Jonathan Souza's Wide World Of Web

Yep, this is it, my web page (yay!). Yes, it's small and bare now. But, in the near future (assuming that I can do it without using up the 15 megs of space on the web page), I'll put more stuff on here.

We've gotten new stuff, like the The Rants, check it out and enjoy.

There will be more, be assured!

You should be able to find plenty of Links to web pages that I like and enjoy.

You want to know more about me? Come to my Bio Page and find out more about me.  Newly revised with new pictures and information on my life!

Take a look at something I'm up to! The UT Mech is the on-going development project for Unreal Tournament. Check it out!

I have to let things off my chest, so take a look at my Rants to see what I think about things. Be warned, I try to tell it like it is, as I see it.


The PC Project has begun!  The cause?  Getting me a new computer so I can update this web site MUCH more quickly!


Cinema Robotica has a fourth chapter up and running, taking the sugary-sweet Parallel Universe Dual out for a spin.  Take a look and holler away!

What else? You want to talk to me? Check out the Contact Me to talk and see about talking to me more.

More as things get in, keep an eye out for what I'm doing.

Here, view and sign my guestbook.

This page was created on 9/02/01.

Created by Jonathan Souza on Hot Dog Professional 6 and Microsoft Front Page 2000.

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