Wayne Gladman
Mr. Haskell
E-Core History
8 September 2003
                                                                         Magna Carta 

Much of the Magna Carta has influenced today�s way of life. The Magna Carta stated that all nobles had certain rights. As time passed every English citizen had these rights. This was true example of how people slowly began to gain power over the higher rule. Also it said how the monarch must not go against this rule and treat every citizen how he would want to be treated. Though one of the biggest that happened because the Magna Carta was that the King agreed to not raise taxes with out agreement with the great council of lords. In turn this was how our very own government created the law of no taxation without representation. Many other countries were influenced by this law as well and much of all the Magna Carta continues to influence our lives and the many other people on earth.
Wayne Gladman
Mr. Haskell
E-core history
06 January 2004

                                                                  White Man's Burden

The �White Man�s Burden� basically told the mission that many doctors, missionaries, and colonial officials felt was their responsibility. This duty was to supply medicines, their system of law, and Christian religion. The poem basically explains this mission in an artistic way. This was Rudyard Kipling�s way of telling the world what he and many other people were trying to do in this world. He wanted people to have an idea of how he was trying to make the world a better place by helping the under privileged many so that those people could live just as an eventful life as any other human being in that day and age.
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