ALT+ SPACEBAR--opens control menu (like clicking on the symbol in the top
left corner of a window, from which you select (perhaps using mouse,
perhaps using arrow keys and enter) among restore, minimize, maximize,
close, etc)

SPACEBAR -- hitting this will finalize a selection of an item in a list or
an icon on the screen that's only half- selected, i.e., there's a box
around the name but full highlighting is not there. Also puts a checkmark
or big dot in a little box or circle for you to check one of several options.

ENTER -- will activate a selected item. Hitting Enter with a program icon
selected will open the program. with a button highlighted, will activate
the "button." It appears highlighted from the heavier line around it, or it
might look like a depressed button.

Hitting a letter key will take you to the first item in a dialogue box that
begins with that letter. I.E., in open file dialogue box, hit w one or more
times  to go to the "Windows" folder in the list of stuff that appears on
the C drive. This can save a whole lot of hand action.

CTRL+z -- undo
CTRL+y -- redo
CTRL+a -- select all
CTRL+x --cut
CTRL+c --copy
CTRL+v --paste
CTRL+p � print
CTRL+s --save

CTRL+ALT+DEL--reboots the computer � eventually. First, it'll tell you
what's hung up.
CTRL+esc-- same as clicking on the "start button" in the taskbar area of
the screen
ALT+F4 shuts down the selected program.
TAB--VERY USEFUL. takes you from one field to another, one "button" to
another, one icon to another etc.
SHIFT+TAB -- it tabs you backward
HOME � to beginning of line or far left of field or screen.
END --to end of line, or far right of field or screen.
CTRL+home -- to the top
CTRL+END -- to the bottom
PAGE UP -- moves you up in your document or dialogue box by one page
PAGE DOWN -- moves you down in your document or dialogue list by one page
ARROW KEYS--these will move you about the screen or dialogue box, or menu,
not just a document. Modifier keys like CTRL and SHIFT when pressed at same
time as arrow keys or page up and page down will perform selection and
larger movements. For instance, CTRL + right arrow jumps to next word, and
SHIFT+CTRL+RIGHT ARROW selects the whole word.
ESC -- to cancel, or get rid of something like box or window that popped up
when you didn't want it (or if you change your  mind) etc.
ALT + the underlined letter in a menu item carries out the action.

SHIFT+F10�like right click, brings up context menu
ALT+TAB�cycles through open applications
[ALT] + down arrow--opens up a "Drop down list" -those little arrows that
sit next to fields in which you must make a choice, for instance in the
"Look in" field of an "Open" dialogue box.
[ALT] + TAB        --holding down the [ALT] and hitting tab cycles you
through open applications.
Thus, to sign off windows 95: CTRL+ESC, UP, ENTER, ENTER.

[Hot and Other Keys]
*General folder / Windows Explorer shortcuts for a selected object:

        Keys                    Action
        F2                      Rename
        F3                      Find
        CTRL+X, C, or V         Cut, Copy, or Paste
        SHIFT+DELETE          Delete immediately without putting the file in Recycle Bin
        ALT+ENTER               Properties
        ALT+double-click         Properties
        CTRL+right-click         Put alternative verbs on the context menu
                                                          (Open With)
        SHIFT+double-click      Explore the object if it has an Explore command

                                Open taskbar properties

[General control over folders/Windows Explorer]

        F4 (Explorer)           Displays the combo box
        F5                          Refresh
        F6                         Switches between panes in Windows Explorer
        CTRL+Z                  Undo
        CTRL+A                  Select all
        BACKSPACE               Goes to the parent folder
        SHIFT+           Closes this folder and all its parent folders

[In Windows Explorer]
        Num*                    Expands everything under selection
        Num-                    Expands selection
        Num+ or Right arrow     Collapses selection
        Right arrow             Expands current selection if it's collapsed;
                                otherwise goes to the first child.
        Left arrow              Collapses current selection if it's expanded;
                                otherwise goes to the parent

[In Properties]
        CTRL+TAB or
        CTRL+SHIFT+TAB          Switches between Properties tabs

[In Open/Save Common Dialog Boxes]
        F4                      Drop down the location list
        F5                      Refresh the view
        Backspace          Go to parent folder if focus is on view window

[General Keyboard-Only Commands]
        F1                      Help
        F10                     Goes to menu mode
        SHIFT+F10               Context menu for selected item
        CTRL+ESC                Brings up Start menu
        CTRL+ESC, ESC           Focus on the Start button
        SHIFT+F10               Context menu

