Wayne Gladman
Mr. Haskell
E-core History
15 December 2003
Industrial Revolution Study Guide
Ch. 20, 21, and 22
Please write two meaningful sentences that are related to each of the following terms. One can be a definition and the other an example or two of the terms relevance from the text. This discipline insures that you have improved comprehension and command of the material. (Remember to double space between terms for easier viewing).
Ch. 20
Enclosure- This is the process by which land that used to be owned by simple peasant farmers is taken over and fenced off. Much land was enclosed for livestock to increase production of wool and food.
Factories (How they worked)- Factories basically functioned in a sort of line. It started where resources came into the factory such as coal or possibly if the factory is near river then water and these resources help the machines in the factory to produce goods at fast efficient rates.
Turnpike- These were privately built roads that required a fee to be traveled on. A lot of turnpikes began to appear in the 1700�s.
Urbanization- This is where a giant amount of people that used to live in the country move into the city. Many farmers left there farms because working in the factories paid more and they felt they could support their families easier. 
Utilitarianism- this is an idea that the goal of society should be �the greatest happiness for the greatest number� of it�s citizens. During the 1800�s Jeremy Betham practiced utilitarianism.
Socialism- This is a form of government in which the people as a whole rather than private individuals own and operate the �means of production.� Socialism was thought to end poverty and injustice.
Communism- This is a form of socialism that sees class struggle between employers and employees as inevitable. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels discovered many new tactics that could be used in socialism, together they wrote �The Communist Manifesto.� 
Proletariat- These people were a portion of the working class. Unlike the bourgeoisie which were the �haves� the proletariat was the �have-nots.�
Michael Faraday- This man created the Dynamo which created electricity. This made electricity possible for all people everywhere.
John Wesley- This man was the leader of the religious revival. He begged for all Christians to lead sober moral lives.
Karl Marx- He was condemned to utopian ideas and had unrealistic ideas about society. His most famous theory was �scientific socialism� which was based the scientific study of history.
Thomas Malthus- This man was one of the main thinkers that tried to understand the change of human society. He wrote the �essay on the principle of population�, his writings shaped economic thinking for generations.
John Stuart Mill- He stated that actions that create happiness and joy are right but actions that cause pain and suffering are wrong. He wanted the government to step in to improve the lives of the working class.
James Watt- This man created the improved version of the steam engine. This new and improved engine used coal rather than water power.
Abraham Darby- He was the first man to remove the impurities from the coal so they don�t hurt they environment as bad when it is burned. These experiments aloud him to make cheaper and better iron.
David Ricardo- This man was influential British economist who agreed with the same ideas as Thomas Malthus. He never wanted any help from the government to help with the poverty problem.
Jeremy Bentham- This man preached utilitarianism. He believed that laws or actions should be judged on their utility.
Robert Owen- This figure started out poor but rose to the top and became a mill owner. He was one of the few owners that refused to use child labor.
Britain's population growth (why did it happen?)- There were more birth rates and less death rates. As more food was being created then it reduced the chance of famine.
Importance of coal to Industrialization- Coal was the most efficient resource in running steam engines. People were able to remove the impurities from the coal so it was safer to burn and basically increased production.
Agricultural Revolution- This improved the technology for many of the farmers. Therefore food production increased from this.
Textile Industry- This is where much of the cloth was made and as time went on many new inventions sped up this industry.
laissez faire economics (Adam Smith)- This was where government played no part in the selling or distribution of gods in an open market. Smith believed that this would increase sales of goods while lowering the prices of the goods.
Ch. 21
Ideology-  This was system of thought and belief. In Europe when people collided with different beliefs, Europe was sent into complete turmoil for more than 30 years.
Universal manhood suffrage- This gave all adult men the right to vote and social reforms. Many liberals stood behind this principle.
Autonomy- This basically meant self-rule. The Serbs in 1817 fought for this and finally achieved it.
el Grito de Dolores- This meant the cry of Dolores. Father Hildago gave this speech to the people of Dolores telling them to fight for their independence.
February Day- During this month in 1848 many people were outraged to fact that the government was trying to stop public meetings. Many riots occurred during this time.
Frankfurt Assembly- During the year 1814 man German delegates created a constitution for Germany. The delegates debated all day on topics that were suitable for Germany.
Simon Bolivar- This man was a strong believer of the ideas that were expressed during the French Revolution. He freed northern South America from the control of Spain.
Miguel Hidalgo- Leader of the people of Dolores to gain their freedom. Many of the poor rallied to him for advice and help.
Louis Kossuth- Led the Hungarian nationalists. He called with his followers an end to serfdom and a written constitution.
Tupac Amaru- Organized a revolt in 1780 but was crushed by a large army. He was captured and killed.
Louis XVIII- When he was put as king of France he created a constitution which made a two house legislature and limited the freedom of the press. He died in 1824 and then if brother Charles X took over.
John Stuart Mill- This man was an influential English liberal. He wanted equal rights for women.
Toussaint L' Ouverture- Born into slavery and learned how to speak both French and the African language of his ancestors. He enjoyed reading many French philosophies.
Louis Napoleon- He became president of France. Cared about the working class and wanted to end poverty and suffering.
Louis Philippe- Was called the citizen king because he owed his throne to the people. He dressed like any everyday man would.
Clemens Von Metternich- Dominated Austrian politics for more than 30 years. When revolts in Austria began to appear he fled the country in disguise.
Pedro- In 1822 Dom Pedro ruled Brazil. His father told him that if the people ask for independence then give it to them.
Revolts in Austrian empire- Many of these revolts were caused by poverty. People demanded bread and water.
Goals of nationalists- Unifying and gaining independence for people with a common national heritage. They pushed for all minorities to have their own state.
Conservative ideology in Europe- The conservatives supported the ideas and beliefs that were hated during much of the French revolution. They wanted everything to be back how it was during the French Revolution.
Ch. 22
Interchangeable parts- These were identical components that could be used in place of one another. Many manufactuerers of machines made their products with interchangeable parts.
Assembly line- Workers on an assembly line would add parts to a products as it moved across a conveyor belt from one work station to the next. This made production faster and cheaper.
Corporation- These were businesses that were owned by many investors. However investors do not control the economic status of the corporation, just the amount of stock they buy.
Cartel- This is a group of large corporations. In Germany one cartel fixed prices for 170 coal miners.
Women's suffrage- This was voting for women. However many men did not want women to vote thinking it is to much responsibility for them.
Racism- This is the belief that one racial group is superior to another. Many people believed that the success of man up to this point was due to the work done by the white race.
Social gospel- This is a movement that urged Christians to social service. Many protestant churches believed strongly in the social gospel.
Romanticism- This was a 19th century artistic movement that appealed to emotion rather than reason. Romanticism shaped western literature and arts.
Realism- This was to represent the world as it really was. It was basically the opposite of romanticism.
Impressionism- This was a school of painting of the late 1800s and early 1900s that tried to capture fleeting visual impressions. It started in Paris and in the western world of art.
Social Darwinism- Darwin himself never had an social ideas but people used his theories to make social ideas. They stated ideas such as survival of the fittest to war and economic competition.
Darwin- Charles Darwin, British naturalist had some of the most disturbing ideas for society at that time. 1859 he published �On the origin of Species.�
Joseph Lister- This man discovered how antiseptics prevent infection. He stated why is was important for all surgeons to wash their hands every time before they perform an operation.
Factory life ( How it changed the lives of workers)- Factory life basically was the same thing everyday. It put workers in the same building all day everyday. Though it paid more money it wasn�t as great as people would think.
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