The Website of the Worldwide Members of IMDM:

IMDM is the official alumni association of the graduates of Asian Institute of Management(AIM), Master in Development Management(MDM). This association, however, is open to non AIM MDM graduates in any part of the world who shows dedication to the cause of development, thereby making the association an international movement.


CHAIRPERSON - Sr. Josefina Magat;

VICE-CHAIRPERSON - Atty.Francisco Dagnalan;

MEMBERS - (Batch 1) Marciano Tapiador; (Batch 2) Prof.Fredelita Guiza and Delia D.Josef; (Batch 4,5) Sr. Consolata Manding; (Batch 7) Lina Patawaran; (Batch 8) Dr. Elmer Soriano; (Batch 9) Fr.Bartolome Sagadal; (Batch 10) Fr.Tito Soquino; (Batch 11) Arlene Gella; (Batch 13) Corazon Tecson Jimenez; (Batch 14) Prof.Sofronio Dulay, Henry Tenedero and Allan Ambil;

OFFICERS: President- Corazon Tecson Jimenez; Vice President - Prof.Sofronio Dulay; Secretary - Arlene Gella; Treasurer - Dr.Elmer Soriano; Auditor - Atty.Francis Dagnalan; PRO - Fr. Tito Soquino; Representative to AIM Alumni Association - Henry Tenedero;Country Representatives Coordinator- Prem Sagar Subedi; Faculty Advisers - Prof. Edel Guiza and Prof.Tess del Rosario

COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVES: Bangladesh-to be appointed; Bhutan - Tshering Dukpa; Belgium - to be appointed; Bolivia- to be appointed; Brazil - to be appointed; Cambodia - Seak Soly; Canada - to be appointed; China - Jiang Zhenghua (Batch 13); Fiji Islands - to be appointed; India - Jagadip Narayan Singh; Indonesia - Josephine Kurniarukmi Dinarkinanti Kadha (Batch 13); Japan - Masatomo Toyoda; Kiribati - to be appointed; Lao PDR -Vithaya Chanthalanonh (Batch 13); Malaysia - to be appointed; Myanmar - Zin Aung Swe; Nepal - Prem Sagar Subedi; Netherlands - to be appointed; New Zealand - to be appointed; Norway - to be appointed; Pakistan - to be appointed; Papua New Guinea - Philip Tapo; Philippines - Corazon Tecson Jimenez; Sri Lanka - to be appointed; Thailand - Tweewatana Tunkumthong (Batch 13); United Kingdom - to be appointed; United States of America - Mario Leviste (Batch 1); Vietnam - Bu Phuong Thao (Batch 13);

IMDM Vision and Mission

"We, the members of IMDM envision ourselves to be dynamic, professional and enlightened Development Managers and Leaders effecting positive change through the pursuit of good governance and sustainable development. Towards this end, we commit ourselves to: a culture of excellence, mastery of self and synergy in action, thereby enhancing our firm resolve to improve the quality of lives of the people."
IMDM Principal Office: Center For Development Management, Asian Institute of Management, Joseph McMicking Campus, 123 Paseo de Roxas,MC PO box 2095 1260 Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Tel.(632)8924011 Fax(632)8403949

Any Career Development or Announcement from members of IMDM is welcome to keep this site updated.

Please E-mail the IMDM Vice - President: Prof. SOFRONIO C.DULAY, 21 Perpetual Drive, Sta. Teresita Village, Malanday, Marikina City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Tel.942-4959; CP# 0919-3625242; Website Address: ; E-mail Address: [email protected]




The IMDM will be organizing "Committee on Experts" based on the 8th Millenium Development Goals (MDG): (1)Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger (2)Achieve universal primary education (3) Promote gender equality and empower women (4)Reduce child mortality (5)Improve maternal health (6)Combat HIV/Malaria and other diseases (7)Ensure environment sustainability, and (8)Develop a global partnership for develpment. IMDM members and MDM alumni should reassess their own personal expertise and sign in to the "Committee of Experts" classified into 8 MDG's. These clusters will be autonomous, will have its own chairs,members and staff; propose projects, advocate issues related to its expertise,study proposals,police tbeir own ranks and represent the IMDM in meetings, conference and events on their respective clusters.An IMDM officer will be assigned to oversee the operations and activities of a cluster.

