Fahrenheit 451 Questions

1. Mildred is worried about being caught with the books because she doesn�t want the fireman to come to their house and burn it down and lose all her �family� and TVs.

2. In the future, the war will probably be a lot worse because technology will be better and more spies will used.  Also the relationships between the US and the underdeveloped nations will become a lot worse and they will hate the US more as time goes on.

3. The meaning of the title of part two is a metaphor about the sand and the sieve where you try to pour sand in the sieve but it keeps falling out.  Montag said that he reads, and the more he reads the more he wants to read.

4. The commercial is trying to distract Montag, and the more that he reads the more that the commercial is distracted in his mind.

5. Faber tells Montag that books aren�t real, but that you play God and can put it down whenever you want to.  Also they don�t give you instant gratification, but they make you think and understand things.

6. The three things needed from society are quality of information, leisure, and the right to carry out actions based on what they learn. The problem with these is that comfortable people only want expressionless things.

7. Faber defines the job of a fireman as a good job because the firemen don�t know what they are doing, and Captain Beatty says it�s a good job because it keeps the people happy.

8. This statement means that Faber is giving up on Montag, and wants him to forget about the idea because Montag should just stop denying that burning is what he does.

9. The device Faber gives Montag is a two way radio to put in his ear so they can talk to each other.

10. The parlor women do not care about their husbands or their kids.  They are only concerned about what is on TV. Also they only vote for the president because he is good looking and not because of what his ideas are.

11. He takes a book into the parlor to read to the women to show them that they are wrong and that books give meanings.

12. The people are the lifeless waters because they are bored and don�t have a good concept of what�s going on, but basically they�re sheltered from the real world.

13. The ladies in the parlor are shocked by the poem and start to cry.

14. Their reactions prove that Beatty was right that books can make people unhappy and think about things. However there cant be happiness without sadness.
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