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Sincere thanks to Ms. Almendare for permission to display a few photos from her site.  I know my visitors will appreciate an opportunity to meet her.   These are copyrighted photos and must not be copied or posted without Ms. Almendare's permission.
Angelie "wiped me out" when I chanced across her site and caught this picture.    Her modeling credits seem to scroll forever, to include countless magazine layouts, covers, and acting roles in about eight Hollywood films.
"A Touch of Mystery" --

Ms. Almendare lives in the Los Angeles area, where she is a celebrity.  Her site shows photos of her with Stephen Segal and a number of other famous stars.  She has appeared in Playboy and counts Hugh Hefner among her friends.  However, I have been unable to find a bio. Visit her site (banner below) to see if you can unravel some of her mystery!
"All of Her" --

Other photos (above) show partial views of this beautiful and wonderful woman.  As the load time on this page mounts, I have to stop somewhere.  This photo is effective to show just how beautiful this woman is!   It's a real privilege to be allowed to use a few of her photos.  Be sure to visit her site.
All photos copyright by Ms. Almendare.  Not to be copied or posted without express permission of Ms. Almendare.
"Thank you, Angelie.  It's been a pleasure."    --PC
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