Peter Gordon of Mosstown
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Buchan Observer 25th April & 2nd May 1911
When a man starts life at zero and ends it as the owner of a landed estate with over a hundred and fifty of his fellows in his debt, curiosity is piqued, especially in a generation which regards the accumulation of money with enormous admiration on one hand and the gravest doubt on the other. That is why Peter Gordon of Mosstown is interesting; one only wonders why he and his should not have been passed in review before.

Peter Gordon came from Ballaterach in the parish of Glenmuick. Who his father was and when he was born I have not yet discovered, though family tradition connects him with the Gordons of Bovaglie. He may have been named after the Abergeldie family, among whom "Peter" was a favourite name. Though he possibly began life as a poor man - for nearly all the farms in that region, at the time of his birth (about 1714) were crofts - he is said to have made money by sheep farming, and it was that which brought him down to Buchan, for the wintering of his flocks.

At anyrate on the 23rd of December 1767, he acquired the estate of Mosstown in Logie Buchan (now owned by the Wolrige-Gordons of Hallhead and Esslemont) from John Duncan Provost of Aberdeen 1758-9, died 1798), who had bought it six years before (1761) from Margaret Innes, wife of Richard Surridge, Dublin. On this charter Peter Gordon took infeftment of sasine on the 9th of April 1768. Perhaps Peter imagined, like Scott, that he was to found a family of lairds of his name. But like Scott, he was disappointed. In the first place, his only son Charles died: in the second, some of his daughters made "improper" marriages. So on the 9th of February 1788, he made his will (in which he mentions only one daughter) and executed a deed of entail. The order of succession was as follows:

1. Peter Gordon himself, in life rent.
2. Peter Stewart, his grandson, third son of the marriage between Charles Stewart, Merchant, Aberdeen, and Jean Gordon, (Peter's eldest daughter) and the heirs male of Peter Stewart's body.
3. John Stewart, eldest son of the said marriage and his heirs male.
4. James Stewart, second son of the said marriage and his heirs male.
5. Any other heirs that might be procreated of the said marriage
6. Heirs male of the said Jean Gordon by any subsequent marriage
7. Heirs male of Margaret Gordon, the youngest daughter of Peter.
8. Heirs male of Janet Gordon, his second daughter, who married William Ettershank; whom failing to a further series of substitutes.

The deed also contained the condition that each heir on succeeding should take the name of "Gordon" and the designation "of Mosstown."

On the same date, 9th February 1788, Peter Gordon conveyed estate to certain trustees who took infeftment by sasine 21st December 1795.

Peter's appreciation of contingencies was wise, for heir after heir failed, the lairdship of the estate falling thus:

1767-1793: Peter Gordon, I of Mosstown
1793-1842: John Stewart (Gordon), II of Mosstown (third of the entail), grandson of I.
1842-1865: Peter Ettershank (Gordon), III of Mosstown (8th of the entail), cousin of II.
1865-1892: Gordon Ettershank (Gordon), IV of Mosstown, son of III.
1892-1896: Peter Ettershank Gordon, V of Mosstown, brother of IV (he broke the entail)

1896-1900: Robert Mitchell, Logierieve, who bought the estate.
1900 May 15th: Henry Wolrige Gordon of Hallhead, bought the estate, which is now held by his trustees.

Peter Gordon, the founder of the house, was
twice married. He seems to have been the Peter Gordon in Ballaterach, who married on the 8th August 1754, Elizabeth Michie, daughter of Alexander Michie, in Cloak, Lumphanan (by his wife Jean Forbes, Kincardine O' Neill). All his children were by this marriage. His first wife was alive in September 1772, when his second child was born.

