Parasite: Part Three

The Cast of Parasite: Part Three

The stage has been set for the final act. After an unsuccessful bid to earn the use of Magic for their new ally, Crono and company decide to fetch Robo so he can help them combat their enemy. Upon learning that the Robo of the altered future is less of a combatant than his previous incarnation, the gang is told that they have another option towards their goal. If they can procure special talismans forged by Melchior, they can summon an ancient fighting technique that Helminthes cannot absorb. When they return to Crono's present, the group learns that Helminthes has been "programmed" to seek Crono out. The monster appears in a nearby town, and Crono, Meridio, and Marle head out to intercept it. In the ensuing fight, Meridio forces himself to summon his Magical abilities, and Crono is severely wounded. Now, with Crono bedridden, the rest of the gang heads off for battle in the year 600...

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