Hi Everyone,
  I miss all of you at Griffith!  Michael and I have been living here in England for one year.  We have 3 more to go!  I miss home soooo much!  I do have some good news though!  I am pregnant with our first baby.  We are having a girl.  It is a very exciting time in our lives.  I am still pursuing my masters degree in education.  I have 5 more classes to go.  Our dog, Sarge, has grown a lot since the picture to the right.  His new hobby is digging holes under the fence and escaping!  By the way, we moved too.  We now live on Mildenhall Air Force Base instead of Feltwell village.

                                    Mrs. Ashley
A Little About Me
Michael and I have been working out at a gym on base!!!
This picture speaks for itself!
Here is our house in England.
Click on our house to see more pictures of England!
I am a bookworm, and my favorite color is green!
I love chocoloate!
I am a Christain!!! 
Click here to see our wedding pictures!
I am a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority and I'm a Leo.  GO LIONS!!!
Icecream!  Icecream!  We all scream for icecream!!! 
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