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... Well, it seems that Ruri-chan and Hirari-chan aren't coming back to work on this site anytime soon... However, you can visit Hirari-chan's site. It's not really at all about Jim, just Hirari's interests... ^^v

Hirari-chan: I think eventually, I'll change this site and merge it with mine if it continues without any progress. This is mostly due to the fact that I have A PLETHORA of high quality Treasure Planet screenshots available for anyone to use! I ♥ you guys! Bai bai for now!

Your Unknown Color
This is Hirari-chan's site. It's where she posts her pixel art, drawings, photography, screenshots, and scans up. So far, it features Zoids, DN Angel, Digimon, Fruits Basket, Kare Kano, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Golden Sun, Kingdom Hearts (I, CoM, and II), and the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Please visit! :D

I'm not very good at making disclaimers, considering I have never written one before, but I, as in  Hirari-chan (Ruri-chan too!) own neither Treasure Planet nor Jim Hawkins... Disney, in their  geniusness, owns Treasure Planet and the all knowing Robert Louis Stevenson (RLS!!^^v) owns
the precious prettiful Jim Hawkins... Therefore I do not own either of them... But, gee,  I wish I did!!! XD That would be so awesome... I'm gonna put this at the bottom of each of my pages in tiny print, how about it??
^^;;; Pweeheehee!

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