Peter Gordon married secondly,
Grace Finlason, the lawful daughter of the late John Finlason, Collector of Excise in Aberdeen, by his wife Ann Gordon, apparently one of the Gordons of Aberdour. Grace Finlason was either the sister or cousin of Captain William Finlason, one of the best known officers in the Northern Fencibles, raised by the Duke of Gordon. By her marriage of contract of the 20th of January 1781 (referred to in an obligation by Peter of 8th September 1789, in the Aberdeen Commissary Record), the said Grace made over to Peter �300 with the annual rent thereof and a fifth part more of the principal sum of liquidate penalty contained in a bond by the deceased Alexander Gordon of Aberdour to the said Grace; also the sum of �73.10s and interest contained in a bill of the 1st of January 1780, and drawn upon her by the said Alexander Gordon; also the sum of �42 and interest in a Pro. Note, granted to her by Alexander Duthie, Advocate, Aberdeen, dated 12th December 1780. Yet under her husband's will, Grace got only an annuity of �10.

Peter Gordon, I of Mosstown, died at Aberdeen on the 2nd of May 1793 ('Aberdeen Journal') in his 79th year and was buried in St Nicholas Churchyard. He had appointed as the trustees of his entail, Charles Gordon of Abergeldie, and the latter's sons - Captain Peter Gordon, David Gordon, Lieut. Col. Sir Charles Gordon, and Adam Gordon: together with the Rev. Thomas Gordon of Crathienaird. His will was proved at Aberdeen on the 4th March 1794, the executors being the aforesaid Charles Gordon of Abergeldie and his son Peter. A reputed portrait of Peter Gordon, I of Mosstown, is now in existence among his descendants in Aberdeen.

Peter Gordon, I of Mosstown, predeceased by his son Charles, left at
least three daughters:

1) Jean Gordon, the eldest, granted a discharge to the trustees of her father's bond of provision on the 12th August 1795 ("Aberdeen Commissary Court Record"). She married Charles Stewart, Merchant, Aberdeen, who is stated (in the "Aberdeen Journal" of 1842) to have been "a descendant of Prince Charles Edward Stewart, commonly called the Pretender."
  (1) John Stewart, II of Mosstown: took the name Gordon: served himself heir in general to his brother Peter, whose death I have not traced. He died at Aberdeen on the 9th June 1842, without issue ("Aberdeen Journal"). He married Helen Catto, who died in Crown Street, Aberdeen of a "decay in nature, 9th of May 1858" (Register of the South Parish Church, Aberdeen.)
  (2) James Stewart,
  (3) Peter Stewart, both of whom are mentioned in their grandfather's deed of entail, 1788.

2) Janet Gordon, married on the 27th September 1787, William Ettershank, who died 3rd of June 1793. She died 12th January 1832. They had:
  (1) Peter Ettershank, III of Mosstown, born 29th March 1791. He succeeded his cousin, John Stewart Gordon, in the estate of Mosstown, and assumed the name Gordon. On his succession, Peter Farquharson of Whitehouse, Advocate, Aberdeen, who had (before 1801) come into the possession of the superiority of Mosstown, granted him a precept of clare constat dated 13th August 1842, sasine following on 5th September. The Feu duty. Peter Ettershank Gordon, who was a merchant & Sheriff Officer in Aberdeen, married (1) Mary Forman, Strichen, on the 5th January 1815, who died 27th October 1815; and (2) Helen Johnstone, Aberdeen, who died 8th December 1887. He died on the 23rd January 1865. He had:
    (i) Gordon Ettershank Gordon, IV of Mosstown (born 19th October 1815) who seved heir to his father as Laird of Mosstown, 27th March 1865. He lived at North Broadford, Aberdeen. He died on the 1st of January 1892 aged 76, as recorded on a tombstone in St Nicholas Churchyard, Aberdeen. He married, Helen Anderson, who died 20th October 1874, aged 57 (ibid.) They had:
      (a) Gordon Gordon died 31st August 1862 aged 16 (ibid.)
      (b) Margaret Gordon, died 13th May 1862 aged 18 (ibid.)
      (c) Isabella Gordon, died 9th October 1848, aged 8 (ibid.)
    (ii) Peter Ettershank Gordon, V of Mosstown: born 21st April 1823. He emigrated to Canada, farming at Ontario (where he was living at Goverrnor Road, Dundas, in 1892). On succeeding to Mosstown, he came home, got the entail cancelled, 19th August 1895, and sold the estate of Mosstown to Robert Mitchell of Logierieve on the 30th May 1896. He then returned to Canada where he died, leaving an only son, Peter Johnston Gordon (now in Canada and married), and four daughters.
    (iii) James Ettershank Gordon. He belonged to the firm of Gordon & Thomson, Wholesale Merchants, Loch Street, Aberdeen, and died at 23 Beechgrove Terrace, Aberdeen on the 6th August 1910, without issue.
    (iv) Grace Ettershank Gordon, born at Aberdeen 1836; married Charles Gorrod, and died at 9 Mount Street, Aberdeen, 25th December 1910, without issue.
    (v) Mary Ann Ettershank Gordon, born at Aberdeen 1838, married John Gorrod, and died at 8 Bonnymuir Place, Aberdeen, 20th April 1910, being buried at Allenvale, 3rd May 1910.
    (vi) ------- Gordon, married a Mr Harper, and had eleven children, including: James Harper of Wm. Brown & Co., Fishing Tackle Makers, Aberdeen; Ellen Harper, Mrs Greig, Cheverton, Mintlaw.

