Amanda Nicole Pascavis

Bday: April 3rd
Hometown: Mesa, Az
Fave Colour: Green
Fave Movie: Girl, Interrupted
Fave Food: Curry Chicken
Fave Band: Taking Back Sunday
Fave Book: Bohemian Manifesto
Nationality; Irish, Scottish, Norwegian, French
I can speak French, a little Irish (Gaelic) and
can read Egyptian hieroglyphics

Likes: painting, sewing, vintage clothes, indie films, tea, incense, fashion, god, cats, nature, thrift stores, carmex, dots (candy), writing, photography, the 60's, pumpkin pie, music, VW buses, history, reading, chocolate milk, ipod, stars, ancient egypt, pirates, vampires, skulls, candles, rain, peace signs, homeless people, airports, milkshakes, alcohol, rollercoasters, travelling, hairwraps, gypsies

Dislikes: fish, mustard, porcelain dolls, feet, eggs, people touching my face, tanning, being tan,  watermelon, drugs, america, the government, classical music, cockroaches, obesity,
my favourite quotes:

"if they give you ruled paper, write the other way"
-Juan Ramon Jimenez

"The life of the young artist here is the easiest, merriest, dirtiest existence possible"
- William Makepeace Thackeray

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Pablo Picasso

"Travel, leave everything, copy the birds. The home is one of civilization's sadnesses. In a few years humanity will go back to it's nomadic state"
- Gustave Flaubert

"If someone tells you not to do something, thats a clue to do it" - Mark Innerst

"Poetry is the language of a state of crisis" - Stephane Mallarme

"Beauty exists only in struggle" - F.T. Marinetti

"What we see isn't in things, but in our souls"
- Salvador Dali

"Poetry after all, is the feast which life offers those who know how to receive with their eyes and hearts, and understand" - Le Corbusier

"I beat when I play, I play when I beat, I just want to be a round, not a square" - Liz Dougherty Pierce

" Who am I? I'm a poet. My business? writing. How do I live? I live. In my happy poverty I squander like a prince, my poems and songs of love. In hopes and dreams and castles in air, i'm a millionare in spirit" - Radolfo, La Boheme

"No child of mine will ever be a secretary"

"Good taste is the enemy of creativity" - Pablo Picasso
I am not a follower of the virtues espoused by bourgeoise society. I take comfort in creating, whether it's paintings, poetry, music, or clothing.
I reuse, recycle, reinvent, drape, reconstruct, transform, and create. I never sacrifice art for respectability and state-of the-art comforts. I am disdainful of the status quo. I am counter-cultural. I admire radical art, writing, fashion, thinking, until it becomes mainstream. I have the moral courage to wrestle with self-doubt, take risks, revolutionize, dismantle, and shock, endure criticism and rejection. I have the nerve to flaunt unfavourable and intrepid ideas and creations. I have a purpose, ideology, a poetic or anarchial vision unaffected by conventional views. I see all rules and most laws as an infringement of personal and artistic freedom. I express eccentricities, decadence, new fangledness, creativity and deviance with personal style. I may seem odd or unusual, and I love it.
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