Leys was 'Civil Bonnets the venerable host' of the establishment.

A little liquor, passion, young love �one need not work hard to recreate the scene. However the intrigue goes further, for we can only speculate what brought our Donside Gordon, William Alexander, across the hills to Inver?

Three family avenues seem plausible:

1) Through the Gordons of Crathienaird
2) A connection with the 'early Leys-Gordons'
3) A connection through the Farquharsons

1) John Gordon of Crathienaird married Isobel Shepherd in 1738. The sister of Isobel Shepherd was Christian Shepherd. This Christian Shepherd was a grandmother of William Alexander Gordon (see notes below.) Now Crathienaird and neighbouring Bush, both busy farm-touns at this time were tenanted by the Leys family.

2) In section three, at least SEVEN early unions took place between the Leys family and the Gordon family. Increasingly this writer wonders if the ORIGINAL provenance of this Gordon grouping was Strathdon: in other words that very early in the 18th century, they came from Strathdon and married into the Leys

3) The grandfather of 'Betty Leys' was Colonel John Farquharson: a landlord and military man. Was he the one who introduced William Alexander Gordon to Upper Deeside?

William Alexander Gordon was the third son of James Gordon, 6th in Croughly and Anne Forbes.  Anne Forbes was a daughter of John Forbes of Bellabeg and Christian Shepher


Children of Charles Leys and Janet Coutts
1) Ann Leys born circa 1832 - died 1852
Margaret Leys christened 6th March 1836
Janet R. F. Leys born circa 1839 - died 1877
James Leys christened 26th March 1840
William Leys christened 23rd July 1841 - died 1859
Charles Leys born 7th May 1843 - after 1881
May Jemima Leys christened 8th April 1845
Mary Leys born circa 1857 - died 17th January 1914 (married William Thain)
Elizabeth F. Leys died 15th January 1915

Charles Leys Inver and his spouse Janet Coutts were married on the 21st day of August 1830 to whom the following children were born:

  Anne was born on the 22 day of June 1832
  Elizabeth Farquharson born 7 May and baptised 17th Aug 1834
  Margaret was born 6 March and baptised 7 April 1836
  Janet Ross Farquharson born 6 November and baptised 23 November 1837
  James was born 26 March and baptised 13 April 1840

The above names were extracted and collected here from their sever places in this register this 2 day of January 1841 by James Munro Session Clerk.

Charles Leys and Janet Coutts his wife had a daughter born on the 22nd day of �. 1832 named Anne.

Charles Leys Inver and his spouse Janet Coutts had a daughter born Wednesday 7th May and baptised Saturday 17th May 1834 named Elizabeth Farquharson.

Charles Leys Inver and his spouse Janet Coutts had a daughter born �. 6 March and baptised 1 April 1836 years named Margaret.

Charles Leys Inver and his spouse Janet Coutts had a daughter born Monday 6 November and baptised Thursday 23 November 1837 and named Janet Ross Farquharson.

Charles Leys Inver and his spouse Janet Coutts had a son born Sunday 26 March and baptised Monday 13 April 1840 named James.

Charles Leys Inver and Janet Coutts his wife had a son born on 23 July and baptised 11th August 1841 named William

Mr Charles Leys Inver and Janet Coutts his spouse had a daughter born 8 April and baptised 14 May 1845 named May Jemima.

Other Coutts (possibly linked)
1831 John Coutts labourer Tilfogar and Janet Gordon his wife had a son born on the 25th day of January 1831 named Alexander.
John Coutts in Balnachoie and his wife Janet Gordon had a daughter born 30th July 1835 named Jessie.
John Couts in Blenacroft and Janet Gordon his wife had a daughter born the 28th December 1837 named Catharine Frances.

