My Family - 'Camlet John'
The Girnoc Farms
Past Research
Location Map
Gordon Tombstones
Wardhead, lower Glenmuick
'The Nathaniel Conundrum'
Gordons o' Girnoc
Wardhead, long gone, rivals Camlet as utterly inextricable. Every researcher pursuing Girnoc, has at one time or other, been brought back to Wardhead. Yet it remains far from clear if it does positivley link in.

If Wardhead was to link into Camlet -  then the follow-on question seems obvious: Could Wardhead take the family back to Abergeldie?

Endless speculation on
Nathaniel Gordon - a most uncommon Upper Deeside name - has been made by this writer, and others. Donald Whyte in the 1980's (in his research for David Morrice Gordon) continued the 'Nathaniel hypothesis' first aired by Bulloch and Cairnfield.

The Nathaniel hypothesis, was based upon the
'Camlet pedigree' drawn up by John Gordon of Crovie, and later expanded (or so it seems) by a certain Charles Brown of 56 Dee Street, Aberdeen. This Camlet Pedigree has never been talked off since it was discussed by Bulloch, in a newspaper article on Camlet in 1910. If it still survives, its whereabouts are unknown. It is assumed by this writer, that Charles Brown, was a descendent of Bovaglie, for 56 Dee Street was the city abode for the Bovaglie Gordons in the late 19th century. So perhaps this 'Camlet Pedigree' survives in the attic of a Bovagli' descendant? Who knows!

It certainly is worth stating that, John of Crovie (the author of the Bovagli Manuscript and grandson of 'Camlet John') never mentioned Nathaniel. Simply he stated that his maternal-grandfather ('Camlet John') was was a son of
"........Gordon and Mary Leys".

It was Bulloch, then Cairnfield, and later, Whyte, that reworked this (one assumes from the parish records), that this pertained to
"the Nathaniel Gordon who was proclaimed to marry Margaret Leys, from Tullich, but married instead, Janet Forbes in Ballater, 20th March 1758":

The following is taken from the section on Camlet by Donald Whyte in his private manuscript "
The Gordons in Upper Deeside":

(III) NATHANIEL GORDON, born ca. 1724, was in Camlet according to Edward Gordon, a continuator of Dr J.M.Bulloch, but we suffer from a dearth of information. He was proclaimed to marry Margaret Leys, from Tullich, but married instead, Janet Forbes in Ballater, 20.3.1758. He had, probably with other issue.
1. John 'Camlet John', of whom presently.
2. Peter, in Camlet, who married Janet, daughter of James Gordon in KHANTORE and Janet Smith, and had issue:
(1) Jean, born Camlet, bapt. 12.6.1783.
(2) John, born Bovagly, 1786.
(3) Ann, baptised 15.6.1792.
3. Francis, in Camlet, who married 12.9.1790, Margaret Gordon, and had issue:
(1) John, bapt. 1791
(2) Anna, bapt. 10.12.1793.
(3) Francis, bapt 27.11.1794.
(4) Margaret, bapt. 8.4.1804.
(5) Helen, bapt. 5.11.1806.
4. Nathaniel.


Then, in 2002, as described in the section on 'Camlet Papa' a contempary Australian researcher, with an unmatched knowledge of Aberdeenshire Gordons, raised the lid on Nathaniel. Through this researcher's private work, credible doubt was placed upon Nathaniel and his place in the Camlet pedigree. Essentially this researcher was able to trace two of the Deeside Nathaniel Gordons back to Strathdon.


All this has led to that 'usual confusion' so familiar with any Deeside researcher. Indeed madness must surely  prevail if any interested party takes on the unravelling. A pointless mission? - yes well maybe. However for this writer, getting to know the folk of the glens, and a way of life gone-by, is the
real reward. If a piece of the puzzle falls into place, in the course of the journey, then all the better.

But words and names are just that. The real glory is in the beauty and beckoning spirit of our Deeside Glens. So visit now. You shall not be dissapointed.

My mission here remains: not just to list names - for that is as tedious as begat, but to bring alive the lost and forgotten spirit, bustle and hardship, of our Deeside glen-folk of centuries-by. So here, contained within this website, in many guises, will come, pictures, poems, historical vistes, word-of-mouth stories, sketches, ancient manuscripts and maps.

Now time to return to Wardhead. Let us first look at the map - to direct you. For sadly, not a stane of
'auld Wairdhead' survives.

Then a quick skip to Glengairn Churchyard - yes it is a curious journey that starts from here. Thereafter a time-line for Wardhead, followed by a crude attempt to untangle its family webs.

1. 1870. JOHN GORDON d. Lynnachoul, Glengairn 21st November 1854 aged 78, daughter JANE GORDON d. 18th January 1870 aged 50, widow ELIZABETH GRANT d. 30th January 1870 aged 82, son JOHN GORDON d. 31st December 1880 age 50, MAY GORDON d. 3rd September 1899 age 73, MARGARET GORDON d. 5th November 1901 age 76, ELIZABETH GORDON d. 29th October 1911 aged 83, by son JOHN GORDON.

2. By JAMES GORDON, Australia. Father JAMES GORDON, Glengairn, died Ballater 17th June 1864 aged 82, mother MARGARET McHARDY d. 29th September 1868 aged 80, sister MARGARET GORDON d. 21st September 1850 aged 21, JANET GORDON d. 18th May 1899 aged 80.

3. Fallen Stone: By NATH. GORDON, Tomb, 1782.

4. JAMES GORDON, farmer Bridgend of Gairn, d. 15th July 1832 aged 63. His widow JANET COUTTS d. 28th November 1862 aged 77; children, MARGARET GORDON d. 20th May 1827 aged 18, JOHN GORDON d. 24th January 1838 aged 13, JAMES GORDON d. 8th February 1839 aged 25, JANE GORDON d. 26th October 1882 aged 74, ANN GORDON d. 15th March 1886 aged 64, NATHANIEL GORDON d. 11th June 1888 aged 76.

5. Fallen Stone: 1823. ALEXANDER GORDON, sometime farmer Wand..head, parish of Glenmuick d. 1786 aged 52, his widow ELIZABETH OGG d. 1806 aged 6?, son JOHN GORDON d. �, ALEXANDER GORDON � Kincardine O'Neil d. 15.5.? (only child, ALEXANDER GORDON d. March 1823 aged ?, widow ELIZABETH d. Kincardine O'Neil 18th April 1854 age�)

6. Celtic Cross. DONALD GORDON born Tombeck, Glenmuick 16th July 1834, d. Borrowston, Kincardine O' Neil 23rd October 1912 age 78.

7. By JOHN GORDON, Ballarat, Australia; Father NATHANIEL GORDON, 1778-1850, mother JANET COUTTS, 1794-1879. Son, PETER GORDON b. September 1825 d. October 1839; son, NATHANIEL GORDON b. September 1823 d. April 1842; son, JAMES GORDON d. Auchoille 26th January 1907 aged 85 (children: JAMES GORDON, lost in the Polloch, February 1894 aged 25; JOHN GORDON sergeant IYHS, d. Pretoria 11th April 1901 aged 26; MARY GORDON d. 7th January 1903 aged 24; widow MARY McKENZIE d. Auchoille 8th January 1908 aged 62; son DONALD GORDON d. Forres 19th October 1953 aged 66)
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