3) Sarah Gordon, who granted a discharge to her father's trustees (in the matter of a bond of provision by her father) and on the 8th December 1795, married George Linton, Farmer, and had:
  (1) Andrew Linton, born 15th July 1788 and baptised 16th July, by the Minister of St Paul's Episcopal Church, Aberdeen ("New Spalding Church. Misc. ii, 343)

4) Amelia Gordon, "third daughter" who granted a discharge to her father's trustees on the 4th August 1802 ("Aberdeen Commissary Court Record"), married John Mitchell 'late of Aberdeen.' She is the only daughter mentioned in her father's will.

5) Margaret Gordon, youngest daughter, seventh of the entail, baptised at Glenmuick, 3rd Sept1772, which shows that her father (Peter Gordon I of Mosstown) had not removed altogether from his native parish. She died before 1793.
Nothing is so interesting about Peter Gordon's story as the large number of loans he had made and perhaps bad debts he had accumulated. The inventory of his will contains the names of some 150 debtors. They are mostly of no account; but for that very reason the list is extraordinarily valuable in locating a great many people of whom there probably exists no other record.

Dr Bulloch  arranged these names alphabetically for the sake of easy reference, and of course I have condensed the formula attached to each of them which runs this:

"There was due to the defunct (Peter Gordon) at the time of his death, by John Ross, baker in Aberdeen, �10.10s sterling contained in his accepted bill to him dated the 8th day of February Seventeen hundred and ninety payable twelve months after date, and interest thereof from the time of payment."

  John Alexander and Charles Anderson in Ruthven, �209.18s Scots; 18th November 1767.
  Elspet Allanach in Muirton, �6.10s Scots; 1st February 1763
  John Allanach, elder and younger, in Tullich, �38.4s Scots; 4th January 1755
  Alexander Anderson, Charles Anderson & John Anderson in Ruthven, �8 Scots; 3rd December 1763.
  Alexander Anderson, Upper Ruthven, �12 Scots; 27th April 1769.
  Alexander Anderson & Charles Anderson, �101.12s Scots; 14th December 1769
  Alexander Anderson & Charles Anderson, in Ruthven, �2, 14th December 1769.
  Alexander Anderson & William Anderson, in Ruthven, �3; 4th December 1772.
  Alexander Anderson & Jean Anderson, in Ruthven, �8.13s; 14th September 1775.
  James Anderson, Elizabeth Blinshart, his wife and Ann Meldrum, all in Broomhill, and Kirk of Logie, �31.12s.8d Scots; 21st July 1766.
  William Anderson in Lochans, �30 Scots; 15th January 1772

