Godfrey G. Smith
Associated Families
This is not the work of one, but of many.
Genealogy is keeping track of those that were, those that are,
and those that are still to come. 
It takes more than one person to do this, it takes the whole family.

Sheryl Beireis
[email protected]

The family members who have sent me information are too numerous
to list as sources, but they know who they are, and I thank you. 
I couldn't have done this without them all. 
I encourage and welcome corrections, pictures, documents,
names, dates and places. 
This work has been privatized.
Godfrey G. Smith
William L. Nance
Francis B. Conner(or)
My Gregg (MacGregor) Family Line
Photo Pages 1, 2, 3,
Surname Pages
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