~A Letter to My Mother~

Thank You For Being There - Thank You for Love.

Thank You for telling of God up above.

Thanks for the diapers, the washing, the folding,

The changing, repinings and all of the Holding -

The Rocking, the Singing, the Healing, the Smile -

The endurance it took to cope all the while,

~Author Unknowen~

~For My Mom, Cecelia Lynn ~

You have always been right at my side. When My heart is broken you are the first to tell me everything is going to be all right. You helped me through the hard times, Reminding that God has it all planned in time. You have never held me back from my dreams, always encouraged me to do my best. Even if I am not the best at everything I do. When I fell flat on my face, You pick me up and show me the right track again. No matter what I do, you still always love me. I know I have put you through hell and test your patience everyday. You worry and you stress, wanting only the best for me everyday. You know when I am upset and somehow you know when I am doing wrong. Momma knows is so true. You warn me before, and when i choose not to listen, you are sitll there when my heart is torn. I can not say how much I love you..... There is not enough words to discribe how you have taken me and raised me, taught me to be giving and wise. You taught me respect, love, and how to be strong. I know I do not say it much, you are my best friend, the first one I call when I am excited, sick or just plain bored. I love you so much.......you are my mother, the best in the world.

~By your daughter, Melissa Alyson~
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