Each player bids the amount of tricks he/she thinks he/she will win.
The total numbers of tricks in each hand is 13.

Count the number of spades in your hand that is your bid. It is that easy,
just count the number of spades in your hand and that is what you bid.
If you have 3 spades your bid is 3. If you have no spades then your
bid is nil.

~Total table bid is
always 13 & sometimes a nil~
~After you see you have set the team, let the set team have the rest of the tricks, so you won't bag to much~
~If you see that your team is SET, bag the team who set you~

Count the number of diamonds in your hand that is your bid. It is that easy,
just count the number of diamonds in your hand and that is what you bid.
If you have 3 diamonds then that is what you bid. If you have no diamonds
then you bid NIL

If you are the player holding the 2 of Spades you must bid 2 no matter
what you have in your hand. All others bid reg.

you bid just like regular spades, BUT IF you are out of suit played you
MUST throw spades unless you are out of spades
IF you are
OUT of spades you may throw any card of any suit.

Each person must bid the same as the first person to bid.
IE: If the first person to bid bids 3 then everyone must bid 3.
No nils or blind nils allowed. Maximum bid allowed is 4.

Each person bids 1. Then try to bag em pard!!!!

One of the players on your team must go nil or double nil.

Wait until you see your partner bid, if they bid  then you must go nil or double nil.
In this game, you will nil with hands that you never dreamed of, because if you bid and lets say you really have a bad hand, you then force your partner to bid nil who may have the Ace of spades, so live a little, if you can nil, NIL even if its a RISK.. All part of this game RISK..lol

The first person to bid picks the suit, ie clubs, hearts, diamonds, spades.
You count the number of that suit that you have in your hand and that
is what you bid. So if the person picks clubs and you have 3 clubs in
your hand then you bid 3.

You bid the same as your partner. So if the first partner to bid -
bids 2 then you bid 2.
The partners bids are identical.

Below we have listed a few formats of spade games. Some people think because we play ladder games that we must only play regular spades. That isn't so. As long as you let the other 3 players know what you would like to play, you can play anything you want, like the great spade games listed below.

Don't be scared to try something new, come on have some fun and live a little. Team games are a blast as you already know, but add some spice, kick back to a game of Mirrors, most of us know that Mirrors can be a long game, you can cut the size down by setting the number of hands for it. Some who play it in team games will limit the hands to 10-12 hands, the normal amount of hands that it sometimes takes to play a regular game of spades. And at the end of the set amount of hands, the high score wins.

To check the number of hands played, click on SCORE in the top right corner of your game table, there you will see all the hands numbered that you played.

If you are new to any of these games and would like to try them, ask players from another team if they would like to try one of these games with your team and that you have never played it, but are willing to give it a shot. Most of the players are very nice & don't mind explaining as you play.

Go to tables and watch teams who are playing some of the games listed below, most won't mind if you tell them why you are there. : )

~!~Get Wild~!~
~!~Have Fun~!~ ~!~Take a Risk~!~  ~!~Play on the Edge~!~
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