[Accessibility Shortcuts]
        Tap SHIFT 5 times       Toggles StickyKeys on/off
        Hold down Right
        SHIFT for 8 seconds     Toggles FilterKeys on/off
        Hold down NumLock
        for 5 seconds           Toggles ToggleKeys on/off

        Left ALT+LEFT+SHIFT
        +NumLock                Toggles MouseKeys on/off
        Left ALT+LEFT+SHIFT
        +PrintScreen            Toggles HighContrast on/off

[MS Natural Keyboard]
        Win+R                     Run dialog
        Win+M                    Minimize All
        Shift-Win+M            Undo Minimize All
        Win+F1                   Windows Help
        Win+E                     Explorer
        Win+F                     Find Files or Folders
        CTRL+Win+F          Find Computer
        Win+Tab                 Cycle through taskbar buttons
        Win+Break               PSS Hotkey... (System properties)

Full text of the article on Keyboard-only access to Windows 95

1. Use Alt + underlined character to select a menu.


Press F10 to toggle menu mode. (Choose your method!)

2. Press the underlined character to select an item on a menu.

3. Use the first letter to select file names from a list (e.g., in
Windows Explorer, on desktop, in folders.) This is often the fastest way
to move around a long file list.

4. Useful key combos to experiment with: Tab; Ctrl + Tab; Ctrl +
PgUp;  Ctrl + PgDown. Hold down these in combination with Shift key to
change direction.

5. Other useful shortcut keys: Spacebar; Home; End; Ctrl+ Home; Ctrl + End.

6. Task switching: Alt + Tab and Alt + Esc. The latter is not well known,
but indispensible.

7. "Delete" key often deletes an item.

8. Backspace key moves "up" one level in a directory tree. Works in
folders and with Windows Explorer. (See what I mean about lousy keyboard
interface? NOt exactly intuitive, is it?)

9. Press Spacebar to select an item, Enter to "double click."

10. Keyboard shortcuts that almost always work: Start menu: Ctrl + Esc.
Cancel: Esc. Exit: Alt + F4. Open, New, Save, Bold, Italic, Underline :
Ctrl O, N, S, B, I, U. Undo: Ctrl + Z or Alt + Bkspace.
CTRL+z ---- Undo
CTRL+y ----- Redo
    CTRL+a ----- Select all
CTRL+x ----- Cut
CTRL+c ----- Copy
CTRL+v ----- Paste
CTRL+p ----- print
CTRL+s ------ save
KeyBoard Shortcuts
                           Create your own shortcuts

        Have you ever used your keys on the numeric keypad ?

                That's the one on the right of the keyboard

             If not then it's time to make it earn it's keep.. :)

You can make each key act as a shortcut - for example to open a specific folder or document or to run a program.

In fact it's just like clicking on a Desktop shortcut, with the advantage that you don't have to have your Desktop visible to do it.

Here's how:

1. Create whatever shortcut you require on your Desktop
       (GKL ladder page, SK ladder page, MSN etc.)

2. Right click the shortcut icon on your desk top and select the Properties option

3. Click the Shortcut tab and you will see a line or slot that says "Shortcut Key"

4. Place the cursor (mouse) in that line/slot and click once on the numeric key you want to associate to that program (say "3") in the numeric keypad

5. You should then see an entry in the line reading " 3" or maybe None 3...

Click "OK" or "Apply" at the bottom.

Then whenever you press 3 on the keypad
(and remember you must have your Num Lock key on) you will action that shortcut.
More Shortcuts
                Windows System Key Combinations

F1: Help

CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu

ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs

ALT+F4: Quit program

SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently

Windows Program Key Combinations

CTRL+B: Bold

CTRL+U: Underline

CTRL+I: Italic

Mouse Click/Keyboard Modifier Combinations for Shell Objects
SHIFT+right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands

SHIFT+double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)

ALT+double click: Displays properties

SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

General Keyboard-Only Commands
F1: Starts Windows Help

F10: Activates menu bar options

SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object

CTRL+ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)

CTRL+ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)

ALT+DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box

ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)

SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature

ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)

ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)

CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program

ALT+ underlined letter in menu : Opens the menu

ALT+F4: Closes the current window

CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window

ALT+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main
Notepad window)
Over look it if you see things explained acouple times and just in different sections, I was to lazy to C ut it
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