Amethyst.... Transparent. Pointed crystals.

Properties....Powerful healer and protector, enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness. Stimulates throat chakra clears aura. Calms mind, enhances meditation and visualization. Disperses psychic attack Relieves physical and emotional pain, Boosts production of hormones and circulatory system, calms nervous system, Aids insomnia, hearing, endocrine glands, digestive tract heart, cellular disorder.

Position.....Place on all parts of the body, especially the throat and chest.


     Agate…Waxy and soft often banded.

Properties….A grounding stone. Balances yin and yang, harmonizes physical, emotional, mental qualities. Soothing and calming, fosters love truthfulness, and courage, different types of agate have additional properties.

Position….hold or place on the appropriate place.


    Amazonite.... Opalescent with veins.

Properties....Filters information passing through brain and combines with intuition, heals heart and throat chakra, opens the third eye, Beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and calcium deposits, relieves muscle spasm, shields from microwaves.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Amber..... Transparent, insects trapped inside.

Properties....Bring wisdom, balance, and patience. useful healer, draws disease from body, aids  tissues revitalization . heals nervous system, promotes self-healing, and depression. Heals throat, kidneys, and bladder.

Position....Wear on the wrist and throat.


     Angelite.... Opaque and often veined.

Properties.... Angelite  is celestite that has been compressed over millions of years. It shares many of the properties of celestite, it also transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, useful for angelic contact.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Apache Tear... Translucent when held to light. 

Properties....Translucent form of obsidian. Gentler effect when bringing up negativity. Absorbs negative energies. Protects aura. Comforts grief provides insight into distress. Removes self-limitations.

Position....Wear around the lower chakra (men) heart chakra (women).


     Aquamarine... Clear crystal.

Properties....Useful healing stone, reduces stress, quietens the mind, sharpens intellect, clears blocked communication and throat chakra, reduces fear, increases sensitivity and creativity, enhances intuition and spiritual awareness. Treats swollen glands and sore throats, strengthens cleansing organs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Aids teeth, jaw, eyes, throat, and stomach.

Position.....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Aventurine....Opaque, microcrystalline.

Properties....Works on heart chakra, activating, cleansing, and protecting. Promotes growth during the first seven years of life, balances blood pressure, useful healer for the body.

Position....Over the heart chakra or anywhere.


     Bloodstone.... Green quartz flecked with red jasper.

Properties....An energy cleansing, purifies blood and detoxifies kidneys and spleen, benefits all blood-rich organs. Regulates blood flow, cleanses lower charkas. Realigning energies, A" stone of courage” Aids recognition that chaos precedes transformation.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Blue Lace Agate....Light blue veined.

Properties....Calms, cools, lifts thoughts and takes spiritual inspiration to high vibration, Works on throat, heart, third eye, and crown charkas to bring about attunement. Treats arthritis and bone deformity heals fractures, aids blockages of nervous system, capillaries, and pancreas.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


    Boji Stone...Metallic-looking, smooth, square protusions


Properties….Grounds back into reality after spiritual activity. Protective function, aligns spiritual bodies and charkas, clears blockages. Restores health.

Position…. Hold or carry.


     Chiastolite…Dark cross in centre.

Properties… Dispels negativity, Transmutes conflict into harmony, aids change, problem solving, Facilitates astral travel, lessens fevers, repairs chromosome damage.

Position… Place where appropriate or wear round neck.


     Chrysocolla.... Usually occurs as a bright green or bluish.

Properties.....Tranquil and sustain, aids meditation and communication, assist speaking truth, gives personal confidence and sensitivity, Calms and re-energizes charkas. At heart chakra, heals heartache and increases capacity to love, at throat, improves communications. Treats arthritis and bone disease, muscle spasm, digestive tract and ulcers blood disorders, and lung problems . Regenerates pancreas, regulates insulin and blood sugar balance.

Position.....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Clear Tourmaline...

Properties.... Aligns meridians of physical and etheric bodies, opens crown chakra. Synthesizes all other colours.

Position... Hold or place on the appropriate.


       Celestite.... Transparent, pyramidal crystals or planes.

Properties....Contacts spiritual and angelic realms, encourage spiritual development, enlightenment, and pureness of heart, aids clairvoyant, dream recall, and astral travel. disperses worries, attracts good fortune. Treats disorders of eyes and ears, balances mind.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Carnelian.... Translucent pebble, often water polished.

Properties....Grounds and anchors into present surroundings, motivates success in business aids positive life choices, capacity to cleanse other stones, heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, depression. Good for dramatic purposes activates lower charkas.

Position....Wear as a pendant or belt buckle.


     Charoite.... Mottled and veined.

Properties....A “stone of transformation.” Synthesizes heart and crown charkas, cleansing aura, stimulates unconditional love, transmutes energy, converting disease to wellness, grounds spiritual self, treats heart, liver, pancreas. Regulates blood pressure, alleviates aches and pains.

Position....Place over the heart.


