Vignettes: The Character Exercise

By Glarryg

If I had to find one word to describe Terry Schmuddha, I don�t think I could do it. I could find plenty of choice words to say, but not all of them would be repeatable to your children, and most of them would be the same words that people would associate with those pretentious Ivy League lawyer-types. And Terry hates being compared to lawyers. Apparently that�s something intolerable for an arbitrator to have to put up with, but none of us would know. This town never had any kind of judge or legal expert until we got our �Arbitrator.� I think Terry flaunts that title around too much, like we�re all in a better place now that we have �The Arbitrator� to settle our disputes. And you can tell by the way that windbag talks that there are some real �high horse� feelings inside that curly head. It�s not just the nasally pitch in the voice, either; everything Terry says is set in this �prodigious talent� sort of tone. I never knew that being a legal expert gave somebody the right to talk down to other people.

Of course, I have to give that pompous idiot some credit. Even though it�s inexcusable, all that �prodigy� talk isn�t unwarranted. �The Arbitrator� knows the law like nobody�s business, and doesn�t skimp on legwork when it comes to making a smart decision. You always get a fair deal with Terry, even if you have to put up with the self-absorbed crap that goes with it.

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