Chaos in Cairns


Giddy Up Gilligans...



Stevie Wonder was a hit with the locals.

Floppy and friend order a drink.

A mirror image.

I'll let your imagination work this one out...

Coach Gio strikes a pose.

Sheps gets a photo taken with Tony Montana and George Jung.

Nico & Phil look as excited as two kids in a candy factory.

Argy looking as pleased as punch.

Stuey has always looked slimmer in black.


Zed and the Purcellipus help prop up Uncle Ronnie.

Dave poses with the Purcellipus, a marsupial native to Cairns.

Ahh the English sense of humour....

Tex remonstrates with the photographer.

Phil ended up doing much better than JC.

Like a deer caught in the headlights.

Hanging for home after 3 nights of chaos!!






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