Gloria Ushigua

Gloria has made an urgent plea for assistance! As president of the official Zapara governing body, she is working against the clock to legally document their terriitory and their official leadership in order to keep people who illegitimately claim to be Zaparas from selling their land to those who would drill for oil, exploit medicinal plants and other natural resources at the expense of the Zapara and the environment. She says that these people have sought the assitance of government and non-profit agencies who don't know better and/or who will gain from the exploitation. Protection requires legal assistance, paperwork fees and travel, so they desperately need donations.

Gloria Ushigua is a leader of the Zapara people of Ecuador who is working to safeguard her territory and environment, revitalize her language and foment medicinal herb production, among her many projects. Gloria has been threatened and attacked in attempts to stop her from protecting her land, because others wish to sell Zapara territory to the oil companies that are wreaking environmental havoc in the Amazon jungle. She recently visited the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at the United Nation to make a case and seek support, meeting with the president of the forum, talking with the Ambassador from Ecuador, presenting to funders.
Gloria has just been elected president of the Zapara Nationality of Ecuador at the June 2008 assembly. For pictures of the assembly,
click here.

To read an interview with Gloria click here.

To read a letter of support (in Spanish) from CONAIE, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, click here.

To read a letter (in Spanish) from NGO Land is Life urging CODENPE, the governmental organization Council of Nationalities and Peoples of Ecuador, to legalize recognition of NAZAE, click here.

For the English translation of Land is Life's letter click here.

For photos of Gloria, taken on her May trip to the Permanent Forum, click here.

Can you help?

To support Gloria's work to safeguard Zapara territory, culture and self-determination, please donate securely using Paypal.

Email: [email protected]

Location: Zapara territory/Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador (Amazon Jungle)

Languages: Kichwa, Spanish, Zapara

For information in English, please contact [email protected]

Favorite Links:
Abya Yala Nexus
Land is Life
Video -The Prophecy of Piatsaw
Map of Puyo, Pastaza, Ecuador

News: New Jersey soccer moms (and their kids) donated beautiful,like-new clothes for Zapara kids! Thanks to Kim, Lisa, Denise, Cindy and Ronit for their kindness.The clothes made these families very happy!

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