1. Why Gladiator?
  2. What types of gladiators?
  3. What kinds of features?
  4. What kind of animals will you have?
  5. What will the Colosseum be like?
  6. When will it be done?

Why Gladiator?

Basically we loved the movie and always wanted to make a mod for the game. We came up with the idea as a whole new game by itself but when we saw RUNE we decided it would be easier to make a mod. The mod will try to be actually based on the movie as long as we don't use it for commercial use. Thanks in advance to HUMAN HEAD for making RUNE and giving regular people like us the tools to develop our own ideas. This is just a temporary site, until NAS gets off his rich ass and finishes it.

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What types of gladiators?

There were 11 types of historically accurate gladiators. They follow:

Thracian - This gladiator had a chest covering of leather/metal. His other 
armor included a small shield (parma), which he carried in his left hand, a 
sword belt, a protective leather band (fasciae) wrapped around his left arm, and 
greaves for his legs. His weapon was a scimitar (sica).

Secutor (chaser) - He carried a rectangular shield and a high visored helmet. 
A greave protected his left leg only and a leather band was on his right arm. 
His weapon was a dagger or a short sword. 

Retiarius (net man) - This gladiator fought with a trident, a three pronged 
pitchfork, and a net used to entangle his opponent. He had no helmet or shield 
and his only protection was a metal piece on his left shoulder (galerus). He was 
very nimble due to his lack of armor.

Hoplomachus - He carried a very large shield which made up for his lack body 
armor. His armor inclued an ocria on his left leg, and leather bands on his 
wrist, knee, and ankle of the left leg. His weapon was a sword.

Essedarii - These gladiators fought from war chariots. This was probably a 
result of Caesar, who saw this type of fighting when he invaded the British 

Equites - They fought with a lance while riding on a horse. They carried a 
round shield and their thighs were protected. (AGAIN NOT LIKELY)

Dimachaeri - This gladiator fought carrying two swords.

Laquearii - All we know is that they fought with a lasso and had little armor.

Andabates - This fighter was unusual. He wore a fully visored helmet and had 
no vision. He found his enemy by groping. He wore full body armor and his only 
weakness was at his joints. (CAN'T WAIT TO BEGIN ON HIM)

Myrmillo - This gladiator had a distinctive fish crest on his helmet. They 
carried a sword and a shield.

Velites - He fought with a spear which was attached to a thong, by which he 
could retrieve his spear after an errant throw.

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What kinds of features?

CHAINED LINKED BATTLES - You and your partner have to work together.

MULTIPLAYER - Large fights between groups of players and a ROCKET ARENA type game, where you fight and online opponent and whoever loses gets kicked out while the victor faces the next opponent.

TEAM BATTLES- Chose your team wisely and face off in the ultimate test of skill.

OPENING AND CLOSING PITS- In some cases certain parts of the ground may open when you least expect it.

LARGE SELECTION OF WEAPONS- Depending on you gladiator class. 

PLUS MANY MORE FEATURES - You can tell us what you would like to see once the real site is up.

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What kind of animals will you have?

We will start with humans, then work our way to tigers and maybe more?

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What will the Colosseum be like?

The real Colosseum had many underground passages. This will be included with many secrets. Imagine fighting in the arena and a scared opponents runs away and you have to chase him down the passages.

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When will it be done?

Depends on how much we work. We all have regular jobs (except NAS he just sold his first screenplay and he's living large, at least he paid for the new computers, thanks NAS) so we will try to complete it fully or release it at increments.

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