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Kiddy Politics!
Kiddy Politics!©
Original concept by Ken Hughes
Original draft by Ken Hughes
Current draft Version 1.04

Click on the available options to read any of the stories listed below:
1. The Space Race
2. The Cuban Missile Crisis
3. The Gulf War

The Space Race
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Jimmy: I�m going to launch my rocket high up an� it�s gonna go way up into the sky�

Nikolai: My rocket is way bigger than yours. My rocket�s gonna go up into the sky and it�s gonna go even further than yours!

Jimmy: My daddy said he's gonna buy me the new Explorer rocket and it can go way further than both of these�

Nikolai: Well, my daddy�s coming home with my new Vostok-Rocca rocket that will carry my action-man figure and still go way further than yours�

Jimmy: The Explorer rocket is the best rocket� and I�ll show you when my daddy gets home. My rocket will carry all three of my action-man figures�

Nikolai: My daddy is coming home with my new Vostok rocket in three hours� and I�ll show you�

Jimmy: Well, my daddy�s coming home in two hours and I�ll show you�

Nikolai: My daddy�s coming home in one hour and you�ll see�

Jimmy: My daddy�s coming home in ten minutes�

Nikolai: My daddy will be here in five�

Jimmy: My daddy will be here in two�

Nikolai: �In one minute!

Jimmy: �Half a minute!

Nikolai: Well I�m no more playing wit� you!

Jimmy: Well I�m no more your friend...


The Cuban Missile Crisis
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Nikolai: I�m going to go and play with my toys over there�

Jimmy: Noooooo�! You can�t play over there. Uncle Sam wants to grow another vegetable garden in that spot�

Nikolai: But that�s the best spot�!

Jimmy: I told you already� You cannot play over there!

Nikolai: Well, I want to play over there�!

Jimmy: You can�t! You�ll ruin the ground� and the vegetables won�t grow properly.

Nikolai: I�m going to go and play over there anyway! I don�t care about those stupid vegetables...

(Jimmy blocks the path of Nikolai as he attempts to move to the new spot)

Jimmy: Nooooo�! You can�t! I won�t let you play over there� Uncle Sam will be very cross with you�

(Nikolai blinks and turns around to leave...)

Nikolai: Oh never mind� I don�t want to play in that silly spot anyway. I�ve got a better spot over here � So there...!


The Gulf War
Original draft by Ken Hughes


Sadman: Hey, I heard Suraya and her friends are having a party over at their tree house. Why don�t you all go over and check on what that bunch is getting up to?

Jedi Knight #1: Oh, c�mon Sadman. We�re still playing cops and robbers over here � We�re not gonna waste our time on that bunch o� losers�

Sadman: Wel� If you want to be a part of my Jedi Knight gang � You�d better do as I say�

Jedi Knight #1: Oh� okay� We�re heading over there now!

Sadman: Hey�! Don�t forget to grab some of them nice remote controlled cars they have over there� Ok!

Jedi Knight #1: Sure, no problem�

(The Jedi Knight gang make their way over to Suraya�s tree house)

Jedi Knight #1: Hey! � You bunch of geeks� Think you can have a party without inviting the Jedi Knight gang, hey� C�mon! Pack all of this stuff in our box� NOW! We�ll teach you losers to make an effort to send out invitations next time�

Suraya: No! We won�t do it! We�re not scared of you and your silly Jedi Knight gang!

Jedi Knight #1: What�?

(Boom, bang, kapow, kabang, dash, slap, dish, dash, boom, bang�)

Suraya: Waaaaaaaaah! I�m gonna tell Uncle Hugh an�� sniff-sniff, he�s gonna clobber you, sniff-sniff�

Jedi Knight #1: Huh�? Weain�t afraid o� nobody!

(The Jedi Knights make off with their ill-gotten gains)

Ali: Hey look� there�s Georgy Porgy! Lets go over an� tell him what�s happened.

(The kids run over to Georgy Porgy who�s walking down the street�)

Georgy Porgy: Hey� Why �re you kids all lookin� so down�

Suraya: The Jedi Knight gang came over and took all of our party treats� and our toys�

Georgy Porgy: Oh really�! Where�s Uncle Hugh an��

(Ali spots Uncle Hugh an��)

Ali: �there he is � Over there!

(The kids all run over, surround Uncle Hugh an�� explain their situation to him)

Uncle Hugh an��: Where is the Jedi Knight gang now?

Ali: They all hang out over in that old broken down school building�

(They then make their way over to Sadman�s hideout. The Jedi Knight gang members take off, leaving Sadman alone in a back chamber�)

Sadman: Hey! Why is this remote control car moving so slowly�? Would one of you loons go out and get me some� Cough!

(Georgy Porgy grabs Sadman by the throat as Uncle Hugh an�� steps forward)

Sadman: Hey, hey� take it easy, man� We were just playing�

Uncle Hugh an��: Why are you messing with these kids, huh? If you don�t behave yourself, you�ll have to deal with me�.

(The kids collect all their toys together and make ready to leave)

Sadman: Sniff-sniff! This is not over I tell you� sniff-sniff. I�m gonna get you all back for this�

Uncle Hugh an��: Gees! What�s this world coming to�? Can't you kids play nice and end all of this friction � smooth over your differences? Come along Suraya� Let me rub some oil on your wounds...


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