  Francis Bain, in Dyce, �2.2s�d; 21st June 1787.
  James Beg, in Nethermains of Auchinlove, �12.12s Scots, in a bill (to William Beg); 24th November 1786
  James and John Begg in Auchinlove, �9.16s stg. (in a bill to Frederick Duncan); 24th May 1784.
  James and John Begg in Auchinlove, and James Fraser Titabectie, �8.3s.9d.; 3rd March 1787.
  William Birnie, farmer in Uppertown of Straloch, �3; 15th December 1792.
  Michael Birs, �6 Scots; 19th May 1761.
  John Bowman and William Coutts, in Strathgirnoch, �3.11s. in a bill to Alexander Coutts; 28th May 1793.
James Bremner, in Crayrean, and Jean Westland, wife of William Reid there, �26.10s Scots; 6th June 1767.
  John Brownie, John Paterson & Robert Paterson, and William Medders in Bridgefoot, and Robert Paterson in Backgarden, �44 Scots; 2nd June 1758.
  William Bruce, in Carneveran, �5.10s; 16th October 1778.

  Alexander Calder, Auchinlove, �48 Scots; 7th December 1774.
  Robert Calder, in Killoch, �123.4s. Scots and also �118 Scots; 5th December 1778.
  Colin Cameron, in Linimore, 4o merks Scots; 5th July 1771
  Thomas Cannon, in Cannahars, �1.19s.10d; 30th December 1791.
  James Car, in Dalmachie, �4.4s. Scots; 9th April 1756
  Donald Catanach & George Catanach, in Abergairn, �68.3s.4d. Scots; 7th September 1767.
  James Clerk, in Foggiemill, �44.10s Scots; November 1767
  William Clerk, in Davan, and Peter Clerk in Mill of Pellan, and James Clerk in Blackmill, �16 Scots; 12th January 1750
  Alexander Coutts & John Coutts, in Strathgirnoch, �28.12s. Scots; 28th May 1784.
  James Coutts, in Belbenny, �7.8s. Scots; 8th March 1755.
  John Coutts, and Alexander Robertson in Newton of Bilgairn, �3.16s. (in a bill to Alexander Coutts); 28th May 1793.
  Robert Cromar and Alexander Essan, in Balnacraig, �24.12s Scots. (in a bill to Thomas Gordon in Bush); October 1763.

  James Duncan, in Aberdeen, �2; 29th August 1783.
  Peter Durward, in Coldwells, �21.10s.6d. Scots.: 16th March 1779.

  Charles Eddingson, in Spoutwells, �7; 17th January 1785.
  James Ego and Elspet Mare, �25.5s. Scots; 20th November 1754.

  James Farquharson, in Castletown, �8.8s. Scots; 25th May 1787.
  Adam Ferrier, Easter Migvie, �1.19s.6d.; 24th February 1792
  James Fife, and Lachlan Fife, both in Techley, �16.4s. Scots.; 6th March 1777
  Alexander Fleming, in Allanquoich, �179.3s.4d. Scots; 27th February 1769.
  John Fleming, in Rochrie, �21 Scots; 5th May 1766.
  Patrick Fleming, in Auchintoul, �7. Scots; 30th December 1767.
  John Fraser, in Algusach, �23.12s. Scots; 20th January 1761.
  Peter Fraser, in Annetty, �53.6s. Scots; 3rd December 1772.

  Alexander Garden, Mains of Ardo, �17.15s.8d.; 12th December 1791.
  James Garden, Old Meldrum and James Jack, in Green of Udny, �9.15s.; 6th October 1777.
  James Glass, Bellamore, �42 Scots; 15th August 1766.
  James Gleny, Mains of Tocley, �16 Scots; 14th October 1753.
  Charles Gordon, at Cortachie, �18.12s.11�d; 6th July 1790. 
  Francis Gordon, in Baltonpan, �61.10s. Scots; 27th February 1773.
  James Gordon, in Rustraich, �17.3s; no date
  Peter Gordon, in Strachgirnach, �8.16s. Scots; 27th March 1750
  Robert Gordon, in Littleton, and Thomas Gordon in Clashmuck, �18.18s. Scots; 19th May 1768. Thomas Gordon also owed �24 Scots; 19th October 1780.
  Robert Gordon and Thomas Gordon, in Belnduper and Blackmuch, �50.8s Scots; 22nd May 1769
  Thomas Gordon, in Upper Aucholzie, �33 Scots; 1st December 1781.
  Thomas Gordon, in Bush, �4; 10th march 1792.
  Reverend Thomas Gordon, Crathienaird, �320, in a bill of December 22nd 1791.
  John Grant, at Mill of Tilliray, �14.4s.10d., in a bill to James Rainnie, indorsed by Peter Gordon, 11th June 1791
  John Gray (Grant?), in Tilliray, �24, in a bill to Alexander Johnston, indorsed to Peter Gordon; 12th September 1791.