     Cuprite…. Small crystalline masses.


Properties….A philosophical stone, teaches how to be helpful to others, Aids past-life investigation, stimulates base charka, aids heart and blood, muscle tissues, overcomes metabolic imbalances, treats water retention, bladder, and kidney malfunction, helps vertigo and altitude sickness.

Position….Hold or place on the appropriate place.  


    Chrysoprase....Opaque, flecked.

Properties....Relaxation stone encourages peaceful sleep. Promotes hope and gives personal insight. Draws out talents, stimulating creativity, aids gout, eye problems and mental illness; treats heart problems.

Position....Place as appropriate  


     Citrine..... Transparent crystal, may be cloudy.

Properties....“stone of prosperity”, attracts wealth and success. Brings happiness and generosity. Energizes and invigorates, increasing motivation and physical energy, activating creativity Dissipates negative energy, promotes inner calm. Treats digestive problems, thyroid imbalance, and circulation of blood.

Position.... Wear on the fingers or at the throat.



Properties….Activates intellect, promotes ease in any situation, bringing patience and peace of mind. Treats liver and gall bladder. Aids muscular and motor function.

Pink Danburite activates the heart chakra, 

Position….Place on the heart.


       Diamond…Bright, transparent gemstone.

Properties….Symbol of purity, bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity. Amplifies energy, Qualities include fearlessness , invincibility, and fortitude, Aids glaucoma.

Position… Wear on the finger or place on the temple.


    Dioptase...Transparent crystal, very deep green/blue.

Properties....Brings all charkas to higher level of functioning, particularly useful in opening higher heart charka and attaining spiritual attunement. Promotes living in present moment, activates past life memory, powerful physical and mental healing stone; regulates cell disorder, eases high blood pressure, alleviates pain including migraine .

Position....At the higher heart charka.  


     Fire Agate….Slightly iridescent.

Properties…Deep connection to earth. Calms and settles energy, especially before meditation. Reflects harm back to the source so it may understand the effect. Strong  sexual connection, treats circulatory disorders, central nervous system, and eye problems, enhances night vision.

Position…Wear anywhere, especially on the forehead.


     Garnet..... Transparent or translucent.

Properties....Energize and revitalizes, balancing energy, bringing serenity. Activates other crystals, clears negative chakra energy. Inspires love, stimulates controlled rise of kundalani energy.   Treats spinal and cellular disorders, blood heart, and lungs.

Red Garnet represents love. Attuned to heart energy, revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality. Controls anger, especially toward oneself.

Position....Wear on the earlobes, finger, or over the heart.


     Hawk's Eye....Banded, "hawklike eye.

Properties....Form of tiger's eye, earths energy, stimulating and energizing, attracts abundance, aids circulatory system, bowels, and legs

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Hematite..... Shiny, silver when polished.

Properties....Grounding, protecting, and balancing, boosts self-esteem Aids concentration, focus, willpower, reliability, and confidence. Enhances memory and original thought, Strongly affects blood. Aids anemia, supports kidney in cleansing blood, treats leg cramps, nervous disorders, insomnia.

Position....Place at base and top of spine. Hold.


      Iron Pyrite...Metallic, may be cubic, ( fools gold )

Properties....Facilitates tapping into and unfolding unique abilities and potential.

Position....Wear at the throat or place under the pillow



Properties...Draws out negative energy and unreasonable fears, promotes control of life; fights mood swings and depression, protects against violence and illness, stabilizes finances, increases virility, treats migraine, epilepsy, swellings, and colds.

Position....Wear anywhere, set in silver.


     Jasper.... Patterned or banded.

Properties....Supreme nurturer. Brings tranquillity and wholeness, protection and grounding, aligns chakras, facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall,

Red jasper, grounds energy, a “stone of health” strengthens circulatory system. Connected to base charka, aids rebirthing.

Position....Place jasper on the forehead. Place red jasper on the base charka.


      Jade..... Translucent.

Properties....Calms nervous system, channels passion in constructive ways. Symbol of purity and serenity, increases love. Releases negative thoughts, soothing mind. A protective stone brings harmony.” Dream stone,” aids emotional release through dreams, manifests dreams. Treats kidneys, removes toxins, rebinds cellular and skeleton systems, helps heal stitches.

Position....Hold or place on the appropriate point.


     Lapis lazuli.... Opaque, flecked with gold.

Properties....“stone of protection and enlightenment,” enhancing dream work and psychic abilities. Quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. Alleviates pain and migraine, overcomes hear loss, purifies blood, boosts immunes system, alleviates insomnia, vertigo.

Position....Wear at throat or place on the forehead. 



Labradorite..Dull until catches light, then iridescent blue flashes.                                   

Properties....Protective stone, deflecting unwanted energies from aura and preventing energy Leakage. Aligns physical and grounds spiritual energies into body, Accesses spiritual purpose, Treats disorders of eyes and brain, relieves stress, regulates  the  metabolism.

Position....Over the higher heart charka.  


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