14th MDM(
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AIM Alumni Website
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IMDM Work Schedule

1.MOA signing

2.SEC Registration

3.Call Core Group and other volunteers for the conference planning (1st International Conference on Servant Leadership in the Philippines)

5.Set meeting with EON to define tasks of IMDM

6.Set meeting with staff of CLSP to define tasks of IMDM June 28 (Saturday) - 1st workshop (names to be submitted to CLSP)

7.August � 2nd workshop

8.September - 3rd workshop

9.October 8 - FINEX activity / presidentiables to be invited

10. November 4 and 5 International Conference detailing work (refer to MOA)

11.Webmaster - to do quality entries in the website

12.Updated database of Filipino MDM graduates to be submitted by Secretary

13.Accounting of Funds � responsibility to be transferred soon to the Treasurer

14.Office at AIM - follow-up every so often

15. New computer from the Alumni office

16.Articles for the Asian Manager � magazine of the Alumni.

17. Submission by September 30 of all tasks assignment regarding MDG9 areas

18. Negotiation with AAAIM to assign an "IMDM Specialist" among its staff.

My dear fellow MDM Graduates, If you still have not heard about our network, I would like to give you a backgrounder to interest you. The graduates of the AIM Master in Development Management program have organized a network to promote the growth of their profession. The result: the INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGERS (IMDM). The total number of AIM MDM graduates has already reached to 629 from 28 countries worldwide such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Fiji Island, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam. Two hundred fifty-three (253) are from the Philippines. The network is envisioned to be a dynamic, structured and enriching exchange of best practices in the development world with the end in view of enriching both the practice and science of development management. The members of the network will strive to sustain the IMDM for the longest possible time. The membership which has a wide range of expertise and core competencies in the field of development will be each other�s inspiration. On April 23, 2003, the IMDM was formally launched at the JV del Rosario Room of the AIM Conference Center Manila. The network has since then established linkage with the AIM Center for Development Management (CDM) with the able support of the Dean of CDM Dr. Federico M. Macaranas and the Program Director of MDM Professor Edel Guiza. On June 23, 2003, a MOA was signed with the Center for Servant Leadership Philippines (CSLP) as partners in managing the 1st International Conference on Servant Leadership by November 2004. As a follow-through of the IMDM/CSLP partnership, a tripartite MOA was signed among FINEX, CSLP, and IMDM last July 10, 2003. IMDM actively participated in the Leadership Forum of FINEX with a theme �In Search of a Leader� and other FINEX related activities during its 35th anniversary celebration. The IMDM helps CSLP develop modules and conduct workshops on the principles and practices of Servant Leadership to all sectors of society. IMDM has done one at the Assumption College last June 4th with 200 participants and in Cebu for the Association of Filipinos Trained in Germany (AUFRAG) for a one day workshop held last August 27, 2003. The IMDM has been actively aligning its strategic focus of activities to cultivate strong ties with various key state actors � the government, civil society and the private enterprise - who all play critical roles in addressing development issues. To further strengthen and enhance IMDM�s visibility, the network has joined as member of the Philippine Movement for Good Governance (PHILMO..GO! GO!). The IMDM network pools development practitioners who can administer and facilitate the diverse requirements of public and private institutions. These are to teach and train using capacity building modules, design and implement program and project development, conduct development consultancy and research. As for IMDM�s Vision and Mission, members envision themselves to be dynamic, professional and enlightened Development Managers and Leaders effecting positive change through the pursuit of good governance and sustainable development. Towards this end, the members commit themselves to a culture of excellence, mastery of self, and synergy of action. Thereby enhancing the members� firm resolve to improve the quality of life of the people. Contact details: IMDM Office: 3rd floor, PDCP Bank Center Herrera corner Leviste Streets Salcedo Village, Makati City Telephone: 753-2006 or 753-1080 Fax: 753-1103 Website: Announcement : We would like to invite you for a meeting and get together to update all members on the various activities of IMDM on Saturday, October 25 at AIM from 9:00 am to 1:00pm (heavy merienda will be served). We are reserving a room at AIM. Will appreciate very much if you can confirm your attendance via email, fax, by calling the office or through text message (0920-8929551- Jenny, Secretary of IMDM) See you all! CORATEC JIMENEZ President CP: 0919-8025779 Email: [email protected] PROF.SOFRONIO C.DULAY Vice President CP: 0919-3625242 Email: [email protected] 1