Golden Years

Martin Luther had made some of the best accomplishment than any other man has done. His philosophies are works of art that many people today still are intrigued by. His amazing writings range from his ninety-five thesis�s to his last words on earth. Even though some of his work was persecuted and destroyed his legacy still runs through the head of every philosopher and pastor today.  He worked from the bible and created work in the name of god. Each of his thesis�s, philosophies, and story�s were written by him in the hope that he will gain eternal salvation and make it to heaven. Most of his life was where he was hated by the popes and emperors; however the people loved and stood behind him with everything he did. In return he taught the people how respect and praise god. He showed them that no one can be perfect by explaining how devilish lusts burned inside him everyday, though he also explained that everyday that happened he prayed to god and the sins were taken out of him and replaced with god�s forgiveness. With these words he gave the people hope and excitement about Christianity while Luther took god�s word somewhere else. He accomplished many feet�s in his education as well, by earning his Baccaleureat, Master�s degree, and doctor�s degree in theology. He passed on his great education while teaching young students at the Augustinian Monastery in Wittenberg; he then was promoted to bible study teaching which was a much higher rank than Luther has ever been at. This gave him the true feeling of making it to the top and earning his respect from god. Also he earned the nickname, �The prince of preachers� which was perfectly named for a man of his religious stature. Near the end of his life Luther had accumulated over 100 different Sermons. Through Luther�s life he never fought a war and killed another human being or conquered a foreign enemy but instead took power without force and used his mind and intellectual ability to tower over all and anything that stood in his way. Martin Luther was truly an unrecognized visionary and was far beyond his time.
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