9/19/03                                                 3 credible sites

http://kengarman.tripod.com/atheniandemocracy/ (Athenian Democracy)
This site mainly focused on Greek philosophy but in the section Athenian Democracy it described how Athen�s democracy slowly changed over time and who changed it. The site began with a short introduction on how democracy was run back then. Then it first started to talk about a person named Salon back in the year 594 B.C. This man passed laws that were very much in favor for the Athenians. He protected his people from being arrested for debt or in enslaved but over all he gave them more rights. The site talked about how he divided the people into groups depending on there working output. It went to into detail about what he created for the Athenian people. After Salon it talks about another famous man named Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes was the one who changed Athens from a tyrannical government to a true democracy. He made the sudden change when the ruler Hippias was exiled from Athens. However he did not do this alone, the people played a crucial role because they had to adjust to his ways which for some of the people I would imagine is very difficult. Then near the end it told how Pericles influenced Cleisthenes very much when governing Athens.

The only topic on this site is pericles. It first shows a sculpture of the real pericles back in Greek times. The site starts to talk about the beginning of his life is says how he was born in Athens to a very rich family and was the first to introduce the people to Athenian democracy while also creating the Athenian empire. Then it begins talking about his family, Xanthippus his father and Agariste, his mother. Both his parents were both involved in government just like Pericles was. Pericles was first introduced to the public during the spring of 472 when he trained a chorus for the play, �The Persians�. His first rank was general which was a job that managed different associations of Athens or anywhere else. The site then moved onto how he rose to power and slowly began to change Athens for the better. It talked about what laws were passed and how innocent was removed from the guilty people who broke those laws. Then tells about what pericles improved the empire by getting money from other countries and increasing the size of his navy. Though near the end parcels sadly dies from the one plague that killed at least 1/4 of the Athenian population.

http://www.crystalinks.com/greekwars.html (Greek Wars)
This site focuses on the Persian wars that occurred between 499 B.C. and 479 B.C. It talks about how the Persians began the conflict with Greece during the 5th century. The Greeks decided to band themselves together and basically fight till the last man to defend Greece. It showed how the wars actually began when the city of Ionia which was the starting point for Greek civilization was conquered by the Persians but the people began to revolt and this intern began the Persian wars. Thought one of the most interesting parts was about the battle of marathon when the Persians began a massive attack on Athens but when they finally arrived the Athenians ambushed them with great strategy and won the battle with only 192 men. As you scroll down more you see that it also talks about the Peloponnesian wars which began in 431 B.C. and ended in 404 B.C. was what made the Spartans so mad at the Greeks because the Spartans couldn�t believe how large the Greek empire was so. Then after that was the very interesting Trojan wars which explained how the gods played an intricate role in the Greek culture. Then of course there was the last paragraph that the different types of artillery that was used in each war and how effective they were. 

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