Ceasar Questions
Wayne Gladman
Mr. Krucli
E-core English
31 March 2004

Pg. 222

a. Pomposity - �know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor without cause will he be satisfied.
b. Vanity -�Be not fond, to think that Caesar bears such a rebel blood that will be thawed from the true quality with that which melteth fools.�
c. Arrogance- �If thou dost bend and pray and fawn for him, I spurn thee like a cur out of my way�
d. Affection-�I mean sweet words, low-crooked curtsies, and base spaniel fawning.�
e. Pride-�But I am constant as the North Star, and whose true-fixed and resting quality there is no fellow in the firmament.
Shakespeare did have a purpose to showing Caesar at his lowest point when he was assassinated because this way the audience won�t give any sort of remorse towards Caesar and he won�t be the tragic hero where Brutus is. 

p. 223 #17
a. The praise isn�t consistent as like it was before to Caesar because before Brutus talks about making people slaves and now he says how Caesar was noble so he kind of contradicts himself.
b. well no body knows if the criticism that Caesar was supporting Thebes is true or not because right Brutus can basically just be trying to make himself feel better. 

Pg 225 #9
a. Brutus shows that he enjoys the respect of the roman citizens when he states �Romans, countrymen, and lovers, hear me for my cause, and be silent, that you may hear.�
b. Brutus shows that he knows the crowd is capable of making rational decisions when he states �Censure me in your wisdom, and wake your senses, that you may the better judge.�
c. His appeal is based on logic and reason because he says in pros and not in a blank verse so it sounds like a commoner speaking.
d. You can clearly see Brutus�s Patriotism to Rome when he says �not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.�
e. Brutus explains his fairness in killing Caesar when he says �With this I depart, that, as I slew my best lover for the sake of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to need my death.�
All the things that Brutus believed that he killed Caesar for had no evidence. He never knew if the reasons that he killed Caesar for were true. He only figured that Caesar could possibly hurt Rome in the future so he took that as an answer which wasn�t so good. Also Brutus can be politically na�ve because he doesn�t understand the strategy of winning over the people, for example he lets antonym speak last when it is clearly known that whoever speaks last gets the better half of the people on his side and usually wins. 

Pg 226 #10
a. I think Brutus is so na�ve that he will believe that if he is honorable to one person that same person will be honorable to him  so basically is unrealistic in expecting his allies always to act honorably.
b. Brutus is basically firm and uncompromising because basically he is like that to everyone. In the beginning of the story he doesn�t really have any enemies so simply acts the same and talks the same to everyone.
c. Brutus I think refuses to be browbeaten and because of this he accuses Cassius of being the one that is not following the rules and could be up to something bad.
d. Brutus is forthright and honest because he simply tells Cassius the simple truth and does not insult him in any way only tells him the facts.
e. Brutus basically shows how na�ve he is again by being armed so strong in honesty that he cannot except the facts that what he did wasn�t right.

Pg 229 #6

a. Cassius shows tact when he says �and no man here but honors you; and every one doth wish you had that opinion of yourself which every noble Roman bears of you.� And basically corrupts Brutus by buttering him up and letting him know how virtuous and good he is.
b. Cassius Strikes the right note by taking Brutus aside from the conspirators for a second and then giving him a private talk which then leads to Brutus shaking all the conspirators hands which means Cassius said something nice to him.
c. Cassius shows his willingness to take second place when he allows Brutus to take control of the Conspirators after Cassius learns from Brutus that Antony will not be a problem.

Pg 230 #12
a. The words used by Antony basically jus complement Brutus by explaining how noble of a man he is and how there is no other person like him and this takes all things into consideration by Cassius because Antony is also two-Faced and was never on Brutus�s side even though he knew he was noble.
b. Cassius doesn�t really deserve any good words by anyone especially Brutus because all he did to Brutus was corrupt him and use his ability to capture the people�s hearts.

Pg 238 #4
a. During this time the people are so fired up that all they want to do is kill somebody to take out their anger on not just sit around and listen to Antony.
b. When the people see Antony choking back tears they feel pity for Antony and start to feel bad for what they said about Caesar because the start to realize how much Antony loved him.
c. Antony�s oration basically make the people all feel good about themselves and not jus give them the truth but what they want to hear so they wont kill him and basically so he can control them.
d. Antony would not show the people the will because it wasn�t really Caesar�s will. Instead Antony just again told the people what they wanted to hear which is that the will is about how much he loved his people. 
g. This only shows that the people concentration isn�t really on the ceremony but jus on the fact that they know someone has to die in order for them to feel better.   

Pg 243 #8 a, b, c
a.  He believes that his speech should be believed by the people because all Brutus was trying to do was save the people and keep them out of harms way.  
b.  �Love Caesar less, but loved Rome more� �Caesar were dead, live all free men.� �Die all slaves, live all free.� I think the cumulative response from these words basically represents two different ideas. Each of these ideas shows a smaller picture and then bigger picture of an idea. For example Caesar is the ruler where Rome is the capital. Caesar is just a simple ruler but Rome is like the holy land for some of these people.
c.  Some phrases that were said were such as �he was ambitious, I slew him.� or �There are tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honor for his valor, and death for his ambition.� Both of these show Caesar in a good way but at the same time in a bad way and explains why he had to die in order to keep the safety of the people.

Hamartia: Brutus is the one that commits all the tragic flaws in the story. All of these flaws could have been easily stopped if he just thought about things logically but his mind was in the wrong place and he did dumb things like letting Antony speak last at Caesar�s funeral and going into battle when his ally Cassius wasn�t ready yet.

Periptiea: Basically this is where Brutus shows how he is the tragic hero when he falls from a point of leadership and control to a point of hatred towards him by the people, or in other words a point from high to low. Before he killed Caesar the people loved him and trusted him but right when Antony convinces the crowd he is forced to leave Rome.

Anagnorisis: The part in the story where I think this occurred is when Brutus sees that killing Caesar wasn�t really a great idea. He sees that he did make a mistake and he didn�t kno it at the time but his downfall had already begun.

Catharsis: this part in the story when the audience feel pity or sorrow for the characters is at the end of the story when all the main characters die either for honor or jus for the fact that they don�t want to be captured. The audience probably feels worse for Brutus because out of the men he was the most honorable and instead of living the long prosperous life he could have, instead he ended it with suicide.

Act 1 group questions Julius Caesar

1. a. Puns: "Would he were fatter!  But I fear him not: yet if my name were liable to fear, I do not know the man I should avoid so soon as that spare Cassius." 
"A trade, sir, that I hope I may use with a safe conscience; which is, indeed, sir, a mender of bad soles.�
b. Metaphors: "Let me have men about me that are fat."
"His rudeness is a sauce to his good wit."

c. Similes: "The angry spot on doth glow on Caesar's brow, and all the rest look like a chidden train." 
�Endure the winder�s cold as well as he:�

d. images: "Transformed with their fear, who swore they saw men, all in fire, walk up and down the streets."
�They vanish tongue-tied in their guiltiness.�
�Looks with such ferret and such fiery eyes.�

e. Scansions: �Therefore, good Brutus, be prepar�d to hear�
�Home, you idle creatures, get you home: This a holiday?�

2.  -"Ceasar, Cassius, and Brutus all speak in poetry because they are considered more important than the regular people."
-"The regular people all speak in Prose because the hold no significant position in the Roman society."

3. Cassius is considered two-faced, mean, duplicitous, nosy, and untrustworthy.
Caesar is considered nationalistic, strong, two-faced, giving, and fearless.
Brutus is considered nice, loyal, stoic, trustworthy, and loving.
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