  Alexander Henderson, and Elizabeth Henderson, in Park of Udny, �71.15s. Scots; 27th October 1786.
  John Henderson, Auchinhove, �10.13s.4d Scots; 11th October 1779.
  John Henderson, elder and younger, in Auchinhove, �--?; 11th July 1783.
  Margaret Henryson and George Reid, Milltown of Kemnay, �9.10s. Scots; 20th June 1766.
  John Hunter and Alexander Riach, �73.12s.6d Scots; 14th March 1771.

  John Lamond, in Ballachallach, �22.1s. Scots; 17th October 1778; �4 stg., 1st March 1779.
  William Leslie, in Bogfairly, �24.13s. Scots. 15th May 1781; �6 stg. 2nd July 1778.
  William Leslie and Elizabeth Leslie, Bogfairly, �6.7s, stg., 31st May 1780.
  John Leys, farmer in Mains of Glencarvy, �23.17s.8d; 2nd February 1783.
  George Linton and James Stewart, �26, 3rd June 1790 (Gordon's daughter Amelia, married George Linton, a farmer)
  Duncan Lyon and Charles Lyon, in Balnacroft, �27.1s.6d. Scots; 10th November 1768.

  Ann McHardy, (spouse to John Harrow in Allanquoich) and Robert McIntosh there, �34.13s.4d. Scots; 9th June 1762.
  Donald McKenzie in Boanettie, and Alexander McKenzie in Tamanturn, �3; 28th May 1779.
  Donald McKenzie and Kenneth McKenzie, in Turnuppy, �16.4s. Scots; 2nd November 1774.
  James McKenzie, in Morven, �9 Scots; 10th March 1777.
  Peter McNabb, �16.12s; 5th November 1774.
  Alexander Malcolm, in Whinmore �24 Scots; 5th December 1777.
  Charles Mathew, Old Mill, �5, in a bill to Charles Gordon, 8th April 1778.
  John Merten, in Nether Banchory, �3.13s.3d.; 22nd December 1780.
  Peter Milne, and James Ritchie, at Mill o Pottertown, �5; 2nd November 1785.
  William Milne, in Kirktown of Skene, �4.11s; 6th October 1778.
  Arthur Mortimer, Smithyhills, �16; 27th November 1771; �68.11s. Scots; 1st December 1779.

  James Naughty, and Richard Naughty, �81.12s. Scots; 16th October 1778.

  Reverend William Paterson, Logie Buchan, �8.19s.8d.; 22nd December 1790.
  William Pirie, farmer in Trywells, and William Stot, in Mosstown, �105; 20th June 1792.

  George Reid, in Brinley, and James Gleny, in Mains of Tonley, �18 Scots; 14th October 1783.
  George Reid, in Wester Morven, �6.12s.4d.; 4th December 1786.
  John Reid, in Gillan Town, �4.7s.; 19th June 1772.
  John Reid, in Kethockmill, �7; 21st December 1765.
  Alexander Riach, in Redky, �34.11s.6d. Scots; 14th March 1771.
  George Riach, in Shooky, �26.8s. Scots; 1771.
  Alexander Ritchie, in Tamanturn, 250 merks Scots; 16th May 1752.
  Callum Ritchie, in Lary, �4; 16th January 1792.
  James Ritchie and John Ritchie, in Easter Morven, �65.5s.6d. Scots; 31st January 1755.
  Donald Robertson, in Wester Muras (Micras?), and Alexander Coutts, in Baraglich (Bavaglich? i.e. Bovaglie), �2.12s.6d. (in a bill to Alexander Coutts) 28th May 1793.
  John Robertson, in Netherton of Banley, and John Ritchie, Mains of Foulis, �15 Scots; 14th March 1764.
  Alexander Ross in Curfatochie, and William Mathieson there, �84.6s.8d. Scots; 9th February 1764.
  John Ross, baker, Aberdeen, �10.10s; 8th February 1790; �100, 20th December 1792.

