Chapters 11-12

1. Why does Tjaden eat fast?
He eats so fast because he thinks that if he gets stuck on the battlefield for a really long time and he may not be able to eat for a really long.

2. What happened to Detering? He is charged for going a-wall after becoming homesick and instead of heading back home to Holland he heads back home and is caught.

3. What is ironic about the factory owners in Germany? They are becoming wealthy while their own country is losing the war.

4. What is the only thing the men have to look forward to? The only thing they have to look forward to is death because that is all that will take away all the suffering.

6. How does Paul react to Kat's death? He reacts very badly because Kat was his last friend in the war and now he is just alone.

7. Why is Paul no longer afraid? He�s lost hope of everything and basically has nothing left to believe in.

8. What is the irony of the book's final sentence? The entire time the soldiers were fighting death but at the evry end they actually the are happy the end is coming.
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