Charles Edmonston schoolhouse Crathie and his wife Anne Coutts had a son born Tuesday 9th January and baptised Tuesday 13th January 1835 named John.
Charles Edmonston �. and his wife Anne Coutts had a daughter born Saturday 26th November and baptised Monday 28th November 1836 years named Jessy.
Charles Edmonston Lochnalair and his spouse Jane Coutts had a daughter born Thursday 29th November and baptised Wednesday 19th December 1838 and named Ann
Charles Edmonston��.Lochnalair and his wife Anne Coutts had a daughter born 21 July and baptised 30th July 1840 and maned Margaret.

James Coutts Bridge of Bush and his wife Anne Symon had a son born Monday 16th November and baptised Sabbath 22 November 1835 years named Charles.
James Coutts in Bridge of Bush and his wife Anne Symon had a daughter born 28th October 1839 Margaret

Alexander Symon Dalchork and his wife Anne Coutts had ason born Sabbath 27 September and baptised Tuesday 13 October 1850 and named Charles Leys.

Crathie tombstone:
In memory of ANN LEYS d. 4th December 1852 aged 20, WILLIAM LEYS d. 17th April 1859 aged 18, JANET R. F. LEYS38 d. 19th October 1877 aged 38. CHARLES LEYS and JANET COUTTS his wife, parents of the above d. the latter 5th January 1865 aged 58, the former 2nd November 1879 aged 78. Base: Erected by JAMES, MARGARET, JEMIMA and ELIZABETH the surviving members of the family. (LHS) ELIZABETH F. LEYS d. 15th January 1915.

In Loving memory of WILLIAM THAIN died Belamore, Crathie 20th December 1908 aged 66, CHARLES THAIN his youngest son died 22nd January 1907 aged 15. MARY LEYS wife of above WILLIAM THAIN died Viewington, Ballater 17th January 1914 aged 57.

Erected by MRS LEYS** (Janet Coutts) Inver and her brother JAMES COUTTS Mains of Blackhall in memory of their late brother WILLIAM COUTTS died 20th December 1850 aged 33.

(Next to the stone above  by 'Mrs Leys') Erected by WILLIAM COUTTS in memory of his late father JAMES COUTTS farmer Auchtaven died 30th June 1850 aged 72. His mother ANN BOWMAN died 5th May 1859 aged 84 years. (see Footnotes below)

Charles Leys
Farmer (retired) - widower of Janet Coutts*
Died 2nd November 1879 at 7.15pm
At New Street, Rothes
Age: 78yrs
Father: James Leys (D) - Farmer
Mother: Margaret Leys m.s. Farquharson (D)
Death cause: Chronic Rheumatism
Informant : George Morrison (son-in-law) New Street, Rothes (present)

A Janet Coutts* was christened on the 1st November 1806 in Crathie and Braemar, to James Coutts and Anne Bowman.  (see page 38)

Testaments and Inventories:
Janet Ross Farquharson Leys:  13/5/1880   Rothes, County of Elgin, d. 18/10/1877 at Rothes, intestate   Elgin Sheriff Court Inventories   

1841 census - Inver
Charles Leys, Male, age 40yrs, Farmer, born in this County
Janet Ley, Female, age 35yrs, born in this County
Eliza Leys, Female, age 7yrs, born in this County
Margaret Leys, Female, age 5yrs, born in this County
Janet Leys, Female, age 3yrs, born in this County
James Leys, Male, age 1yr, born in this County
Elspet Miller, age 20yrs, Female serv
Anne Cumming, age 17yrs, Female serv
Ann Duff, age 12yrs, Female serv
Charles Coutts, Male, age 20yrs, Agric labourer, born in this County
Robert Stewart, Male, age 24yrs, Agric labourer, born in this County
Margaret Morison, Female, age 50yrs, Foreign?

