Ch. 8-9
Please write two meaningful sentences that are related to each of the following terms. One can be a definition and the other an example or two of the terms relevance from the text. This discipline insures that you have improved comprehension and command of the material. (Remember to double space between terms for easier viewing).
*peasant � The peasants were the lower class of all the people in Europe. They had some of the most horrible living conditions.
*usury � This is where a person lends money to another person and then charging the borrower interest, usually at a very expensive rate. This happened a lot with the peasants, when they needed money and then the king to send them into a very large debt.
*capital � This mean money for investment, this started the growth for of banking houses. This occurred when merchants needed money and turned to money lenders to start up a capital.
*tithe � This is what all Christians had to pay in order for the church to stay in business. The church sometimes used the tithe to help the poor.
*fief � This is what each lord granted their vassals or lower lords. The fief is better known as an estate or piece of land.
*chivalry � This is what all knights adopted in order for them to fight for their kingdom. This code required knights to be brave, loyal, and true to their word.
*charter � This is what merchants asked for after starting a town. A charter was a written document that stated all the laws for the people that lived in the town.
*troubadour � These were wondering poets that adopted the code of chivalry that protected all women. They created love songs that praised their beauty and women all around the world. 
*manor economy � This was the epicenter of all medieval economy. The people that lived in the manor worked and sold their goods for money.
*how monks and nuns lived � These people basically isolated themselves from the rest of the world. They decided to have no distractions so all they could focus on was religion and god.
*Why was church reform desired? � Once the church became a powerful figure it started to lose discipline. Much of the clergy lived in luxury and many of the monks and nuns did what they want. All of this ignorance called for a reform.
*new agricultural technologies � Many new technologies were created by 800. many farmers used iron plows other than wooden plows because iron ones carved deeper in the soil.
*defense of castles (moats, etc) � Every castle needed a good defense to survive against all kinds of attackers. Some defenses were such as drawbridges for moats or keeps where bow and arrow shooters could shoot from.
*Battle of Tours � This battle took place during 732 when Frankish warriors defeated a muslim army. This victory was seen as sign that god was with the Christians and not the muslims.
*vassals � The lords were the rulers that ruled under the lords. The vassals sometimes received gifts from the lords.
*peasants � These people were the lowest class in the medieval time. They usually had to pay church for being a Christian and living in the town.
*knights � These warriors trained since the age of 7 and believe in the code of chivalry. Once at the age of 21 the knight is knighted and becomes one of the castles warriors.
*lords � These are the people that ruled all the kingdoms throughout the medieval empire. They usually had vassals under them that they sometimes awarded fief or patches of land.
*why did the church have great power over the people? The church was very powerful because is was lead by the pope who was considered Christ on earth. Although many people wanted to get into heaven so therefore the church could mold the people as they wish.
*Cluniac reforms � Many monasteries spreaded the cluniac reform across western Europe. In 1073 the pope Gregory VII spreaded the cluniac reforms throughout the entire church.
*three field system � this where they planted various plant in the same field. Many farmers planted grain, then legumes, and then left the third fallow.
*merchant guilds � Merchants guilds dominated medieval life in all the towns. They passed laws, levied taxes, and decided whether to spend funds on certain town needs.
*clergy � This was all the nuns, monks, and nobles that lived in then church. The clergy is what set up all the school and religious activities that happened in the towns.
*nobles � These people trained from young to become knights. They began training at 7 and ended at 21.
*Charlemagne � This man took much of Germany under his rule. After he died German became a bunch of different states.
*Leif Erikson � He set up a short Viking colony in North America. He was the one who started the living in North America.
*serf � These were most of the peasants on a manor. Serfs were not traditional slaves, they were people that were bound to the land and could not leave without permission.
*excommunication � This was the most severe punishment for disobeying the church. For people that truly believed in hell this punishment was truly worse than hell.
*steel plow � This technology came from when peasants were using wooden plows. These steel plows were able to cut through the tuff soil a lot faster and easier than the traditional wooden plows.
*feudal system � This system of rule was where powerful local lords divided the land and then had vassals under them which took car of all the small pieces of land where everyone lived.
*Black Death- which regions most devastated?% population died? result? The region that was most devastated was in Cairo Egypt where 7,000 people died every day. This created morte and more spread of the deadly disease as rats that were infected began moving all around the world.
*Magna Carta � This document showed a long list of feudal rights for all the people. As the king began to lose power the people began to gain it and soon they had enough power to force the king to sign it.
*Concordat of Worms � This treaty was accepted in 1122. This treaty showed each party agreed that the church had the sole power to elect and investigate bishops and spiritual authority.
*Chief goal of/ and result of the Crusades � The crusades were a failure because the holy land was never found and all that was left behind was a bitter legacy of their hatred of a person jus because of their religion. Though these crusades did help to quicken the pace of all the projets that were underway in the middle ages.
*Reconquista � This project was to drive the Muslims out of SpainHowever it was not easy, they began to try and expel them in 700 and never got their first victory until 1085.
*early jury system � This system was developed by Henry II in England. In this jury a group of people were collected that were sworn on oath to tell the truth. These jurys determined which trials should be brought to jury.
*conflict between emperors and popes � This conflict has always been going on because both wanted power. Now the pope was considered Christ on earth ad the emperor was considered the savior of the people. Every city began taking sides on who should be the leader. This resulted in more conflicts and therefore more deaths.
Short Answer
A. 5 reasons late Middle Ages was a time of decline. � Much of the medieval times was in decline. One reason is how not many new technologies were created, two it was a time of confusion for the people, three the bubonic plague tore much of the people apart, four many wars and death of people, and five a lot of invaders that killed many of the people.
B. 3 long term effects of the crusades � The long term effects of the crusades were, such as how the crusades increased trade all throughout Europe. Also the crusades helped the church grow by making many people more enthusiastic about religion. Although the crusades did very much increase the power of feudal monarchs because it allowed them to win rights for them to pass levy taxes which helped them pay for the crusades also give them more money.
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