Chapter 45 Outline

I. Nonspecific Defenses
   A. The Skin and other Barriers
1. The skin is the bodies best defense.
2. Very few pathogens can penetrate the skin. 
3. Pathogens can only enter the body through the mouth and nose.
   B. Phagocytes and Inflammation
1. The second line of defense against pathogens is the inflammatory response.
2. Bacteria is attacked by phagocytes.
3. Serious infections can allow bacteria to spread through the body faster.
   C. Interferon
1. In 1957 it was discovered that cells that have been infected by a virus can create a protein that protects the healthy cells from getting that same virus.
2. The protein that is created is called interferon.
3. This infection is slows down the process of infection viruses create.
II. Specific Defense
   A. The Immune Response
1. The antibody molecule is the basic unit of the immune system.
2. The antibody uses agglutination to attach to viruses and kill them.
3. As more of the virus enters the body then more of the antibodies are created.
   B. Immunity
1. When people survive diseases such as small pox and measles they never acquire those again in their lifetime.
2. Vacca is the latin name for cow.
3. The immunity produced by a vaccine is active immunity.
   C. Cell-Mediated Immunity
1. The function of some T-cells is too regulate the amount of B-Cells created.
2. The most effective antibodies in the body is Killer T-cells.
3. Killer T-cells is responsible for the rejection of some tissue transplants.
III. Immune Disorders
   A. Allergies
1. The most common over reactions of immune systems is allergies.
2. Histamines increases blood flow in the body.
3. the most serious allergic reaction is Asthma.
   B. Autoimmune Disease
1. An infection has the capability of tricking the immune system.
2. Antibodies and killer T-cells can cause death and erosion of the heart.
3. Rheumatoid arthritis is a destructive inflammation of the joints.
   C. Aids
1. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
2. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
3. HIV cannot travel through the air but must be injected into the blood stream.
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