1851 census - Inver Inn
Charles Leys, Head, married, age 50 years, Innkeeper/Farmer 50acres - 1 lab, born Crathie
Janet Leys, wife, age 44 years, born Crathie
Ann Leys, daughter, unmarried, age 18 years, employed at home, born Crathie
Margaret Leys, daughter, unmarried, age 14 years, scholar, born Crathie
Janet R F Leys, daughter, unmarried, age 12 years, scholar, born Crathie
James Leys, son, age 11 years, scholar, born Crathie
William Leys, son, age 9 years, scholar, born Crathie
Charles LeysLetterbeg, son, age 8 years, scholar, born Crathie
Jemima Leys, daughter, age 5 years, scholar, born Crathie
Isaac Stewart, Farm Servant, unmarried, age 20 years, born Glenmuick
William Stewart, Farm Servant, unmarried, age 18 years, born Glenmuick
Charles Neil, Farm Servant, age 14 years, born Braemar
Jane McPherson, House maid (Inn), age 27 years, unmarried, born Crathie
James Fife, Lodger, married, age 45 years, Painter, born Aberdeen City

1881 census - Letterbeg Strachan, Kincardine
James Ley, Head, Married, age 41yrs, Farmer 300 acres 245 arable emp 9 Men 2 Women, born Crathie
Isabella Leys, wife, age 36yrs, born Old Machar, Aberdeen
Isabella Leys, daughter, Scholar, age 14yrs, born Echt
Jessy Ann Leys, daughter, Scholar, age 12yrs, born Echt
Charles Leys, son, Scholar, age 7yrs, born Echt
James Leys, son, Scholar, age 5yrs, born Echt
Robert Leys, son, age 2yrs, born Strachan
James Cruickshank, Farm Servant, age 23yrs, unmarried, born Durris
Wm. Hutchion, Farm Servant, age 22rs, unmarried, born Skeen
Wm. Spark, Farm Servant, age 18yrs, unmarried, born Tarves
Archbald Watt, Farm Servant, age 22yrs, unmarried, born Moneymusk
James Stewart, Farm Servant, age 23yrs, unmarried, born Moneymusk
George George, Farm Servant, age 54yrs, unmarried, born Huntly
George Smith, Farm Servant, age 31yrs, unmarried, born Strachan
David Thom, Farm Serv, age 40yrs, Married, born Old Machar
Andrew White, unmarried, age 32, Farm serv, born Boyndie, Banff
Jane McArtney, Unmarried, Dom Serv, age 27yrs, born Glencairn, Dumfries
Jessie Fulton, Unmarried, Dom Serv, age 15yrs, born Banchory


Children of Clementina Leys and Joseph Riddle:
1. Eliza Gordon Riddel  christened 16th January 1837 Newhills, Aberdeen
Elspet Burness Riddel christened 17th April1839 Kintore, Aberdeen
Jessie Riddle   christened 17th October 1841 Kintore, Aberdeen
ALlexander Leith Riddel christened 23rd September 1843 Rayne, Aberdeen
Joseph Riddel   christened 4th September 1845 Rayne, Aberdeen

1881 census - 6 Belvidere Place, Aberdeen Old Machar
Clementina Riddell, Widow, Head, age 76yrs, Annuitant, born Crathie
Eliza J. Hossack, Unmarried, Grandaughter, age18yrs, born England


Children of James Coutts and Ann Bowman:
John Coutts 12 Dec 1809 Crathie And Braemar,
Margaret Coutts Birth: 26 Sep 1811 Crathie And Braemar
William Coutts Christening: 29 Aug 1815 Crathie And Braemar
James Coutts Christening: 29 Apr 1813 Crathie And Braemar
May Coutts Christening: 08 Oct 1818 Crathie And Braemar
Janet Coutts Christening: 01 Nov 1806 Crathie And Braemar
Alexander Coutts Christening: 28 Apr 1805 Crathie And Braemar
Alexander Coutts Christening: 28 Apr 1805 Rc, Braemar And Glengairn

Are these other Farquharson coalescences linked into this family?

Children of John Leys and Jane Farquharson (married 31st December 1826)
Mary Leys  christened 12th February 1833
Charles Leys    christened 27th February 1835

Children of George Leys and Agnes Farquharson
Mary Leys  christened 12th August1853
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