Wayne Gladman
Mr. Krucli
E-core English 2
25 September 2003

Notes: Library Devices
1. Main Character:  The most important character in the story.
2. Minor Character: The less important character in the story.
3. Dynamic Character: A character that changes as the story progresses.
4. Static Character: A Character that stays the same throughout the story. 
5. Plot: The chain of related events that take place in the story.
6. Exposition: Lays the groundwork for the plot and provides the reader with essential background information.
7. Inciting Incident:
8. Rising action: When complications arise as the story progresses, this causes difficulty and more interest in the book.
9. Climax: The turning point of the action.
10. Falling action: The events that occur after the climax
11. Denouement (resolution): The plot is untangled and any mysteries in the story are solved.
12. Theme: A perception about life or human nature that the writer shares with it�s audience.
Sound of thunder Timeline
Wayne Gladman
Mr. Krucli
E-core English 2
23 October 2003

                                                         Sound of thunder expository essay

      Eckles steps off the path and stands in some mud. In The Sound of Thunder Eckles stupidity changes the future. The story shows that even smallest of things can effect time. Through The time machine, the walking into the mud, and his stupidity symbolizes how arrogant and irresponsible the human race is, Eckles demonstrates what all regular humans do when faced with danger.
The waters of Babylon Hero Journey
The Soldier ran away analysis
Wayne Gladman
Mr. Krucli
E-core English
10 December 2003

1. Guenevere made a promise to a siege named Gawaine. She promised him that king Arthur would make him a knight.
2. He tells the knights that he is their only master and the only orders they will receive will be from him.
3. King Leodegrance gives King Arthur the table of round as like a wedding present. The present signifies peace between the two kings.
4. Magic is definitely found in the character Merlin because of his mystical characteristics and background, However Christianity comes into this story with everything, the story explains how religion dominated everyone and everything. 

Understanding chivalry:
1. Some rules that King Arthur set up are things like a knight should always live his life by god and help any person who is in need of help. Arthur tell his knights that they should fight only when their homeland is threatened or for any other serious reason, but they should not fight without a reason.
2. It fits in with Chivalry because once Arthur marries Guenevere then he must be loyal to her always and love must be mutual between them for each other. 
3. Chivalry is very much alive today. Everyday we see it in firemen, policemen and basically married men and women. Each of these people have taken a commitment, to either saving lives, protecting people, or giving your undying love to one person for the rest of their life. Basically everyone follows at least one of the rules of chivalry at one point in their lives.
Poe Tone Passage
Julius Caesar
All Quiet On The Western Front
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