The History and Genealogy of
Glenbuchat, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Last updated 30 April 2008

This site is intended to be the central focus for a One-Place study of history, geography and genealogy of the residents of the Parish of Glenbuchat. We welcome anyone to join in, look at the names on the list and contact those names of interest which have Researchers beside them. If your name of interest doesn't yet have a researcher, then please consider volunteering to be one. Contact Suzanne Walker

We have a discussion group where we exchange messages, pictures, and source material related to the parish. To join the group, click on the icon below.

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The parish of Glenbuchat is on the west edge of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. At its peak in the mid 1800's the parish never exceeded 600 souls. The parish was established in 1472 by the Roman Catholic Church. By the 16th century it had become Presbyterian and the name changed from the ancient Glenbuchat to Glenbucket. When James W. Barclay purchased the estate in 1901 he liked the name Glenbuchat and succeeded in having the government officially recognize that name. A description and some pictures of the parish are given at The Hays of Glenbuchat

Upperton, a typical "clachan" in the Glen, had only about ten dwellings. Nevertheless there were quite a few different family groups who lived there at various times. Again, a description and pictures of Upperton are given in The Hays of Glenbuchat

This site is an attempt to bring together the history and genealogies of all the families that lived in Glenbuchat from the earliest records until the time of the 1841 Census. The work is being carried on by a number of investigators. Although the actual results of the work will not be displayed here, links to all the researchers are provided. In addition the progress of the work will be updated here from time to time.

The Parish of Glenbucket in the first official 1696 poll contained 14 clachans with a population of 179 consisting of 94 males and 85 females in 85 family groups. However it only lists those of taxable age, so the total population was probably between two and three times the 179 listed - over 400 souls.

By the time of the next official census in 1841 Glenbucket consisted of 38 clachans with a population of 542 (273 males and 269 females) in 114 families. The 1841 Census is transcribed in The Hays of Glenbuchat


Table of Contents
Genealogy This is the meat of the site. It contains the names of all the families who lived in the parish from 1696 to the first census in 1841. Later family names will be added as they become evident. Beside some of the names are the researchers interested in that particular family with a link to them.
History Gives a chronological list of some of the important events which influenced Glenbuchat.
Sources A list of some important sources for further research.
Friends of the Kirk of Glenbuchat A description of the current activity inn the Glen to preserve the old church.




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