Term 4, week 9:  2 December 2004

Kia ora koutou.  Hello everyone.

End of Year Date and Time

School will finish at 1.30 p.m. on Tuesday 14 December for the end of our 2004 school year.  We will have a shortened lunchtime that day, from 12.30 to 1 p.m.

2005 Term Dates

Term 1 � Tuesday 1 February to Friday 15 April

Term 2 � Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July

Term 3 � Monday 25 July to Friday 23 September

Term 4 � Monday 10 October to Wednesday 21 December

School Pool Keys

Don�t miss out on a pool keycard before school closes on 14 December.  Pool keycards are available for sale at $60 each from the school office.  Eftpos is available for payment.


The Year 2 tiles displayed in the Library and ICT foyer, were painted at Paint Ceramics in Browns Bay (not at Paint the Earth).

Year 6 Final Assembly

Next Tuesday 7 December at 7 p.m. we will be having our Year 5 & 6 end of year assembly in the school Hall to farewell our Year 6 students.  You are all welcome to attend.

Sports Uniforms

With the end of our school year looming, please return any school sports uniforms if you have not yet done so.

Lost Property

We have just over one week of school to go and there is a lot of lost property in the Hall box.  Please have a look through the box for any items your children have left at school.  Any items left at the end of the year will be disposed of.

End of Year Reports & 2005 Class Placements

On 10 December each child will bring home their End of Year report and their class placement for 2005.

End of Year Discos

TOMORROW!  Entry $3.  Drinks and sweets for sale.

         Year 1 to 3 children 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

         Year 4 to 6 children 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

Encourage your child/ren to put their dancing shoes on, wear black/white or glitter, and come along to celebrate the end of the school year.  If you would like to assist on the night, come along and let us know at the door.

For safety reasons, all children are to be collected from inside the Hall, please.


Sunscreen still for sale through the school office.  Support school fundraising efforts and purchase the handy roll on or family pump.

School Donation for 2005

A reminder that our school donation for the 2005 school year is reduced if paid by the end of this year.  The rates set for 2005 are as follows:

         1 child - $130, reduced to $110 if paid by end of 2004, $120 if paid by end of March 2005 or $35 per term

         2 or more children - $250, reduced to $230 if paid by end of 2004, $240 if paid by end of March 2005 or $70 per term.

Donations can be paid at the school office by eftpos, cheque or cash.

Thank you to those of you who have contributed with your 2004 donation.  We also appreciate the 2005 contribution paid by families so far.

Food Donations

As in the past, we would like to provide the opportunity for children to donate canned and dried food, for those families in need on the North Shore.  Foodstuffs can be dropped off in classrooms and will be collected for distribution by the local Methodist Church on Friday 10 December.

Kind regards




2 December 2004

Glamorgan School Walking Bus has started!

 We are pleased to confirm that we now have two WSB routes in operation.  These are running as a trial until the end of the term, with the intention being that they become permanent for 2005, but this won�t happen without parent/child support.

 Please encourage your children to walk with our parent �drivers� on either route.  The children simply join the �bus� at any designated stop at the times indicated.

 The two routes are:

Route A � Glenreagh:


8.20am             Start cnr Glenreagh Place/Kate Sheppard Ave (Kate Ryburn side of Glenreagh cul-de-sac)

8.24am             �Bus stop� cnr Helen Ryburn Place, at the wooden seats

8.25am             Continue along Kate Sheppard

8.29am             �Bus Stop� No 13 Kate Sheppard (opp Phoebe Meikle)

8.30am             Cross to cnr Phoebe Meikle/Kate Sheppard (school side of road) �Bus Stop�

                        Walk to Caversham, cross at No 45 Caversham Dr

8.33am             �Bus Stop� 36 Caversham Drive

8.35am             Continue into Carnmore Place, �Bus Stop� No 3 Carnmore Place

                        Continue to school, cross Mizen court

8.40am             Arrive at school,  �Drop Off� at entry to school walkway.


3.05pm             WSB departs from Carnmore Drive, at the walkway street entrance.

                        Route to operate in reverse of the morning route; journey approx 20 mins.

 Route B � Gerontius:

Mornings only:

8.20am             Start cnr Gerontius Glade/Weatherly Road, Walk Weatherly towards Sunburst

8.23am             �Bus Stop� opposite Sunburst Lane, 112 Weatherly, walk Weatherly towards Ceramco

8.28am             �Bus Stop� opposite Ceramco Place, walk Weatherly towards Glamorgan

8.30am             �Bus Stop� cnr Weatherly/Glamorgan:  continue to school crossing

8.35am             Arrive school;  �Drop Off� at  school hall.

 We have lots of giveaways for the children that do walk on the WSB before the end of the year� these will be given out during next week.

 Please register your interest for 2005 by completing the slip below.    (Please return by Friday 10 December).  We must have 8 children on each route for the scheme to be viable.


Glamorgan School Walking Bus:

 Parent�s name:����������������.     Phone No:������������

 Child(rens) name(s) �������������������������.

 Route preferred  (circle)           GLENREAGH                GERONTIUS

 I would be interested in being a volunteer driver   (circle)      YES         NO









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