  Peter Sandison, in Grayston, �15.10s Scots; and �16.10s Scots; 19th October 1779.
  James Sangster, in Tillyeve, �4.6s.8d (in a bill to John Grant), 7th November 1791.
  Robert Scott, in Swedly, �14 Scots (in a bill to John Duncan) 1st Jan 1773.
  Andrew Simpson, in Gateside, �2; 29th March 1779.
  Margaret Simpson, in Clarag, 14s.7d. stg.; 1st July 1789.
  Alexander Smith, in Mains of Logie, and George Smith, in Broomhill, �4.4s. stg; 20th October 1779.
  George Smith, Algroddie, and Robert Smith in Kenond (Kinord?), �1.10s; 1st July 1791.
  Henret Smith, in Tillyhammach, 10 merks Scots; 24th June 1762.
  John Smith and James Smith, in Wester Tolmads, �32 Scots; 13th October 1778.
  John Souter, and William Graham, in Waterlair, �1.7s.6d. (in a bill to John Mitchell endorsed to Peter Gordon), 20th February 1787.
  Alexander Steven, in Bellamore, �5.5s; 9th October 1761.
  Charles Stewart, merchant in Aberdeen, �52.10s; 7th February 1798; also �50, 2nd February 1788; �5.4s.4d. 22nd January 1791. Stewart was Gordon's eldest son-in-law.
  Charles Stewart, in Bevley, �4.13s.4d. (in a bill to Abraham Watt) 21st January 1778.
  William Still, in Middleton of -----, �15 Scots; 4th December 1779.
  William Stot, in Mosstown, �11.15s.10d.; 1st January 1790.

  Alexander Taws, in Lairie, �1.7s.3d; 6th January 1792.
  Andrew Taws, in Campfield, �34; 27th November 1778.
  Andrew Taws and William Low, �56 Scots; 25th November 1779.
  James Thom, in Wester Howie, �18 Scots; 17th November 1777.
  John Torry, in Cockhardy, �2; 28th June 1753.

  Patrick Urquhart, in Clayholes (there was a Clayholes in Glengirnoc), �2.10s; 22nd June 1792.

  Duncan Watt, and James Watt, �4.10s Scots; 19th March 179-
  John Watt, in Tombrech, �16 Scots; 7th July 1785.
  Joseph Wilkin, Ann Wilkin, and Andrew Tynes, in Baletroch, �10.3s; 26th June 1767.
  Alexander Williamson, in Background, �146.19s.6d Scots; 18th May 1784.
  Elspet Wright, and Jean Westland, in Craigreann, �15.16s Scots; 21st June 1771.

It only remains to be said that there were at least TWO other Mosstowns in Aberdeenshire. One of these was a pendicle of Kirkhill in the parish of Kennethmont, and there was a Thomas Gordon in it, who was excommunicated for Popery in 1663. Then there was a Mosstown in the Braes of Cromar, and there was a Peter Gordon there, who had the following children by his wife Jean Mill: Charles Gordon, baptised 26th October 1795; John Gordon, baptised 12th February 1798; and Elizabeth Gordon, baptised 10th September 1793.

It is very interesting to note that the Mosstown in Logie Buchan, is now in the hands of the Hallhead Gordons, for they are claimed as the ancestors of the Bovaglie Gordons, with whom Peter Gordon is said to have been connected.

John Malcolm Bulloch.
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