Guardian Knights Ladder was created April 2001
For teams to play without the hassle of bidding and people being worried over "Ranks", but yet having the History & Credits as each team does for playing.

The atmosphere for Guardian Knights with no doubt was to be social and not as competitive as some ladders are, which can be fun & yet a headache as well.

We only created Guardian Knights for the purpose of friendly, fair and fun games, as any ladder should be, no matter how competitive it is or isn't.

At first we were going to keep Guardian Knights private and only invite a few close friends to create teams and play when ever we wanted, more so just something to do. Then we decided to let Guardian Knights be a "public" ladder for anyone to join and a lot of hard work and time has since went into building it to what it is now, we never expected over 100 players and to be honest the size of the ladder was never important to us at anytime.

Not only have the Admins worked hard, but the players and teams who have been here from day one and are still here and the new teams as well, have worked just as hard as any of the Admins or harder for Guardian Knights Ladder and it is well appreciated. Admins run the ladder, but it is the Players and Teams that make the ladder.

After Guardian Knights got started, players gave Guardian Knights the nick name GKL, and has stuck with us ever since.

The Administration of GKL wanted to do something special for our members, and we created web sites for various reasons and occasions for the teams and players, as our way of saying thank you and you are appreciated more then you know.

We welcome anyone who wants to play on a team or who wants their own team at Guardian Knights and if players decide GKL is not for them, then we wish them luck where ever they may play at next.

No matter how big or small Guardian Knights is or becomes, we thank each player who has ever signed up for the fond memories of yesterday, the pleasures of today and the greetings of tomorrow.
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